Will The Lives of Others Get an Oscar for Best Foreign Film?
A film from Germany has a one-in-five chance of winning an Oscar next week: it’s called The Lives of Others. The film was cleverly written, well directed, and well acted. Why do I hope it does not get the valuable little statuette? It is the story about a dogmatic officer of the East German “Stasi,” […]
U.S. Imperialism and Arroyo Regime in the Philippines on Trial at the Permanent People’s Tribunal, the Hague
An interview with Luis Jalandoni, chairperson of the National Democratic Front-Philippines Negotiating Panel, follows E. San Juan, Jr.’s analysis. The February visit of the United Nations Special Rapporteur on Indigenous Peoples, Prof. Rodolfo Stavenhagen, reconfirmed the barbarism of President Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo’s de facto martial-law regime in the Philippines. Stavenhagen bewailed the worsening pattern of […]
The Decline of Public Higher Education
Over the last quarter century, Americans got used to the idea of their children going on to colleges and universities. In the early 1970s, about 8.5 million Americans attended such institutions; by 2004 the number had doubled. The US population across this time rose by less than 50%. This spectacular growth in our student population […]
Is the New UN Global Warming Report Too Conservative?
There is now a strong consensus among climate scientists that human activities are the primary forces responsible for the observed warming of the earth’s atmosphere. The recently released fourth assessment report, Climate Change 2007: The Physical Science Basis, of the United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) notes that warming is “unequivocal” and human […]
Uprising against the “War on Terror”: The Danger of US Foreign Policy to International Security
For those among us who hoped that 2007 would be a more orderly year in world politics, the current trends have been frustrating. Over the past few weeks, the Bush administration has pursued the escalation of two major international crises. The first major crisis is taking place in Somalia, where the Ethiopian Army and its […]
Now (That the Dems Have Taken Back Congress) What?
The November ’06 election presents socialists and progressives in the US with a (thankfully) new situation. The next couple of years offer many opportunities, questions, and dilemmas . If we squarely face the many complications inherent in the current balance of class forces in America, maybe we can help to keep things moving away from […]
Picturing Reality
A Sense of History? “Kahin building, kahin trame, kahin motor, kahin mil; sab milta hai yahan par bas milta nahin dil,”1 croons the late Johnny Walker to Sahir Ludhayanvi‘s immortal lyrics (CID, 1956) while ruing the difficulties one has to face in finding true love in a world of industry, automation, and speed. In […]
Inconvenient Truths
We humans are basically big furless animals who make tremendous demands on energy and materials for staying warm in cold places and cool in hot places. It wouldn’t hurt any of us to recognize this biological fact. Right now I’m burning big chunks of stove wood, to keep warm at zero F. We possess, each […]
Ammunition against the Empire
Need a crash course on the present state of the world? Want to untangle the terminology, separate the victims from the victimizers, understand the dynamics of unilateralism, and deduce what can be done about it all? I’d like to introduce you to a small literary arsenal. A good place to begin is the book […]
Uses of History: Rang De Basanti and Lage Raho Munnabhai
The present being a product of the past, our attempt to understand history is a part of our endeavor to understand ourselves and shape our world today. However, it is also true that often our understanding of the present determines the way we look at history. So, when it is popular imagination that is involved […]
Soul-Shakers, Gone but Not Forgotten
The period 2003-2006 saw the passing of some of the truly remarkable artists in pop music. It’s Black History Month, so it’s only fitting to remember the mighty Black pioneers and creators of blues/soul/R&B who’ve left us physically, but never spiritually or creatively: Ray Charles, Hank Ballard, Lou Rawls, Wilson Pickett, Little Milton, Clarence “Gatemouth” […]
Remembering Where Flowers Come from on Valentine’s Day
Every year on Valentine’s Day, millions of Americans head to their local florist shop or supermarket to buy flowers for a friend, spouse, or family member. Some place their orders through NPR, which rewards contributors to public radio with a dozen roses sent to the person of their choice. Especially if there’s a romantic relationship […]
Is the Big Ship America Sinking?Contradictions and Openings
There’s something happeningWhat it is ain’t exactly clearBuffalo Springfield, 1966 Are we in the midst of a momentous turn in world politics? Donald Rumsfeld has been shuffled out of the Pentagon. Daniel Ortega, Washington’s nemesis from the Sandinista Revolution of the late 1970s, is back as President of Nicaragua. Hugo Chavez has been triumphantly re-elected, […]
The South Also Exists [El Sur también existe]
Con su ritual de acero sus grandes chimeneas sus sabios clandestinos su canto de sirena sus cielos de neón sus ventas navideñas su culto de Dios Padre y de las charreteras con sus llaves del reino el Norte es el que ordena pero aquí abajo, abajo el hambre disponible recurre al fruto amargo de lo […]
Rock Democracies, Paper Freedoms, Scissors Securities [Democracias de piedra, libertades de papel, seguridades de tijera]
Hace diez años, en contradicción con la ola posmodernista, desarrollamos en Crítica de la pasión pura la idea de la moral como una forma de consciencia colectiva. De la misma forma que un cardumen o un enjambre actúa y se desarrolla como un solo cuerpo, de la misma forma que James Lovelock entendía Gaia — […]
Operation Ajax
OPERATION AJAX (a game of skill and chance) FEBRUARY 14 THROUGH MARCH 10 Wednesdays through Saturdays 8:15 PMWHERE EAGLES DARE 347 WEST 36TH STREET (between 8th and 9th avenues) 1, 2, 3, A, C, E to 34th Street 13TH FLOOR BLACKBIRD THEATER $18 RESERVATIONS: (917) 916-1307 JAY SMITH as CIA Senior Officer KERMIT “Kim” Roosevelt […]
Abolish It!
We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights, that among these are life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. That to secure these rights, governments are instituted among men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed. […]
Consuming Karl
Now that I have mastered the art of writing for social change, I have decided to become a famous literary agent! Of course, before I open my own agency, I’ll need to practice editing. Luckily, the right manuscript recently came to my attention, and I have just finished crafting this cutting-edge feedback. Dear Karl Marx […]
Dissent Is Not a Crime
Puerto Rican activists Carlos Alberto Torres and Oscar López-Rivera were convicted of seditious conspiracy in the 1980s and have been incarcerated ever since. Dissent Is Not a Crime, a new video directed by Greg Boozell and released this year, discusses the political nature of their sentences and why their release is long overdue. In addition […]
General Strike in Kashmir
The Jammu Kashmir Liberation Front called a bandh, i.e., a general strike. The strike began today, 6 February 2007. The JKLF chairman Mohammed Yasin Malik said at a press conference in Srinagar: “Peace process and killing of innocent Kashmiris cannot go together, and the recent discoveries about the killings of innocent Kashmiris by Indian forces, […]