Archive | Commentary

  • Exit Poll Revelations

    Exit polls conducted at last week’s elections reveal the contradictions and limits of the Democrats’ victories.  As reported in the New York Times (November 9, 2006, page P7), the four fifths of US voters who are white preferred Republicans (52 to 48 percent), while Blacks, Hispanics, and Asians chose Democrats (by 89 to 11, 70 […]

  • Ted Haggard and the Church of the Down-Low

    Come ye, O Light in the Loafer.  Come ye, O Friend of Dorothy.  Ye conservative homosexuals who looked to the Democrats and were rebuked by their lurid liberal election gains.  Ye right-thinking rump-rangers who looked to the Republicans, only to be scorned as left-leaning “queers.”  Ye passing-for-straight poofs who turned in despair to the preacher […]

  • Lessons from South of the Border: Listening to the CJM

    South of the Border The residents of the colonias of Matamoros, Mexico are refugees of the modern free trade wars.  Located near the maquiladora factories south of the US-Mexico border in the lower Rio Grande Valley, the impoverished colonias provide sharp contrast to the affluent suburbs and bustling shopping malls just across the river in […]

  • Iran’s Quiet Revolution

      The bus rumbled along a highway in southwest Iran, passing a series of anti-aircraft batteries and rickety guard towers before pulling in through a checkpoint to the Bushehr nuclear plant compound.  Having anticipated significant difficulties finding, much less nearing, the reactor, I stared in stunned silence at its dome.  So much for state secrets.  […]

  • Freedom from Religion: An Interview with Alexander Saxton

    RELIGION AND THE HUMAN PROSPECT by Alexander SaxtonBUY THIS BOOK I first met Alexander Saxton in 1997 at a conference on the “problem of whiteness,” held at the University of California, Berkeley, at which we were both speakers.  Although we had never met, I considered him a mentor, particular his book, The Rise and Fall […]

  • Post-American Geopolitics

    I. Three Metropoles, Four Peripheries Many of us on the Left have pondered what would replace the Cold War division of the planet into the First, Second, and Third World.  Though the three worlds thesis was arbitrary at best — the social divisions within nation-states are often more significant than the distinctions between nation-states — […]

  • The Elect Shun Mourning & Celebrate

    The man in the cardboard box wakes up in America on the morning after the election after a night of clattering in the fuzz of high frequency bands the static on the screen attracts the dust of Emperors and Czars and postmen. He tastes the residue on his tongue babies cry, the smoke of the […]

  • Labor Educator as Labor Radical

    Harry Kelber, My 70 Years in the Labor Movement.  379pp, $20 pbk.  Labor Educator Press, 25 Washington St., Suite 302, Brooklyn NY 11201. This is a revised edition of an underappreciated 1996 self-published classic by one of the most remarkable figures in the last half-century of American labor. What makes Harry Kelber still tick, at […]

  • Pick a Number

    To the congressional winners of Campaign 2006: as you savor your victory and prepare to take office in January, consider this bit of free advice on how to make those tough decisions you’ll soon face on the war: pick a number. It’s simple.  Pick a number.  Any number.  It doesn’t much matter which number, as […]

  • Election Eve Daze — Hanging in There Together

    What a treacherous weekend! Campaigning in Greeley, Colorado on Saturday, the WAR PRESIDENT said (to tumultuous applause), “My decision to remove Saddam Hussein was the right decision, and the world is better off for it.”  But perhaps not for the 655,000 Iraqis killed on the WAR PRESIDENT’s watch since he lied his way into this […]

  • A Derridean Mysticism:A Review of Sufism and Deconstruction

    Orhan Pamuk in The Black Book jokingly referred to Ibn ‘Arabi as “the existentialist of all time.”  In his Sufism and Deconstruction: A Comparative Study of Derrida and Ibn ‘Arabi, Ian Almond, a teacher of English literature at Bosphorus University, is not interested in giving the medieval Sufi mystic a catchy label.  Rather, his aim […]

  • Defending Muslims in Albany, NY

    The government offensive against Muslims in America met fresh opposition yesterday in Albany, New York when dozens of leaders of the anti-war movement and other progressive causes joined with Muslims to protest the recent guilty verdicts in the trial of Imam Yassin Aref and Mohammed Musharraf Hossain. Aref and Hossain were accused and convicted of […]

  • A Thing with Transcendental Qualities: Money as a Social Relationship in Capitalism

    An Introduction to Marx’ Notion of Money What is money?  This question hardly plays a role in everyday commerce.  What matters is that there is enough.  Bourgeois economic theories reduce money to its economic function.  But the ubiquity of money is fateful and presupposes certain conditions.  Hence, the critique of financial markets is incomplete when […]

  • Survival Politics in Decaying Detroit

    Most people know that Detroit, the once-vibrant automotive capital, has been in an economic tailspin for decades.  Legions of “post-industrial” analyses have properly assigned responsibility for it to profit-motivated factors in capitalist decision-making since the late 1950s.  The human cost of the tailspin is nearly beyond comprehension for those who are not directly affected by […]

  • López Obrador: We Will Continue to Speak Out Until the Powers That Be in Oaxaca Are Ousted [Vamos a seguir convocando hasta que desaparezcan los poderes en Oaxaca, asegura López Obrador]

    Discurso de Andrés Manuel López Obrador en el mítin de apoyo al pueblo de Oaxaca, realizado en el Hemiciclo a Juárez de esta ciudad México, Distrito Federal Martes, 31 de octubre de 2006 Amigas y amigos: Nos hemos reunido el día de hoy para expresar nuestro apoyo al pueblo de Oaxaca, que ha sido agredido […]

  • Hell Is Rising in Oaxaca: An Interview with an Oaxacan Rebel

    When I lived in Washington state, some of my closest friends were from the Mexican state of Oaxaca.  I have kept in touch with a few of them, and they have kept me in touch with the rebellion unfolding in the streets of Oaxaca over the past few months.  After the escalation of the situation […]

  • Dubya Writes to God

    Dear God, This is your beloved son, Dubya.  I decided to write to you because you have stopped talking to me (even though I still talk to you daily).  I wouldn’t be so presumptuous as to assume you are unaware of my feelings, but let me say it anyway: I have been feeling miserable, my […]

  • A New World of Work

      Cornell Global Labor Institute Honors Oscar Olivera On October 5, 2006, the Cornell Global Labor Institute held a reception to celebrate its second anniversary.  The guest of honor was Oscar Olivera, the Executive Secretary of the Federation of Factory Workers from Cochabamba , Bolivia.  The Federation was key in the formation of the Coordinator […]

  • Homeless in America

      My first full realization of homelessness hit as I was waking up, shivering, one cold, damp, and foggy November morning in 1991.  The pain in my lower back was excruciating, not to mention the numbness in my legs and feet.  I was attempting to raise myself to a seated position in response to pleadings […]

  • U.S. Service Academy Graduates Unite against Illegal Iraq War

    The overwhelming response by alumni of United States service academies to the anti-war efforts of West Point Graduates Against the War ( has resulted in a combined arms organization of former and current land, sea, and air officers united against the war in Iraq.  The new organization, Service Academy Graduates Against the War (, was […]