700 Immigrant Rights Activists Form National Alliance, Set Protests for Labor Day Weekend and September 30
CHICAGO — Hundreds of immigrant activists and supporters met in Chicago August 11-13 in a national strategy convention of the legalization-for-all wing of the movement. The event was the largest of at least three national gatherings of immigration activists held over the summer, and the one that was directly based on the “Calendar Coalitions,” […]
Columbus, Ohio, 12 August 2006
Photos by Wentong Lin Wentong Lin lives in Columbus, Ohio.
Boycott Japan
Today’s Liberation Day, one of the few holidays celebrated in both North and South Koreas, so it’s a good day to start boycotting Japan. Outgoing Japanese Prime Minister Junichiro Koizumi paid his respects at Tokyo’s controversial Yasukuni Shrine for war dead on Tuesday, the anniversary of his country’s World War Two surrender, a parting shot […]
The Solution
Die Lösung Nach dem Aufstand des 17. Juni Ließ der Sekretär des Schriftstellerverbands In der Stalinallee Flugblätter verteilen Auf denen zu lesen war, daß das Volk Das Vertrauen der Regierung verscherzt habe Und es nur durch verdoppelte Arbeit Zurückerobern könne. Wäre es da Nicht doch einfacher, die Regierung Löste das Volk auf und Wählte ein […]
12 August 2006, Washington, DC Lebanon, Iraq, Palestine, Occupation Is a Crime
Click on the image for a larger view. An MRZine reader contributed the photographs.
British Muslims: Open Letter to Prime Minister Tony Blair
Prime Minister, As British Muslims we urge you to do more to fight against all those who target civilians with violence, whenever and wherever that happens. It is our view that current British government policy risks putting civilians at increased risk both in the UK and abroad. To combat terror the government has focused extensively […]
Vietnam Needs Your Help TODAYA Letter from Madame Binh!
Vietnam needs your help in the final stage of the process of normalization of relations between our two countries! Legislation granting Vietnam permanent normal trade relations (PNTR) will be voted on very soon in the Congress. PNTR is the normal state of trade relations between the US and the vast majority of the world’s countries. […]
Will the American-Israeli Aggression against Lebanon Stop after the Unanimous Adoption by the Security Council of Resolution 1701 Yesterday?
One month and a day after the start of the American-Israeli aggression against Lebanon, after the failure of that aggression and its inability to achieve its aims, after America’s repeated use of stalling tactics, delaying expected sessions of the Security Council, and after numerous American drafts that were proposed and then retouched by France, it […]
If the Palestinian Authority Disappears. . . .
Here is another contradiction for Israel to deal with: the collapse of the Palestinian Authority. The Wall Street Journal reports: Israel’s war with Hezbollah has overshadowed a looming crisis in the West Bank and the Gaza Strip, where conditions have deteriorated to the point that some in the Palestinian government are exploring the prospect […]
Who’s The Boss? Holding Day Labor Employers Accountable in Chicago
In recent months, Chicago has played host to two the nation’s largest immigrant rights marches. In each event, hundreds of thousands of immigrants and their supporters took to the streets to demand justice. Elected officials flocked to the podium at these events, celebrating the diversity of the community and declaring the need to provide and […]
The Internationale in Nepal
The video is of the first five minutes of a two hour “cultural program” put on by the Cultural Section of the Communist Party of Nepal (Maoist) — whose flag is repeatedly shown. It took place at Chunwang in the liberated base area of Rukum/Rolpa in the fall of 2005, and for an audience that […]
Proportionality, or “The Answer to the Ultimate Question of Life, the Universe, and Everything”
In the India Resource Center’s latest press release (“Kerala Throws Out Coca-Cola and Pepsi: Seven Other States Impose Ban, Others Expected to Follow,” 9 August 2006), reporting that the southern state of Kerala in India has just banned Coca Cola on account of the reckless way in which Coca Cola sells products contaminated with […]
Reaping the Economic Whirlwind
Consider these basic facts about the US economy today. First, real hourly wages fell, on average, between the first quarter of 2005 and the first quarter of 2006. At the same time, the productivity of those workers rose. No advanced degree is required to grasp what’s happening here: workers who produced more output this year […]
I Come and Stand at Every Door
I come and stand at every door But no one hears my silent tread I knock and yet remain unseen For I am dead, for I am dead. I’m only seven although I died In Hiroshima long ago I’m seven now as I was then When children die they do not grow. My hair was […]
Save the Arabs! Exterminate the Arabs!
“Whoever approaches Zionism from a moral aspect is not a Zionist,” Israel’s first prime minister once lectured colleagues queasy about the Jewish state’s ethnic cleansing of Palestinians. Today, Israel’s leaders require no such admonitions about eschewing moral concerns. But they do recognize a public-relations problem when they see one. The attack on Lebanon is just […]
Beyond Same-Sex Marriage: A New Strategic Vision for All Our Families & Relationships
We, the undersigned — lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) and allied activists, scholars, educators, writers, artists, lawyers, journalists, and community organizers — seek to offer friends and colleagues everywhere a new vision for securing governmental and private institutional recognition of diverse kinds of partnerships, households, kinship relationships and families. In so doing, we hope […]
Open Letter to the LGBTIQ Community and WorldPride Participants
As LGBTIQ Muslims and allies, the Al-Fatiha Foundation is torn, but united in our boycott of WorldPride in Jerusalem. As a religious organization, Al-Fatiha embraces the great symbolism that WorldPride in Jerusalem represents: the bringing together of LGBTIQ people in a city regarded as holy by Islam, Judaism and Christianity. Yet, this WorldPride will not […]
ASWAT and the World Pride Parade 2006 in Jerusalem
Parade to the WallWorld Pride under Occupation 2006 In Israel, religious groups are expressing opposition to the World Pride to be held in Jerusalem in August 2006. At the same time, international radical left wing groups are calling to boycott this parade as a general call of divestment from Israel on behalf of its crimes […]
Lebanon: An Open Country for Civil Resistance
Download Arabic Version (.pdf, 57kb). On August 12, at 7 am, Lebanese from throughout the country and international supporters who have come to Lebanon to express solidarity will gather in Martyr’s Square in Beirut to form a civilian convoy to the south of Lebanon. Hundreds of Lebanese and international civilians will express their solidarity […]
Demonstration against the War in Lebanon, Tel Aviv, 5 August 2006
Thousands of Jewish and Palestinian citizens of Israel, peace organizations, and political parties took to the streets of Tel Aviv on 5 August to protest against Israel’s invasion of Lebanon. The demonstration was organized by a coalition of peace organizations, including Gush Shalom, Yesh Gvul, Coalition of Women for Peace, Ta’ayush, ICAHD, AIC, Hadash, Balad, […]