Archive | Commentary

  • Toward a Surge for “Out Now”

    THE ANTI-SURGE GETS ROLLING It’s not about Bush’s surge anymore.  It’s the Antiwar Surge that’s capturing the headlines and threatening to upset all the warmakers’ calculations. On January 27, “a raucous and colorful multitude” (Washington Post) brought their “Out Now!” message to the streets of Washington.  With participants ranging from active duty GIs to members […]

  • Across Many Unions, Bloated Salaries Limit Organizing Budgets, Leave Members Cynical

    In today’s labor movement it’s hard to find a leader who doesn’t stress the need for organizing new members.  Judging by the size of their paychecks, however, some of labor’s top brass aren’t ready to put their money where their mouth is. According to data filed under the Labor Management Reporting and Disclosure Act (LMRDA), […]

  • It’s Not My Fault

    Doug Minkler is a San Francisco Bay Area artist specializing in fundraising, outreach, and educational posters. Minkler has collaborated with ILWU, Rainforest Action Network, SF Mime Troupe, ACLU, the National Lawyers Guild, CISPES, United Auto Workers, Africa Information Network, ADAPT, Cop Watch, Street Sheet, and Veterans for Peace among others. He can be contacted at […]

  • Which Side Are You On?

    OAKLAND, CA — Of all the supporters of corporate immigration reform, Homeland Secretary Michael Chertoff is the most honest.  The day of the notorious raids at the Swift and Co. meatpacking plants, he told the media they’d show Congress the need for “stronger border security, effective interior enforcement and a temporary-worker program.”  Bush wants, he […]

  • Change the System — Not the Climate!

      Al Gore’s film An Inconvenient Truth has helped dramatize the enormity of the global environmental crisis.  The scale of the threat posed by industrially induced global warming, and the short time in which to take meaningful action to prevent catastrophic consequences, makes the question of how to combat global warming arguably the most urgent […]

  • Why Aren’t You in a Hurry, Comrade?

    “What’s the rationale for allowing Chavez to govern by decree?”  Why such a “precipitous approach”?  As the apparent resident apologist (or, let’s just say, on-site interpreter) for the Bolivarian Revolution, I get questions like this regularly from friends who don’t know much about Venezuela but do know what they don’t like (from reading the always […]

  • Jacques Chirac Minimizes the Threat of an Iranian Nuclear Bomb [Jacques Chirac minimise la menace d’une bombe nucléaire iranienne]

    Jacques Chirac a fait, lundi 29 janvier, au sujet du programme nucléaire de l’Iran et de ses conséquences possibles au Moyen-Orient, une série de déclarations tranchant avec le discours habituel de la diplomatie française sur ce dossier.  Il parlait à des journalistes du Nouvel Observateur, du New York Times et du International Herald Tribune. Le […]

  • African LGBTI Human Rights Defenders Warn Public against Participation in Campaigns Concerning LGBTI Issues in Africa Led by Peter Tatchell and Outrage!

    PUBLIC STATEMENT OF WARNING In order to prevent Peter Tatchell and Outrage! from causing further damage through their unfounded campaigns and press releases, we issue this public statement of warning. As Human Rights Defenders from across Africa, we strongly discourage the public from taking part in any LGBTI campaigns or calls to action concerning Africa […]

  • Smithfield Meatpackers Stay Off Work to Demand Martin Luther King Holiday

    Hundreds of meatpackers from the Smithfield Foods hog processing plant in Tar Heel, North Carolina honored Martin Luther King Jr. Day at a January 15 rally in nearby Fayetteville, where they lambasted the company for its refusal to give workers the holiday off. Photo by Justice at Smithfield Smithfield’s 5,000 Tar Heel workers, the majority […]

  • Visualizing the Iraq Death Toll

    Veterans, community groups, and campus activists organized an action of solidarity to make the University of Oregon the second school in the nation to visually represent the Iraq death toll.  Two hundred volunteers placed 112,000 white flags around school property, with each flag representing 6 Iraqi lives destroyed during the US occupation.  3,000 red flags […]

  • Once Again to Washington, DC

    Jane Fonda told the crowd at the January 27, 2007 demonstration in Washington DC that it had been 34 years since she had appeared at an anti-war demonstration, due to the lies told about her by the right wing. It has been almost 38 years since my first DC demonstration, the great outpouring of November […]

  • Immigrant Workers Buck Long Slide in Meatpacking: Raids Follow as Backlash

    Heavily-armed federal agents stormed six Swift meatpacking plants last month and rounded up nearly 1,300 immigrant workers in one of the largest workplace raids in U.S. history.  The raids represented the climax of a year in which Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) ratcheted up its workplace operations. ICE claims that it’s tripled its workplace raids […]

  • Academia and Social Change

      The American Historical Association (AHA) is the most prominent professional organization for American historians.  Its annual meeting, held recently in Atlanta, featured abstruse panels and presentations with titles such as “Disciplined Bodies and the Production of Space, Place, and Race: Atlanta’s Latino Day Laborers at the Cusp of the Twenty-First Century” and “The Desire […]

  • Two, Three, Many Peace-ins!

    Absent a national antiwar political formation on the horizon, local politics can point to the wave of the future.  Take Sacramento.  A peace-in is underway at the office of Doris Matsui in the Robert T. Matsui Federal Courthouse, named after her late husband who represented California’s 5th congressional district for over two decades.  She was […]

  • Bears Hate A-Bombs

    The Department of Energy Plans to Build 125 New Nuclear Weapons Every Year They Call It “Complex 2030” — We Call It Dangerous Nuclear Proliferation Doug Minkler is a San Francisco Bay Area artist specializing in fundraising, outreach, and educational posters. Minkler has collaborated with ILWU, Rainforest Action Network, SF Mime Troupe, ACLU, the National […]

  • Half-hearted Condolences

      Hard to tell which is more upsetting: Hrant Dink’s “unsurprisingly shocking” murder, or the hypocrisies uttered by government officials in his wake. Once words of condolences and condemnation are quickly dispensed with — in a monotone reminiscent of a computerized voice telling a caller that “the number you have dialed is not in service” […]

  • Waste, Fraud, and Abuse: Another Day at the Pentagon

    When I was a teenager apprenticing at being a trade unionist and a left winger both, two of my favorite books were Labor’s Untold Story and History of the Great American Fortunes.  I recommend them to any readers desiring a review of our own history as working people here in the United States.  Both are […]

  • Gordon v the Mahdi: From Fighting Slavery to Fighting Fanaticism

    This year is the 130th anniversary of Britain’s Anti-Slavery Convention of 1877.  In the second of two articles,1 James Heartfield discovers that “Anti-Slavery” turned out to be an excuse for colonisation in the struggle between Gordon of Khartoum and the Mahdi. Successful as the Anti-Slavery ethos of British policy was in rendering British domination as […]

  • Unions Mobilize Against WarWill Join Washington Rally

      President Bush’s troop escalation, the anti-war sentiment of the new Democratic Congress, and the rising cost of the war are motivating thousands of union members to board buses bound for an anti-war protest Jan. 27 in Washington, D.C. A CALL TO ARMS AGAINST WAR: Edward Hysyk, a top District Council 37 official, said unions […]

  • “There’s a Need to Be Hopeful”: The Radical Beats of Radio 4

    It’s a rare thing to find a group of musicians who are willing to stick to their guns like Radio 4 has.  Independently minded, with an eclectic sound and lyrics that eloquently call for radical social change, they have spent the better part of a decade carving out a niche for themselves. Not an easy […]