Archive | Commentary

  • An Imperialist Springtime? Libya, Syria, and Beyond

      Samir Amin: You see, the US establishment — and behind the US establishment its allies, the Europeans and others, Turkey as a member of NATO — derived their lesson from their having been surprised in Tunisia and Egypt: prevent similar movements elsewhere in the Arab countries, preempt them by taking the initiative of, initiating, […]

  • General Strikes! Looking Backward, Looking Forward

    It began on July 14, 1934.  That day the San Francisco Labor Council pushed by radicalized rank-and-file workers declared a General Strike, and this led to four days of intense class struggle, the likes of which has rarely if ever been seen in this country.  The aim of the General Strike was to support the […]

  • Lockdown on Zochrot in Tel Aviv, on the Eve of Israel’s Independence Day

    On the eve of Independence Day, police imposed lockdown on the office of Zochrot (Hebrew for “remembering”), an Israeli activist organization dedicated to raising public awareness of the Nakba, the catastrophe of displacement and dispossession inflicted on Palestinians. Just as Zochrot activists tried to leave their office last night, around 10:30 PM, for a symbolic […]

  • “It’s Time to Invent”: Economist Prabhat Patnaik on the Global Crisis

    After an engaging half-hour interview with India’s pre-eminent Marxist economist during a conference at New York University, I told a friend about my one-on-one time with Prabhat Patnaik. “There are Marxists in India?” came the bemused response.  “I thought India was the heart of the new capitalism.” Indeed, we hear about India mostly as a […]

  • Second Coming Shocker! Karl Marx Returns to Earth Instead of Jesus!

    NEW YORK, NY — Millennial Christians and godless communists alike were stunned when nineteenth-century economist and revolutionary Karl Marx suddenly returned from the dead about two hours ago to land, in bodily form, at the corner of Nassau and Wall Streets. His appearance interrupted Occupy Wall Street protesters as they negotiated the preparations for an […]

  • Huge Anti-Government March in Bahrain

    Tens of thousands of people from across Bahrain are estimated to have taken part in an anti-government demonstration on Budaiya Highway, located to the west of the capital, Manama.  The march, organized by the Bahraini opposition bloc, was peaceful, with crowds chanting loudly many slogans like “Down, Down, Government,” “No to Dictatorship, Yes to Democracy,” […]

  • An Easy Fix for Rising Gas Prices

    To the Editor of the New York Times, Your editorial “Speculators and the Gas Pump” urging tighter regulation of the oil market is a fool’s errand in these days of legislative gridlock.  But contrary to your assertion, there is an “easy fix” available to President Obama, although not the Republican prescription of “more drilling or […]

  • Con Los Ensenadenses

    I write from a dark place where oblivion follows me like my flickering shadow in the Ensenada sun along the boardwalks en el malecón con los vendedores I think of you no more (ya no pienso en ti) un clavo saca otro clavo la gente is primera somos benditos por ser revolucionarios y ya está […]

  • Reducción de recursos y degradación ambiental: una propuesta modesta

      Hay un número importante de personas en los países adinerados que cree que los grandes problemas de la reducción de los recurso con que cuenta el planeta y la contaminación ambiental global, son causados principalmente por la enorme cantidad de habitantes que tiene el mundo: actualmente más de 7 mil millones, y que esta […]

  • Llaguno Bridge: Keys to a Massacre

      This feature-length documentary is a comprehensive audio-visual investigation into the events surrounding the 2002 coup d’état in Venezuela. Direction and Script: Ángel Palacios.  General Production: Panafilms.  Executive Production: ANMCLA.  Production: G. Luis Serrano.  Computer Graphics: Douglas Aponte.  Audio and Video Post-Production: Andrés Petit, Carlos Yegres, Miguel Arias, Edgar Torres.  Cameras: José L. Saldivia, Gabriela […]

  • What Capitalism Delivers

    Most Presidents preside over one or more capitalist downturns (recessions, depressions, crises, etc.).  Every President since at least FDR generated a “program” to respond to the downturn — as demanded by citizens and businesses.  FDR and every later President promised that his program would “not only extricate the US from the present economic troubles but […]

  • Migrant Workers in Post-Gaddafi Libya

    In Libya after Muammar Gaddafi, the situation of migrants from sub-Saharan Africa is worsening. Most of them had come to this rich African country looking for jobs. Now, thousands of them are arrested and taken to detention centers, where they are targeted for abuse by their captors, most of whom are illegal armed groups.

  • Attacks on Teachers, Airline Workers, and Public Pensions in Canada Highlight Need for a Fighting Labor Movement

    A trend is taking hold across Canada of working class resistance to the capitalist crisis and attacks by governments and corporations on workers’ rights and the social wage.  Library workers in the city of Toronto and transit and university workers in Halifax recently went on strike, as did daycare workers in Quebec.  Workers at Air […]

  • Tracing the Roots of Intersectionality

    Intersectionality as a key concept in women’s studies has up until the present proven rather durable.  Feminist journals are peppered with it and feminists use it pretty much without having to explain what they mean, the term’s affinity with feminism taken for granted and its import unquestioned.  Attend any women’s studies meeting, and sooner or […]

  • How to Achieve Peace in Syria

      Press Conference, Moscow, 10 April 2012 Sergey Lavrov is Russia’s Foreign Minister and Walid al-Moallem is Syria’s Foreign Minister.  Pavel Andreev is Executive Director of RIA Novosti and of the Valdai Club Foundation.  James Longman is a BBC producer.  Nathalie Novikova and Peter Oliver are RT correspondents.  Reema is a Syrian tweep.  Wael Yousef […]

  • Venezuelan Government Expresses Its Full Support for the Syrian People: Communiqué Following the Venezuelan Leader’s Conversation with His Counterpart Bashar al-Assad

    The president of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, Comandante Hugo Chávez, communicated this Good Friday, 6 April 2012, with the president of the Syrian Arab Republic, Bashar al-Assad, with whom he had a telephone conversation in the afternoon. The two presidents, who are united by long-standing personal brotherhood, said they continued to closely follow the […]

  • This Is How We Do It: A Festival of Dialogues About Another World Under Construction

      WHEN: Friday, April 20 – Sunday, April 22 (schedule below) WHERE: Cooper Union, New York, NY TICKETS: RIGHT HERE There are communities around the world that have stopped waiting for the systems around them to change.  They are engaged in alternative practices right now — in economics, safety, media and communications, politics and more. […]

  • U.S. Hands Off Mali! An Analysis of the Recent Events in the Republic of Mali

    Recent developments in the West African Republic of Mali are raising serious concerns about the possibility of yet another U.S. intervention.  On March 22, one month before a scheduled presidential election, a military coup toppled the government of President Amadou Toumani Touré.  Quickly taking sides, the regional 15-member Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) […]

  • Are You With Me? (Louis Reyes Rivera 1945-2012)

      This is a 10-minute film dedicated to freedom fighter Louis Reyes Rivera.  Rivera was a member of the 1969 occupation of City College, which was led by students of color and won open admissions.  He spoke to Students United for a Free CUNY at the AME Church in Harlem on October 27, 2011 before […]

  • Canada’s Austerity Budget Wonderland

    Canada’s federal and provincial governments are falling in with other Western countries in delivering austerity budgets that foist costs of the global capitalist crisis onto the backs of workers and the poor.  Canada’s federal government is trying to package its latest austerity budget as something that must be done to reduce government debts and deficits […]