Archive | Commentary

  • Sabotage of MV Saoirse in Turkey: ‘An Act of International Terrorism’

      The Irish-owned ship, the MV Saoirse, that was meant to take part in Freedom Flotilla 2 has been sabotaged in a dangerous manner in the Turkish coastal town of Göcek, where it had been at berth for the past few weeks.  Visual evidence of the undership sabotage, which was carried out by divers, will […]

  • We Will Continue Resisting the Occupation

      “Yes, Mr. Prime Minister, it’s my fault.  Israel’s PR failure is on my account.  But after you forbid us from protesting, after you pass the law, everything will be different here.  The entire world would know that Israel is a magnificent democracy.  Tourism and trade will flourish.  Anywhere Israelis go, everybody will know that […]

  • 2011: An Arab Springtime?

    Samir Amin is director of the Third World Forum in Dakar, Senegal and author of The Liberal Virus (Monthly Review Press, 2004), The World We Wish to See (Monthly Review Press, 2008), and most recently The Law of Worldwide Value (Monthly Review Press, 2010). This article was translated by Shane Henry Mage. The year 2011 […]

  • The Tea Party Creams Labor

      To Tea Partiers and supporters of the Far Right, Madison, Wisconsin has become the latest “Shining City Upon a Hill,” where one of their courageous leaders, Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker, is waging a heroic battle to tame big government and balance the state’s budget.  American Exceptionalism has always defined liberty as keeping government off […]

  • Find A May Day Action Near You

    May Day Toast to the Workers of the World

    Let’s drink a toast to all those farmers, workers, artists and intellectuals of the last 100 years who without thought of fame and profit . . . worked tirelessly in their dream of a worldwide socialist revolution, who believed and hoped that a new world was dawning and that their work would contribute to a […]

  • The Revolution of Anger

      ثـــــورة غضــــــب Never will we accept humiliation We are the lovers of martyrdom Raise your voice and say it loud My cause is my nation, and my blood my weapon! Never will we accept humiliation We are the lovers of martyrdom Raise your voice and say it loud My cause is my nation, and […]

  • In Memory of Leonard Weinglass

      Not that long ago Len came to visit me and we worked for several hours preparing for the next step of my appeal.  I noticed at the time that he was tired.  I was worried with his advanced age that he was driving alone after a long trip from New York.  The weather was […]

  • The Trial: The Untold Story of the Cuban 5

    The Trial is a Documentary by Rolando Almirante, narrated by Danny Glover and presented by ICAIC and Telesur. You can view the entire documentary below and read articles by Ricardo Alarcón de Quesada about the Cuban 5.

  • Bahrain’s Potential Domino Effect in the Persian Gulf

    On my first nighttime visit to Pearl Square I couldn’t help but notice the immense number of youth amongst the huge gathering of tens of thousands of people in the midst of an atmosphere of joy and victory. University students and teenagers who were able to organize themselves by resorting to the latest trend of social media in the Arab world told me that what they were demanding were basic rights and equality.

  • Senate Bill 5 Will Kill Ohio Jobs

      Testimonies of four UFCW members before the Insurance, Commerce, and Labor committee, 17 February 2011 Testimony of Mr. Don Watkins on SB 5 Statehouse Mobilization against SB 5 and Kasich’s Anti-Worker Agenda Date: Tuesday, February 22, 2011 Time: 1 PM Location: Ohio Statehouse, 1 Capitol Square, Columbus, OH Click here for more info. I […]

  • Ohio State Troopers against Senate Bill 5

      Testimony before the Insurance, Commerce, and Labor committee, 17 February 2011 Statehouse Mobilization against SB 5 and Kasich’s Anti-Worker Agenda Date: Tuesday, February 22, 2011 Time: 1 PM Location: Ohio Statehouse, 1 Capitol Square, Columbus, OH Click here for more info. Thank you Mr. Chairman and members of the Committee for giving me the […]

  • Tunisians Vow to Overthrow Government

      “O, Tunisian people, rise up against the remnants of the dictatorship!” Fatima Thawadi, Primary School Teacher: We will not negotiate with this government, and we will never give up.  The Tunisian people will have the last word.  This crystal building in the middle of the capital, the RCD should fear to stay in this […]

  • Why Are We Still in Afghanistan?

      Why Are We in Afghanistan?  Written and directed by Michael Zweig.  Illustrated by Mike Konopacki.  Edited by Trish Dalton.  Produced by Trish Dalton, Michael Zweig, and the Center for Study of Working Class Life. As we approach the 10-year anniversary of the US invasion of Afghanistan, polls show that 63% of Americans now oppose […]

  • Tunisia: The Force of Disobedience

      Sadri Khiari, Tunisian activist exiled in France since early 2003, is one of the founding members of the Party of the Indigenous of the Republic (PIR), of which he is currently one of the key leaders.  He has published, among others, Tunisie. Le délitement de la cité : coercition, consentement, résistance, éditions Karthala, Paris, 2003; […]

  • Haiti: Recount and Review of Election Tally Shows Massive Irregularities

    An independent recount and review of 11,171 tally sheets from Haiti’s November 28 election shows that the outcome of the election is indeterminate.  The review, conducted by the Center for Economic and Policy Research (CEPR), found massive irregularities and errors in the tally.  A report detailing the recount’s findings, and methodology, will be made available […]

  • The Battle against Cholera

    I am taking a second, between various important analyses that are currently taking up my time, to refer to two issues that should be known to our people. The United Nations, at the instigation of the United States, the creator of poverty and chaos in the Haitian Republic, decided to send into Haiti its forces […]

  • IAMC Deplores Dr Binayak Sen’s Conviction

      December 27, 2010 Indian American Muslim Council deplores the verdict of life imprisonment handed to Dr. Binayak Sen and expresses alarm at the judicial process which resulted in his conviction. Dr. Sen, considered as one of the most prominent Human Rights activist in India, was falsely implicated on the basis of evidence allegedly planted […]

  • A More Effective Imperial CEO

      “We are here because some of us and our friends voted for change.  What did we get?  What we got was a more effective imperial CEO.” — Bruce A. Dixon of Black Agenda Report, Chicago, 16 October 2010 Video by Labor Beat (27 November 2010).  For more information: <>; <>; 312-226-3330. | Print  

  • Recovery Noises and Political Taboos

    The end of 2010 brings renewed Washington rhetoric, media hype, and academic me-too declarations about the US economy “recovering.”  We’ve heard them before since the crisis hit in 2007.  They always proved wrong.  But recovery noises are useful for some.  Republicans claim that government should do less since recovery is underway (of course, for them, […]

  • Obama’s Cuba Policy

      The historic election of Barak Obama brought with it high expectations for a new direction in American foreign policy towards Cuba.  Unfortunately, hope has turned into disappointment halfway through his first term: the President continues to miss opportunities to alter the dynamics of the consistently contentious US-Cuba relationship. While the recent discharge of political […]