Attack on Libya Slights African Diplomatic Option
Dakar, Senegal (PANA) — Ongoing attacks on Libya by Western forces occurred in defiance of the ongoing efforts by the African Union (AU) to explore the diplomatic option to resolve the crisis in the North African nation. The Western coalition, including the US, UK and France, unleashed a barrage of missiles on Libya starting Saturday, […]
Japan’s Prime Minister, Fearing Nuclear Fallout, Cancels Visits to Miyagi and Fukushima
Note that the criminal government of Japan is still advising people outside the 20-km exclusion zone to just use umbrellas, wear raincoats, and wash themselves later if they are worried about the radioactive fallout in the rain. — Ed. Prime Minister Kan Cancels Visits to Disaster Areas “Due to Bad Weather” Asahi Shimbun, 21 March […]
Lavrov to Visit Mideast amid Crisis, during Military Operation in Libya
Note that Algeria has backed the Gaddafi forces while Egypt has sided with the rebels in Libya, going so far as to arm them. — Ed. MOSCOW, March 20 (Itar-Tass) — Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov leaves for the Middle East on Sunday under the conditions of the political crisis in the region and the […]
Moscow Regrets Coalition Operation in Libya
MOSCOW, March 19 (Itar-Tass) — Moscow has expressed regret over the start of an international operation in Libya, Foreign Ministry spokesman Alexander Lukashevich said. “Moscow regrets the armed action undertaken in Libya by a number of countries with reference to a hastily adopted U.N. Security Council Resolution 1973,” he said on Saturday, March 19. “We […]
Libya: Stop the Aggression
The Polit Bureau of the Communist Party of India (Marxist) has issued the following statement: Libya: Stop the Aggression The Polit Bureau of the CPI(M) strongly condemns the aerial bombardment by aircrafts and ship-based missiles on Libya by the Nato forces. The military strikes by the Nato forces comprising France, Britain and the United States […]
China Expresses Regret for Military Strike against Libya
China’s Foreign Ministry on Sunday expressed regret over the multinational military strike against Libya, saying that it did not agree with resorting to force in international relations. “China has noticed the latest development in Libya and regrets the military strike against Libya,” Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Jiang Yu said. China, as it always, does not […]
AU Calls for Cessation of Hostilities, Beginning of Reform Process in Libya
Nouakchott, Mauritania (PANA) — The African Union (AU) Panel on Libya has demanded an immediate stop to all attacks in Libya, after a coalition of Western nations opened military action against the north African nation. The demand was issued by the panel, set up by the AU, after its inaugural meeting in Nouakchott, Mauritania, Saturday […]
Iran on Libya War: Libyans Must Prevent Foreign Powers from Controlling Their Country
Iran has called on the Libyan nation to prevent foreign countries from taking control of their country. Foreign ministry spokesman Ramin Mehmanparast said a review of what some domineering foreign countries have done in the past reveals the true intentions for attacking Libya. He said those countries seemingly advocate human rights but are in fact […]
No More War!
Iván Lira is a Venezuelan artist. Cf. “Presidente Morales reiteró su rechazo a intervención militar en Libia” (RNV, 19 March 2011); “Presidente Chávez ratificó llamado al cese al fuego en Libia” (RNV, 19 March 2011); Fidel Castro Ruz, “Certificado de buena conducta” (CubaDebate, 19 March 2011). | Print
The West’s Aim in Libya: Interview with Aijaz Ahmad
Prabir Purkayastha: If you really look at what is happening, what we have is a historical split between the east and the west, which could be the outline of what could emerge at least in the near future, unless Gaddafi has the strength to push his troops right up to Benghazi. Aijaz Ahmad The real […]
日本の海外イメージはハイテク日本。日本人も同じイメージの日本を抱いていた。外国でも日本でも、日本は特にロボット先進国だと見られていた。確かに日本の技術者は様々なロボットを開発してきた。産業用ロボットから介護ロボットまで、日本のロボット開発と使用の例は限りなく、日本産業の明るい未来の象徴であるかのように見られた時代もあった。 だからこそ、東京電力と日本政府の福島第一原発冷却難航を見た海外のメディアは首を傾げているのだ。「日本は何でロボットを使って核燃料棒を冷却しないのか? そんなロボットは日本にはないのか? どうしてなんだ?」そんな疑問が上がっている。 ブログやツイッターでは日本人も原発事故用ロボットの不在について同じような質問や意見を交わしている。ハイテク日本にもかかわらず、緊急作業にあたる労働者や冷却作業にあたる自衛官や緊急消防援助隊員や警視庁機動隊員等が致命的な被曝の危険をおかして働かなければ東日本を救えぬかもしれないというような状態になってしまったのは、一体何故なんだと考えはじめている人もいるようだ。 日本の技術レベルでは原発事故用ロボットはまだ作れないという訳ではないだろう。問題は科学や技術ではなく政治と経済ではないのか。韓国の科学者は原発修理用のロボットをもう開発しているが、一般的には韓国でも使用されていないそうだ。韓国原子力研究所のキム・スンホ氏は、「原発業者は制御不能のシビアアクシデントの可能性を想定したがらないから」 事故用ロボット使用を一般化できるような予算が出ないと言う。福島で今すぐ冷却等に使えるようなロボットが無いのは、短期的利益を社会の安全や労働者の健康より優先するという考え方のせいではないのか。危険だが稀なシビアアクシデントへの対応策の為に大金を投資するのは、企業や官僚の見地だけから見ると「効率的じゃない、費用対効果に見合わない、儲けにならない」。 そんな見地から設計されたから、今回のような「想定外」の大事故に直面すると、日本の原発は従事者を危険に晒すバケツとホースでの放水に頼るしかなくなっている。福島第一原発事故は金のために人間を使い捨てにすることを厭わない制度の象徴と見てもいいだろう。そんな制度は原発より恐ろしい。 古橋芳恵はMRZineの編集長。 | Print
The Libyan Rebellion: The West’s Cloak over the Gulf
Fidel Castro was right. The West was planning an attack on a sovereign third world nation imminently: Libya. Nothing like a good old war against brown and black people in Libya by the West to remind oneself of what Western civilisation is all about. Many of us who have been politically active since the 1990s […]
Fukushima: Village Officials Defy National Government, Leading Exodus from Nuclear Nightmare
Villagers of Kawauchi-mura, located between 20 km and 30 km from the Fukushima 1 Nuclear Power Plant and told by the national government to just stay indoors, defied the instruction and began to collectively organize their own “complete village evacuation,” heading for Koriyama City outside the 30 km-radius zone from the Fukushima 1 reactors. According […]
Prime Minister Naoto Kan: “In the Worst Case, Eastern Japan Will Be Ruined”
At last, the prime minister of Japan faced up to the inconvenient truth. Had he done so from Day 1, and based his evacuation plan on the possibility of this worst case scenario, it would have been possible to evacuate tens of millions more people, in orderly fashion, than we can now. The criminal government […]
TEPCO: Profits of Death
Carlos Latuff is a Brazilian cartoonist. Cf. “Citizens’ Nuclear Information Center, a Japanese environmental group, has documented previous safety problems and cover-ups by Tepco at the Fukushima reactor complex: cnic.jp/english/newsletter/nit92/nit92articles/nit92coverupdata.html” (Nuclear Information and Resource Service, “Fact Sheet on Fukushima Nuclear Power Plant,” 11 March 2011). | Print
Cesium and Radioactive Iodide in Fukushima City Tap Water
The emergency response headquarters of Fukushima Prefecture announced, on 16 March 2011, that abnormal radioactive elements have been found in Fukushima City tap water: radioactive iodide, at the level of 177 becquerel per kilogram; cesium, 58 becquerel per kilogram. They are still below the national safety standards for food and water intakes during a nuclear […]
Fukushima Governor’s Desperate Plea for Help
Fukushima Governor Yuhei Sato sent an urgent plea for help to Prime Minister Naoto Kan. This is his plea: Because of the ongoing nuclear emergency, distributors have begun to refuse deliveries to even areas outside the exclusion zone and the zone where residents are advised to stay indoors. For instance, tanker trucks have turned back […]
Turning Japan into the Land of the Burning Sun
“Economic and Financial Policy Minister Kaoru Yosano, at a post-cabinet-meeting press conference on the 15th of March, said this about Japan’s nuclear power policy: ‘There is no alternative energy source if we want to secure a lot of energy. To support the Japanese economy, we have no choice but to use nuclear power. The people […]
Monday Update on Fukushima Reactors
As of 11:30 pm EDT Monday 3/14/11 Three of the six reactors at the Fukushima Dai-Ichi nuclear facility were operating at the time of the earthquake — Units 1, 2, and 3. The reactors shut down when the earthquake hit, but even after they stopped producing power, the reactor cores were very hot and […]
Japan Raises Radiation Dose Safety Limit for Nuclear Emergency Workers
Even in the best case scenario available at this point, all workers at Fukushima 1 and 2 battling to save the lives of others must have already suffered great harm to their health, and the harm is about to become greater. — Ed. Japan’s Ministry of Health, Labor, and Welfare has determined that the existing […]