Nuclear Crisis in Japan: What We Know
The massive earthquake off the northeast coast of Japan has caused a potentially catastrophic situation at one of Japan’s nuclear power plants. The situation is still evolving, but below is a preliminary assessment based on the facts as experts at the Union of Concerned Scientists currently understand them. The plant’s owner, Tokyo Electric Power Company […]
The Libyan Opposition on Foreign Intervention
Is the “Provisional Transitional National Council of Libya” the kind of leadership for whom self-respecting Libyans would want to carry assault rifles, machine guns, rocket-propelled grenades, Manpads, and so on? IMHO, a resounding NO, but, dear reader, draw your own conclusion. — Ed. * * * Excerpt from Eric Ruder, “No U.S. intervention in […]
The Fight Continues in Ohio
Letter to the members of the Ohio Civil Service Employees Association, AFSCME Local 11. Dear OCSEA Member: You are making history! Four weeks ago, Senate Bill 5 was introduced in the Ohio legislature to take away the rights of public employees to collectively bargain. And, four weeks ago, we started a campaign like no other. […]
President of Madison Firefighters after Senate Vote in Wisconsin
Joe Conway, Madison Fire Fighters Local 311: This is a game changer for everybody here. . . . They took people’s rights away in a matter of minutes, . . . not playing by any rules at all. The UpTake: We’re hearing people talk about a call for a general strike. What do you […]
A System Turned Upside Down
The Tunisian revolution has wiped out the Ben Ali system, and the Egyptian revolution is about to eliminate the Mubarak system after the fall of the president. No doubt, the epoch of unlimited domination in the Arab world is coming to its end. After decades of despotic, patronage-based regimes, the Arab peoples seem determined to […]
Obama’s Intervention in Libya
Carlos Latuff is a Brazilian cartoonist. | Print
For the Establishment of a Democratic Republic in Bahrain
Position Statement of the Coalition for a Republic In the name of our glorious religion and international conventions on human rights and on the principle of the right of nations to decide their destiny, and based on our long struggle and sacrifices against the oppressive and corrupt Al-Khalifa regime, we hereby declare a tripartite […]
The Struggles of a Muslim Communist
Partai Komunis Indonesia, or the Indonesian Communist Party, was at one point the largest communist party outside the Soviet Bloc. In 1965, hundreds of thousands, if not millions, of its members were systematically murdered under the watch and approval of General Suharto’s CIA-backed military. Historians estimate that between 500,000 and 2,000,000 communists were killed, […]
The Cash Option
When I was growing up, several decades ago, middle-class society in India was always a little delayed in catching on to Western fashions whether in music or dress or in other aspects. The past decades of globalisation seemed to have changed all that. Modern communications technology has ensured that at least the upper income deciles […]
Vultures Ready to Pounce on Libya
Carlos Latuff is a Brazilian cartoonist. Cf. ” A NATO spokesman confirmed that Libya had been added to the agenda of an informal NATO defense ministers’ meeting March 10-11″ (“MEPs Call for No Fly Zone Over Libya,” DefenseNews, 9 March 2011); Arnold Schölzel, “Kriegstreiberei: Libyen-Resolution im EU-Parlament” (junge Welt, 10 March 2011); Arnold Schölzel, “Linke […]
Women Take to Streets in Bahrain on International Women’s Day
In Bahrain, hundreds of women took to the streets this Tuesday, marching for their rights in the main streets of the capital. They also demanded the end of the monarchy. The women in their traditional dress were the protagonists of this peaceful protest, forming a human chain in the streets of Manama. With their signs […]
The Lousy Leader of the Libyan Opposition
One of the problems of the Libyan opposition today is that lousy leader they have. He is none other than the former Minister of Justice of Qadhdhafi’s regime. He has been on Aljazeera and is everything you don’t want to have in a leader. I mean, if Libyans watch him, they won’t be inspired. They […]
For Palestinian Unity
Carlos Latuff is a Brazilian cartoonist. Cf. “Comrade Fuad: ‘Ending the Division’ Means Ending Oslo, the Cause of the Division” (Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine, 24 February 2011); “Palestinian Women Rally for Unity on Women’s Day” (Ma’an News Agency, 8 March 2011); . | Print
Former Palestinian Prisoners Mark International Women’s Day
Former Palestinian female prisoners as well as wives and daughters of Palestinian prisoners in Israeli jails held a sit-in in front of the office of the international committee of the Red Cross in Gaza on the occasion of international women’s day. . . . Families of prisoners seized the occasion and called on all […]
Bahraini Women Protest at American Embassy
“We don’t want to negotiate. We want to end the monarchy. We want to end the monarchy. Down with the monarchy!” “Down with the monarchy!” “The people want democracy!” “The people want democracy!”
An Open Letter to Railroad Workers and Their Unions
Dear U.S. Railroad Workers: As you are no doubt aware, a major labor battle has erupted throughout the Midwest, ground zero being Madison, Wisconsin, where public workers and their allies are waging a gallant fight for survival. While the immediate struggle revolves around the public workers’ fight for preservation of collective bargaining, the battle is […]
Iran’s Rafsanjani Replaced by Ayatollah Kani as Head of Assembly of Experts
Iran’s Chairman of Assembly of Experts Ayatollah Akbar Hashemi Rafsanjani lost his post as head of the body on Tuesday, Iranian news agencies said.
The Women of Lulu
Support Bahraini Women on International Women’s Day Petition in Solidarity with Pro-democracy Bahraini Women: <www.change.org/petitions/solidarity-with-bahraini-pro-democracy-women-and-condemnation-of-violence>. Cf. <www.facebook.com/pages/Bahrain-Youth-for-Freedom/168929316486071>. | Print
You Can’t Pee for Free: Notes on the Privatization of the Public Sphere
In his 1994 book entitled The Location of Culture, post-colonial theorist Homi Bhaba writes that “cafes are part of the social phenomena of the ‘third place’ [which] . . . people occupy outside of the home and work. It’s a place to relax, to be alone, to socialize, to read, to gossip, to meet […]
Aslı Ü. Bâli and Ziad Abu-Rish on International Intervention in Libya: A Documentary Remix
In evaluating calls for intervention, the first question we might ask is how the Libyan case differs from recent events in Tunisia and Egypt, where intervention of this type was not invited. In both of those countries authoritarian leaders who were erstwhile Western allies were pushed out when their military institutions refused to turn on […]