The perennial seeds of Zapata
Under the banner of Mexican Revolution leader Emiliano Zapata, their movement has maintained territorial control for over twenty-eight years without official recognition by the Mexican government beyond the failed San Andrés Accord.
How Cuba is eradicating child mortality and banishing the diseases of the poor
The drastic reduction in infant mortality rates is yet another testimony to the Cuban Revolution’s attention to the health of the country’s population.
Black Alliance for Peace condemns massacre of African migrants by U.S.- backed Moroccan armed forces
Video images captured the horrific actions of Moroccan security forces armed and trained by the United States through the U.S. Africa Command (AFRICOM) and working on behalf of the Spanish government, systematically beating and slaughtering African migrants on June 24, 2022.
From Hegel to Lenin
As Lenin prepared to understand the First Great Slaughter of the twentieth century, he spent from September to December 1914 absorbing Hegel’s The Science of Logic (1813). Humphrey McQueen begins a six-part exploration of why Lenin thought he had to do so. This first installment, Dialectical Reasoning: ‘The Science of Interconnectedness’ shows why Hegel is still not ‘a dead dog.’
Communism, the Manifesto, and Hate
We have no reason to succumb to the complex comfort of despair, a lugubriousness by which failure is foreordained. But to stress the repeated failures of the Left is a necessary corrective to its history of boosterism and bullshit, and to stress how appalling these days are, even if we can also find in them hope.
The United States wants to prevent a historical fact–Eurasian integration: The Twenty-Seventh Newsletter (2022)
Over the course of the past fifteen years, European countries have found themselves with both great opportunities to seize and complex choices to make. Unsustainable reliance on the United States for trade and investment, as well as the curious distraction of Brexit, led to the steady integration of European countries with Russian energy markets and more uptake of Chinese investment opportunities and its manufacturing prowess.
Ukrainian army terror bombardment of DPR leaves seven civilians dead and 44 injured in 48 hours
It is to be hoped that counter-battery fire from the Russian army and the DPR people’s militia will eventually bring an end to the Ukrainian army’s terror bombing of civilians.
Don’t look to EPA to save us!
The 51-year-old agency has been losing both power and credibility over recent decades, and SCOTUS’s recent ruling undermines it even more.
U.S. forces involved in at least 23 proxy wars across the world, new documents suggest
UNITED States Special Operational forces have been involved in at least 23 secretive proxy wars across the world on a scale far greater than previously known, new documents indicate.
We must band together in this age of repression: Abby Martin on resistance and the role of CovertAction Magazine
Time and again, CovertAction Magazine (originally founded as CovertAction Information Bulletin) has been one of the only publications that has been willing to tackle some of the most uncomfortable truths about Deep State crimes against democracy, from CIA backed political assassinations to false flag operations.
The Future of Work (Part 3) – automation
In this third part of my series on the future of work, I want to deal with the impact of automation, in particular robots and artificial intelligence (AI) on jobs. I have covered this issue of the relationship between human labour and machines before, including robots and AI. But is there anything new that we can find after the COVID slump?
The Future of Work (Part 2) – working long and hard
In the first post of my Future of Work series, I looked at the impact of working from home and remote work which has mushroomed since the COVID pandemic.
The Global South has the power to force radical climate action
After all, Western economies–and their economic growth–depend utterly on labour and resources from the South.
NATO officially adds China to its list of enemies
Leaders of the member countries of the imperialist NATO military alliance concluded their annual summit in Madrid today. This summit was a clear display of NATO’s commitment to continuously fuel the fire of international conflict as the major capitalist powers drag the world back into a Cold War-style period of global confrontation.
Anatomy of a Coup: How CIA front laid foundations for Ukraine war
Obvious examples of Central Intelligence Agency covert action abroad are difficult to identify today, save for occasional acknowledged calamities, such as the long-running $1 billion effort to overthrow the government of Syria, via funding, training and arming barbarous jihadist groups.
EU economies are down on their knees
On July 1 at the White House, U.S. President Joe Biden made a startling disclosure that “the idea we’re going to be able to click a switch, bring down the cost of gasoline, is not likely in the near term.”
Supreme Court condemns planet and human life
In a 6‒3 decision, the United States Supreme Court ruled on June 30 against the Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) ability to regulate greenhouse gas emissions, a move that signals a major setback in the fight against climate change.
The CIA & the Frankfurt school’s anti-communism
Frankfurt School critical theory has been—along with French theory—one of the hottest commodities of the global theory industry. Together, they serve as the common source for so many of the trend-setting forms of theoretical critique that currently dominate the academic market in the capitalist world, from postcolonial and decolonial theory to queer theory, Afro-pessimism and beyond.
China Miéville: “If you don’t feel despair, you’re not opening your eyes”
The fantasy novelist and left activist on why Marx’s ‘Communist Manifesto’ speaks to the crisis-ridden politics of the present.
Weaponizing Free Trade Agreements
Long seen as means to seek advantage on the pretext of providing mutual benefit, free trade agreements may increasingly become economic weapons in the new Cold War, disrupting earlier globalization.