Geography Archives: Americas

  • A Note on Immigration and the U.S. Workers [Una nota sobre la inmigración y los trabajadores estadounidenses]

    Si el pueblo trabajador en Estados Unidos ha de alcanzar unidad, autoconfianza colectiva e independencia política en el futuro próximo (¡y cuanto nos hacen falta!), la demanda del movimiento de los trabajadores inmigrantes de derechos plenos debe ser el primer punto en su agenda.  El pueblo trabajador en este país necesita darse cuenta de lo […]

  • Massachusetts Health Reform Bill: A False Promise of Universal Coverage

      Listen to Steffie Woolhandler on Doug Henwood’s Behind the News radio show (6 April 2006). Read David U. Himmelstein and Steffie Woolhandler, “Mayhem in the Medical Marketplace” (Monthly Review 56.7, December 2004). It’s a stirring scene.  The Governor, legislative leaders and leaders of Health Care for All standing in the State House Rotunda declaring […]

  • Minneapolis-St. Paul, 9 April 2006

      Yiwen Cheng lives in Kansas City, and Stephen Philion lives in Minneapolis.

  • Vetting God’s Politics

    Michael Lerner, The Left Hand of God: Taking Back Our Country from the Religious Right (HarperSanFrancisco, 2006). Jim Wallis, God’s Politics: Why the Right Gets It Wrong and the Left Doesn’t Get It (HarperSanFrancisco, 2005). Dearly beloved leftists and friends.  It’s 2006 and we’re gathered here together uncomfortably discussing why so few of us are […]

  • Washington, D.C., 10 April 2006: The Awakened Giant Goes to Washington!

    10 April 2006 was the National Day of Action for immigrant rights.  Millions marched nationwide on 9-10 April 2006 in opposition to HR 4437 (which would make undocumented immigrants — and those who help them stay in the United States — felons for the first time in the nation’s history) and in support of legalization […]

  • The “Dirty Thirty’s” Peter McLaren Reflects on the Crisis of Academic Freedom

    Peter McLaren David Gabbard and Karen Anijar Appleton, “Fearless Speech in Fearful Times: An Essay Review of Capitalists and Conquerors, Teaching against Global Capitalism and the New Imperialism, and Teaching Peter McLaren,” MRZine, 30 October 2005 Peter McLaren is Professor of Education at the Graduate School of Education and Information Studies at the University of […]

  • “Make Marc Mayor”: Songs for Political Action

    The April issue of Monthly Review contains a biographical profile of Vito Marcantonio.  Marcantonio, or Marc as he was known, was the product of one of the worst slums in early twentieth-century New York.  Through seven Congressional terms in the 1930s and 40s, he was an indefatigable voice for his poor and oppressed constituents and […]

  • Katrina’s Aftermath Transforms Work in the Gulf Region

    Six months after Hurricane Katrina, the Gulf Coast struggles with a new challenge — who will do the rebuilding?  The region is awash in clean-up and reconstruction projects, but with more than 1.5 million people displaced by the hurricane, ready hands are in short supply. In many areas, the tight post-Katrina labor market has already […]

  • Fighting Islamophobia: A Response to Critics

    Since my essay on the Danish cartoons was published on 21 February 2006, I have received dozens of emails supportive of my argument that racism has no place on the left.  Additionally, comments on the article posted on MRZine show that there are people willing to stand up against anti-Muslim bigotry.  However, what is deeply […]

  • Business as Usual: Black Males Left Behind

    “I’m not going to sit at your table and watch you eat, with nothing on my plate, and call myself a diner.  Sitting at the table doesn’t make you a diner, unless you eat some of what’s on the plate.  Being here in America doesn’t make you an American. . . . I don’t see […]

  • What’s the Matter with U.S. Organized Labor? An Interview with Robert Fitch

      SOLIDARITY FOR SALE: How Corruption Destroyed the Labor Movement and Undermined America’s Promise by ROBERT FITCH AUTHOR’S NOTE READ EXCERPT BUY THIS BOOK Michael D. Yates: Robert, let’s start off with a question not directly connected to your book Solidarity for Sale.  Some commentators say that today labor unions and labor movements are irrelevant […]

  • Latino Milwaukee

      Click on an image to watch a slide show of the immigrant rights march in Milwaukee on 23 March 2006. SOURCE: Kristyna Wentz-Graff, “A Day without Latinos,” Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, 23 March 2006 March 23, 2006 was a historic day for Milwaukee.  It was a day of Latinos in a city that still thinks […]

  • San Romero of America, Our Shepherd and Martyr [San Romero de América, Pastor y Mártir Nuestro]

    El ángel del Señor anunció en la víspera. . . El corazón de El Salvador marcaba 24 de marzo y de agonía. Tú ofrecías el Pan, el Cuerpo Vivo — el triturado cuerpo de tu Pueblo; Su derramada Sangre victoriosa — ¡la sangre campesina de tu Pueblo en masacre que ha de teñir en vinos […]

  • Remembering Bhagat Singh on the 75th Anniversary of His Martyrdom

    Men cannot be sacrificed to the machine.  The machine must serve mankind, yet the danger to the human race lurks, menacing, in the industrial region. — Scott Nearing, Poverty & Riches Scott Nearing was a frequent contributor to Monthly Review.   His column “World Events” ran in Monthly Review from 1953 to 1972. Bhagat Singh, 23 […]

  • The “New” National Security Strategy, the Same Old Nonsense

    How stupid do they think we are?  The administration has been on the road these past few days trying to package the war in Iraq as a success.  Bush insists that the war is going well and that the US will stay on until final victory and eternal democracy.  Dick Cheney told the world that […]

  • Reforming the Teamsters: An Interview with Tom Leedham

    Tom Leedham, principal officer of Teamsters Local 206 in Oregon, is challenging IBT President James Hoffa on a reform slate in this year’s Teamster elections.  Leedham’s Strong Contracts/Good Pensions slate — and its rank-and-file supporters — won a big victory when their campaign was accredited for the 2006 International elections. In just over a month, […]

  • Bloomington-Normal, Illinois, USA, 18 March 2006

      The demonstration of about 100 received favorable coverage by a local newspaper: “Protesters Want Soldiers, Dollars Home” (The Pantagraph 19 March 2006). Click on an image for a larger view. Jan Cox is a co-chair of Bloomington-Normal Citizens for Peace and Justice.

  • Find Me Guilty

    Of all the types and genres of film that exist, the rarest of all may be the autumnal masterpiece.  What explains the infrequent sightings of this cinematic marvel?  It is not that filmmakers somehow lose their talent at a particular age, but rather that, the industry being a slave of fashion, they lose the ability […]

  • Vancouver, Canada, 18 March 2006

    Although the corporate media gave a lot more coverage than usual to this year’s Vancouver rally, what they did provide was as inaccurate as ever.  A realistic crowd estimate for the Vancouver march and rally would be in the 3,000-4,000 range. Yet CBC Radio was running 500, The Province newspaper had 1000, and the TV […]

  • Portland, Oregon, USA, 19 March 2006

    10,000 people, with a strong labor feeder march and speakers from Venezuela! Quite encouraging! Click on the image for a larger view. Michael Dawson works for pay as a paralegal and sociology teacher in Portland, Oregon.  He is presently writing a book, Automobiles Ueber Alles: Corporate Capitalism and Transportation in America, forthcoming from Monthly Review […]