Bolivia: Political Racism in Question
28 August 2007 Bolivia is living through a time of political transition where the verbal masks used prolifically by the television, radio, and press to cover up reality and, as [Uruguayan write Eduardo] Galeano would say, lie in what they say and lie even more in what they don’t say. We live in a […]
“We Will Defend the Constituent Assembly with Our Lives”: Resolution from the National Emergency Gathering of the Social Organizations
United Confederation of Unions of Campesino Workers of Bolivia (CSUTCB), National Federation of Women Campesinos of Bolivia “Bartolina Sisa” (FNMCB “BS”), Confederation of Unions of Colonizers of Bolivia (CSCB), National Association of Water Irrigators and Communitarian Systems of Potable Water (ANARESCAPYS) Sucre, August 23, 2007 Considering: That the oligarchy, out of desperation, is using all […]
Bolivia: A Movement toward or beyond “Statism”?
It is now more than three decades since neoliberal economic and political ideas began to supplant Keynesian orthodoxies within the treasuries and finance ministries of Western governments and in the policy-making centers of development agencies and financial institutions. Bolivia was one of the first Latin American countries to adopt a neoliberal approach back in the […]
The Dark Side of Bolivia’s Half Moon
Evo Morales climbed into his presidential jeep, ducking a barrage of sticks, debris and insults thrown from members of right wing civic groups in Santa Cruz, Bolivia. Cameramen and livid activists chased him until police filled the streets with tear gas. Bolivia’s first indigenous president, a former coca grower and self-described anti-imperialist, was not welcome […]
Bolivia’s Government Faces Right-Wing Offensive: Popular Forces Struggle for Unity against Attacks
A chain of events triggered by the passage of a new agrarian reform law, part of Bolivian president Evo Morales’ “agrarian revolution,” has brought to sharp relief the drive by the right-wing opposition to overthrow Morales’ government, even if it means pushing Bolivia into civil war. On November 28, in front of thousands of cheering […]
Soliz Rada Says That Oil Companies Impose Conditions [Soliz Rada dice que las petroleras ponen condiciones]
SUBVENCIÓN • Las empresas quieren que los precios de los combustibles sean desregulados. • LA DESPEDIDA EN EL MINISTERIO • Carlos Villegas (izq.) estrecha la mano de Andrés Soliz, quien renunció a su cargo por discrepancias con algunas autoridades del Poder Ejecutivo. Las empresas petroleras que negocian con el Gobierno los nuevos contratos de operación […]
Centro Internacional Miranda
Caracas, 27 August 2006 Dear Friend, It is my great pleasure, on behalf of the Centro Internacional Miranda (CIM, Miranda International Centre), to contact you to tell you that the Centro Internacional Miranda now exists. As a sympathizer with and an activist in the Bolivarian cause, we value your cooperation highly and we hope […]
Bolivian President Pays Homage to Che Guevara Today [Presidente boliviano rinde hoy homenaje a Che Guevara]
El presidente de Bolivia, Evo Morales, rendirá hoy homenaje al Comandante Ernesto Che Guevara, en el 78 aniversario de su natalicio y en la aldea de La Higuera, donde el guerrillero vivió sus últimas horas. Según confirmó la Presidencia de la República, el mandatario encabezará el tributo, consistente en la apertura de un centro […]
Stiglitz: Those Who Must Be Compensated Are the Bolivians, Not the Companies [De haber compensación, debe ser para los bolivianos, no para las empresas: Stiglitz]
Consecuencias de largo alcance tras la nacionalización en Bolivia: FMI La manera de negociar con los afectados será el factor clave, según el organismo financiero Evidente, el fracaso del modelo neoliberal impuesto por EU, sostiene el Nobel de Economía Imagen de la planta de gas San Alberto, que operaba la brasileña Petrobras, el pasado 1º […]
The Second Founding of Bolivia [La segunda fundación de Bolivia]
El 22 de enero del año 2002, Evo fue expulsado del Paraíso. O sea: el diputado Morales fue echado del Parlamento. El 22 de enero del año 2006, en ese mismo lugar de pomposo aspecto, Evo Morales fue consagrado presidente de Bolivia. O sea: Bolivia empieza a enterarse de que es un país de mayoría […]
Unionists Closely Watch Morales [Sindicalistas vigilarán de cerca a Morales]
Las organizaciones sociales y populares más combativas y revolucionarias de Bolivia amenazaron con hacer renunciar al nuevo presidente Evo Morales, si éste no cumple con sus promesas de nacionalizar los hidrocarburos, elevar los salarios, dar tierra a los campesinos y erradicar el neoliberalismo. Por separado, una masiva asamblea de dirigentes de la Central Obrera Boliviana […]
The Nuclear Attack against Iran, the Aggression against Cuba, Venezuela, and Bolivia, and Socialism of the XXIst Century [El ataque nuclear contra Irán, la agresión contra Cuba, Venezuela y Bolivia, y el Socialismo del Siglo XXI]
El futuro de la Revolución Bolivariana en América Latina se ve más brillante desde que Evo Morales participa en la construcción del Bloque Regional de Poder (BRP) de América Latina, en lo que será probablemente el año más peligroso para la humanidad desde el fin de la “Guerra Fría”: el año del ataque de la […]
South Africa: An Odd Model for Bolivia
It’s odd that Bolivian president elect Evo Morales should have chosen South Africa as his first port of call in drumming up international support ahead of his January 22 presidential inauguration. In a televised speech during his recent visit to South Africa, Morales said he wanted to “learn from South Africa’s experience of nation-building.” But […]
Bolivia’s Trial by Fire
The Social Movements and the State Among the presidential candidates that ran in the December election, Evo Morales has the broadest ties to the country’s social movements. However, he has played limited roles in the popular uprisings of recent years. During the height of the gas war in 2003, when massive mobilizations were organized to […]
Showdown in the Andes: Bolivian Election Likely to Shift Latin America Further to Left
In Washington, he’s been referred to as a “narco-terrorist” and a “threatto stability.” In Bolivia, he’s simply called “Evo.” For many in the Andean country, presidential candidate Evo Morales represents a way out of poverty and marginalization. He has pledged to nationalize the country’s natural gas reserves, reject any US-backed free-trade agreement, and join the […]
Music for the MAS
As election day (now rescheduled for December 18, 2005) approaches, musicians are mobilizing in Bolivia. Who are on the side of Evo Morales and el Movimiento al Socialismo? Arawi, Tupay, Alejandro Cámara, Semilla, and la banda Real Imperial de Oruro, among others. Here are two samples of music for the MAS. “Cholita Marina para Evo” […]
Bolivia: Elections and Left Strategy
The small Andean nation hit the news again on October 31, 2005 with the announcement that elections originally scheduled for December 2005 were to be postponed indefinitely. This most recent political crisis was orchestrated by the agro-industrialist elite from Santa Cruz, who are using procedural rules to thwart the move towards the deepening of democracy. […]