•  | What Do Marxists Have To Say About Art | MR Online

    What do Marxists have to say about art?

    Most Marxists would say that the value of a work of art such as a painting, or the pleasure they get from it—in its original or as a reproduction—is above all else an individual matter, not something that ‘experts’ (Marxist or otherwise) can or should pronounce upon.

  •  | Culture for All Why Film Matters | MR Online

    Culture for All: Why Film Matters

    Action films, horror films, romantic comedies, science fiction, documentaries–film plays a big part of our lives. Film matters, not only because it was the most popular cultural art form of the 20th century, but because film connects to so many areas of our lives in so many different ways. Not only in the way we visualise our lives, but the ways in which we understand and communicate them.

  •  | Luke Callinan sketches the life of Constance Farrington see image above translator of Fanons Wretched of the Earth | MR Online

    The struggle to decolonise the mind: Frantz Fanon and his Irish translator, Constance Farrington

    Last month marked 70 years since the passing of psychiatrist, political radical, Marxist and philosopher of the Algerian Revolution, Frantz Fanon, at the young age of 36.

  •  | Netflix | MR Online

    Streamers versus socialism

    Dennis Broe reports on how the streaming services are attempting to subvert government-financed and often more progressive film and television production

  •  | Walter Scott | MR Online

    Walter Scott and the historical novel

    On his 250th anniversary, Jenny Farrell writes about Walter Scott and his historical novels, uncovering themes of class conflict, ethnic and nationalist struggles, and how the personal experiences of his characters link with broader historical upheavals.

  •  | Anthony D Padgett reflects on the arts trade unions and working class identity | MR Online

    The arts, trade unions, and working-class identity

    Anthony D. Padgett reflects on the arts, trade unions, and working-class identity.

  •  | The Young Karl Marx 2018 | MR Online

    200 years young

    Released last year but receiving as yet very little English-language press coverage, Der Junge Karl Marx is a nuanced and surprisingly accurate portrait of the revolutionary as a young man. That said, I cannot vouch for the chase scene. Regarding which, more anon.

  •  | Dennis Broe compares and contrasts two images of John Brown in recent TV series Image above John Brown at his zaniest in The Good Lord Bird | MR Online

    John Brown as buffoon in ‘The Good Lord Bird’, vs. Brown as radical in ‘Underground’

    Dennis Broe compares and contrasts two images of John Brown in recent TV series. Image above: John Brown at his zaniest, in The Good Lord Bird 

  •  | Labour on screen | MR Online

    Marx and the cinema

    Dennis Broe traces the history of the representation of labour on screen, and finds inspiration for celebrating May Day and continuing Marx’s struggle against capitalism.

  •  | News from Nowhere | MR Online

    Dreaming of communism: News from Nowhere

    There can be no denying that the content of News from Nowhere, the utopian romance penned by painter, poet and designer William Morris, was heavily indebted to the writings of Karl Marx. Morris was exploring these from the spring of 1882, the year before Marx died and the year of his own 48th birthday. He continued to read Marx, especially Capital, in its French edition, the first English edition being still a few years away.