Dossier no. 73: How the People’s Science Movement is bringing joy and equality to education in Karnataka, India
The People’s Science Movement in India has few parallels in the world in concept, scale, and scope.
From Guernica to Gaza
Raouf Halaby: “To say that I was awed is an understatement.”
The subversive truth: The incomplete feminist revolution
In her latest column, VA’s Andreína Chávez explores the contrast between grassroots feminism and women’s demands versus government-led initiatives.
Dawn is breaking out all over, and the World is waking up: The Sixth Newsletter (2024)
On 2 February 2024, the people of Venezuela celebrated the twenty-fifth anniversary of the Bolivarian Revolution.
The importance of a mass movement
Mass protests change people. The act of collectively standing together pushes aside the powerlessness we experience in everyday life, builds confidence and generates a sense of strength.
UK judge rules in favour of university professor sacked for anti-Zionist views
Academic David Miller was dismissed from the University of Bristol in 2021. Lawyers say the new ruling marks a ‘significant triumph’ for free speech in the workplace.
Silent ‘genocide’: Israel’s war on Palestinian Bedouin communities in West Bank
They left behind their homes with everything in them and were not able to return, not even to collect their belongings. Anyone who dared to go back was beaten, arrested, or had his vehicle burned.
The only right that Palestinians have not been denied is the right to dream: The Fifth Newsletter (2024)
On 26 January, the judges at the International Court of Justice (ICJ) found that it is ‘plausible’ that Israel is committing a genocide against Palestinians in Gaza.
Lenin’s ‘Last Testament’: The prophetic last words of a Marxist for our times
The myth that Lenin led to Stalin is exposed by Lenin’s Last Testament which argues for more democracy and removing Stalin from power, writes John Westmoreland.
Five of Lenin’s insights that are more pertinent than ever
Lenin’s understanding of the workers state must also take into account the adjustments that had to be made in the post-revolutionary period, when it became clear that emphasis had to be put on developing the productive forces and an efficient state that could guide the process of destroying the global inequalities between imperialist and imperialized nations.
Which side are you on? Far-right deepens threats to trans lives, Biden stays silent
Threats of violence by neo-Nazis grow in tandem with the “official” attacks. Incursions by hate groups aimed at queer events and spaces are becoming more common even in “safe” cities like Los Angeles and Boston.
Rafael Correa: Ecuador fell into the hands of narcos while the government was prosecuting me
Interview with the former president of Ecuador, Rafael Correa, about the crisis in his country.
The dialectics of constituted and communal power: A conversation with Ángel Prado
The main spokesperson of El Maizal Commune is trying to put institutional power at the service of the commune.
“A Materialist Guide to Media Literacy”
In exploring the notion of critical media literacy, the Marxist concepts of base and superstructure and Antonio Gramsci’s theory of cultural hegemony provide an essential framework for understanding the complex dynamics of media, power, and ideology.
“The Eye of the Master: A Social History of Artificial Intelligence” – book review
Pasquinelli’s “Eye of the Master” provides a materialist analysis of AI and technology, which Kevin Crane finds to be an excellent antidote to all the nonsense and hype spouted about AI.
Vicissitudes of grassroots media: A conversation with Thierry Deronne (Part II)
A documentary filmmaker long associated with the Bolivarian Revolution talks about the history of its audiovisual production and the challenges ahead.
Communication by and for the People: A conversation with Thierry Deronne (Part I)
A documentary filmmaker and teacher tells the story of Venezuela’s groundbreaking community media movement.
Sekou Odinga has joined the ancestors but the spirit of the Black Liberation Army and African Resistance lives on!
A commemoration of the life of comrade Sekou Odinga, a lifelong New African revolutionary, former political prisoner, and unstoppable force in the Black liberation movement.
The IDF’s war crimes are a perfect reflection of Israeli society
Miko Peled, author and former member of IDF Special Forces, explains how Israel indoctrinates its citizens in anti-Palestinian racism from the cradle to the grave.
Plastic pollution caused $249 billion in U.S. health care costs in 2018, finds study
Chemicals leaching from plastics are leaving Americans notably sicker and poorer, according to a new study found.