Venezuela’s gangs have been turned into armed capitalist enterprises (Part II)
Criminologist Andrés Antillano examines a high-profile security operation to neutralize criminal activity in the Cota 905 district in July.
Venezuela’s gangs have been turned into armed capitalist enterprises (Part I)
Criminologist Andrés Antillano looks at the causes of the transformation of Venezuela’s gangs.
The case of the vanishing boss
This article summarizes the manuscript, “The Two-Employer Problem: Strategic Dilemmas at the Heart of the Tipped Wage Debate,” a co-winner of the 2021 Albert Szymanski-T.R. Young/Critical Sociology Marxist Sociology Graduate Student Paper Award.
Prioritising profits reversed health progress
Instead of a health system striving to provide universal healthcare, a fragmented, profit-driven market ‘non-system’ has emerged. The 1980s’ neo-liberal counter-revolution against the historic 1978 Alma-Ata Declaration is responsible.
What is happening in Turkey?
Despite the announcements from the Turkish president Recep Tayyip Erdoğan that “everything is under control”, Turkey is experiencing one of the deepest crises in recent years. A conversation with Hasan Durkal.
A working class perspective on China’s tech regulations
Bourgeois pundits are alarmed by the Chinese government’s latest regulatory changes. A Wall Street Journal headline is typical: “China’s corporate crackdown is just getting started. Signs point to more tumult ahead.”
Once again, the vultures circle Haiti
Joe Biden’s response to the earthquake was to put war hawk Samantha Power, who now heads USAID, in charge of U.S. relief efforts in Haiti.
Privatised health services worsen pandemic
Decades of public health cuts have quietly taken a huge human toll, now even more pronounced with the pandemic. Austerity programmes, by the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and World Bank, have forced countries to cut public spending, including health provisioning.
The nationalisation of banks in 1969
ON July 19, 1969, 14 major banks were nationalised in the country. Today, after 52 years there is some talk again of privatising the nationalised banks, which naturally raises the question: why were banks nationalised at all?
Canadian imperialism and the underdevelopment of Burkina Faso
Canadian mining companies own $2.5 billion of Burkina Faso’s gold, and the country is one of the most poverty-stricken in Africa.
People working a minimum wage job can’t afford rent anywhere in the U.S.
Over 40% of Black and Latinx households pay more than 30% of their income on rent, compared with 25% of white households.
Serve the People: The eradication of extreme poverty in China
On 25 February 2021, the Chinese government announced that extreme poverty had been abolished in China, a country of 1.4 billion people. This historic victory is a culmination of a seven-decade-long process that began with the Chinese Revolution of 1949.
Shoplifting is big news; stealing millions from workers is not
Urban crime is the golden child of local media, as recent FAIR coverage (6/21/21) has shown. But as FAIR’s Julie Hollar recently noted, the amount of attention given to a topic does not always reflect the seriousness of the situation.
Billionaire dynasties: vampires on humanity
The first decades of the 21st century have been a gilded age for the world’s super-rich. While the mass of humanity has struggled through successive economic crises, accelerating climate and environmental breakdown and now a devastating global pandemic, the billionaire class’s wealth has piled up to ever more dizzying heights.
China and the supply chain: a comment on the June 2021 White House review
Contrary to rhetoric from Democrats and Republicans, the U.S. has an economic interest in trade and peace with China
Women everywhere in the World are squeezed into a tight corner
Between 30 June and 2 July 2021, the United Nations and other multilateral organisations held the Generation Equality Forum in Paris (France).
China pulls itself out of poverty 100 years into its revolution
On February 25, 2021, China’s President Xi Jinping announced that his country of 1.4 billion people had pulled its people out of poverty as it is defined internationally.
Kwame Nkrumah and imperialist finance in Africa today
More than half a century after Kwame Nkrumah first articulated his magisterial critique of neocolonialism, Scott Timcke argues his critique remains just as relevant in the analysis of present-day developments of capitalism in Africa.
Cuba thanks Canadian entrepreneurs´ trust despite U.S. blockade
Cuba thanked Canadian entrepreneurs who do business with the country despite the economic, commercial and financial blockade imposed by the United States on Cuba, the Ministry of Foreign Trade and Foreign Investment (MINCEX) reported.
Digital Money Beyond Blockchain with Rohan Grey
In this episode, we’re joined by Rohan Grey (@rohangrey), President of the Modern Money Network, Director of the National Jobs for All Coalition, Research Fellow at the Global Institute for Sustainable Prosperity, and JSD student at Cornell Law school. Our conversation is dedicated to Rohan’s current work on the political, economic, and cultural implications of money’s digital future.