The New Irrationalism: a conversation with John Bellamy Foster
Daniel Tutt of Study Groups on Psychoanalysis and Politics interviews John Bellamy Foster on his new article, “The New Irrationalism,” from the February 2023 (Volume 74, Number 9) issue of Monthly Review.
Kendeng Against Cement
Since March 13, 2017, over 50 local indigenous peasants known as Sedulur Kendeng, from Central Java, Indonesia, have been sitting with their feet in cement boxes in protest before the Presidential Palace. This is their second such protest in eleven months.
Final Solution Revisited (Work in Progress: Gujarat 10 Years Later)
Gomtipur (Ahmedabad, Gujarat, India) was once called the Manchester of Gujarat. Did the decline of the mills contribute to the rise of the rightwing? Gujarat/ Malegaon films’ update: April 14. 2015 ([email protected]) #Crowdfunding #FinalSolutionRevisited… Posted by Rakesh Sharma on Tuesday, April 14, 2015 Rakesh Sharma is an internationally-acclaimed Indian documentary filmmaker. Follow Sharma on […]
Colombia: Popular Agrarian Summit Calls for Strike
A national strike in Colombia — involving groups of indigenous peoples, Afro-Colombians, students, women, small miners, petroleum workers, and campesinos (farmers) — may begin on May 1st. The decision to strike if the government does not respond by the first week of May was made during the Peasant, Ethnic, and Popular Agrarian Summit,1 held from […]
Rendszerváltás? (A Nagy Csalódás) / System Change? (The Great Disappointment)
Over twenty some years now We’ve been waiting for the good life For the average citizen Instead of wealth we have poverty Unrestrained exploitation So this is the big system change So this is what you waited for No housing, no food, no work But that’s what was assured wouldn’t happen Those on top […]
Campaigning for Union Office: An Excerpt from How to Jump-Start Your Union: Lessons from the Chicago Teachers
It’s one of the universals of organizing — first you make a list.
Elementary teacher Alix Gonzalez Guevara remembers staying up late transferring data about each school from a district-published book into an Excel spreadsheet: region, address, how many teachers, how many students.
This became a Google document, an online spreadsheet available to everyone working on the campaign. The schools were grouped by regions. Within each, a couple of lead activists took responsibility to find people to do outreach at each school.
“Environmentally Responsible?”: “Rogue NGOs” Tackle Pacific Rim in El Salvador
On October 20th, hundreds of people marched in Cabañas, El Salvador to voice their opposition to the proposed gold-mining project of Pacific Rim, a Canadian mining company. The anti-mining movement in El Salvador has been growing over the past decade and in 2007, under pressure from this movement, the Salvadoran government began to put restrictions on the burgeoning, foreign-dominated mining industry.
Police on Playback — Copwatch in New York City
Stories of police brutality are often told in a way that casts victims as helpless bystanders of cops run amok. We met with Sean Pagan, a recent victim of police violence, and found that his story changes how we think about policing in New York. Sean’s story shows that communities are finding new and […]
The Forgotten
The text in the painting reads the lyrics of a traditional Iraqi folk song: “Those who have forgotten us, when will you remember us? When will we cross your mind? When will you help our situation? Love, you have left us with no explanation; you shut the doors in our face and abandoned us. […]
Footage of Scott Olsen Being Shot by Police at Occupy Oakland
This footage is proof that Scott Olsen was shot in the face by police without provocation during the Occupy Oakland march on Tuesday, October 25. The moment leading up to the shooting, Olsen was standing completely still. He was then hit in the head with a tear gas canister, which is potentially fatal. Also, […]
The Politics of Iran’s Space Program
Iran’s recent successful launch of a second satellite into orbit has drawn considerable attention around the world. As in the past, Iran’s announcement of the launch of its domestically built satellite into space received mixed reactions in the West. Some mainstream U.S. media treated the announcement with skepticism and ridicule. “Before you cancel that European vacation or start building a bomb shelter, it’s worth taking Iran’s boasts with a grain of salt,” one commentator wrote in Wired. “While Iran has cooked up some indigenous weaponry over the years, its desire to puff out its chest and pronounce immunity from the effects of international sanctions has led to some absurd exaggerations and outright lies.”
The Libyan Example
Many countries, Iran and North Korea are among them, told us it was our mistake to give up, to have stopped developing long-range missiles and to become friendly with the West. Our example means one should never trust the West and should always be on alert — for them it is fine to change […]
My Water’s on Fire Tonight (the Fracking Song)
“You better keep ’em far away from the water supply.”
Returning to Jaffa: The Triumphant Odyssey of Palestinian Refugee Hassan Hijazi
Hassan Hijazi, a Syrian-Palestinian youth, is as surprised as the Israeli police. Hassan, who is a civil servant in the Education Ministry of Syria, had never imagined, even in his wildest dream, that one day he would be able to stroll on the streets of Jaffa, a city annexed to Tel Aviv. “My parents […]
Iraqis Demand “Unconditional Departure of Occupation Forces from Iraq”
On Friday, Iraqis demonstrated in Mosul City’s Ahrar Square (Square of the Free) for the ninth consecutive day to demand “the unconditional departure of occupation forces from Iraq” and the release of detainees. Meanwhile, in Sulaymaniyah province’s Hurriya (Freedom) Square, protestors demanded that the government and parliament be dissolved and asked for political reform.
Free Ebrahim Sharif, a Political Prisoner in Bahrain
Ebrahim Sharif is a 53-year-old Bahraini politician, businessman, husband, father — and now, a political prisoner. He serves as the secretary general of the National Democratic Action Society (also known as Waad), a secular, moderate, and peaceful political opposition group in Bahrain. Ebrahim Sharif Speaks At around 2 AM, on Thursday, March 17, 2011 […]
ISM Activist Vittorio Arrigoni Kidnapped in Gaza
International Solidarity Movement activist Vittorio Arrigoni was kidnapped in Gaza today. News sources in the Gaza Strip say that the kidnappers are members of a Salafi group. In a YouTube video, the group threatens to kill Arrigoni in 30 hours, counting from 11 AM in Gaza (10 AM in Italy), if the Hamas government […]
Bahraini Women Protest at American Embassy
“We don’t want to negotiate. We want to end the monarchy. We want to end the monarchy. Down with the monarchy!” “Down with the monarchy!” “The people want democracy!” “The people want democracy!”
Iran’s Rafsanjani Replaced by Ayatollah Kani as Head of Assembly of Experts
Iran’s Chairman of Assembly of Experts Ayatollah Akbar Hashemi Rafsanjani lost his post as head of the body on Tuesday, Iranian news agencies said.
The Sound of the Revolution
Ramy Essam is a singer and composer from Mansoura, Egypt. For more information about Essam, visit <www.facebook.com/RamyEssamOfficial>. This song, composed of slogans of the Egyptian Revolution, was performed at Tahrir Square in Egypt on the “Day of Departure” (4 February 2011). | Print