Teabaggers = Hawks and Likudniks

By now it has been well established that the teabaggers are by and large rich white men who are implacably opposed to pro-working-class economic policy, real or imagined.  It turns out that they are not even libertarians à la Ron Paul, Reason Magazine, or the Cato Institute — they are just a bunch of hawks and likudniks.

Quinnipiac University Poll/April 22, 2010
From April 14-19, Quinnipiac University surveyed 1,930 registered voters nationwide with a margin of error of +/- 2.2 percent

Do you think the U.S. is doing the right thing by fighting the war in Afghanistan now, or should the U.S. not be involved in Afghanistan now?

Total Rep Dem Ind Lib Mod Con Tea Party
Right thing 56% 71% 42% 57% 41% 53% 69% 75%
Shld not be inv 36 21 49 37 50 40 25 18
DK/NA 8 8 10 6 9 7 7 7

Do you think eliminating the threat from terrorists operating from Afghanistan is a worthwhile goal for American troops to fight and possibly die for or not?

Total Rep Dem Ind Lib Mod Con Tea Party
Yes 61% 73% 51% 63% 54% 57% 72% 77%
No 31 21 40 30 39 36 21 17
DK/NA 8 7 10 7 8 7 8 6

Do you approve or disapprove of cutting the number of United States nuclear weapons?

Total Rep Dem Ind Lib Mod Con Tea Party
Approve 54% 32% 73% 55% 80% 61% 34% 22%
Disapprove 42 64 22 42 16 35 63 77
DK/NA 4 4 5 3 3 4 3 1

Do you approve or disapprove of stopping development or testing of any new nuclear weapons?

Total Rep Dem Ind Lib Mod Con Tea Party
Approve 49% 33% 67% 47% 71% 54% 32% 26%
Disapprove 47 63 29 49 26 43 62 69
DK/NA 5 4 4 4 4 3 5 5

Do you approve or disapprove of not using nuclear weapons against countries that do not have them?

Total Rep Dem Ind Lib Mod Con Tea Party
Approve 57% 47% 70% 56% 73% 63% 44% 43%
Disapprove 36 45 25 38 23 32 48 52
DK/NA 7 8 4 6 4 5 7 5

Do you approve or disapprove of not using nuclear weapons against countries that do not have them, even if they launched a biological or chemical weapons attack against the United States?

Total Rep Dem Ind Lib Mod Con Tea Party
Approve 36% 30% 45% 35% 43% 41% 29% 29%
Disapprove 58 67 48 59 51 54 68 70
DK/NA 5 3 7 5 7 6 3 1

From what you know about the situation in the Middle East, do your sympathies lie more with Israel or more with the Palestinians?

Total Rep Dem Ind Lib Mod Con Tea Party
Israel 57% 70% 46% 57% 42% 49% 75% 82%
Palestinians 13 8 19 13 21 15 7 3
DK/NA 31 23 35 30 37 36 18 15

Is your opinion of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu favorable, unfavorable or haven’t you heard enough about him?

Total Rep Dem Ind Lib Mod Con Tea Party
Favorable 30% 42% 18% 33% 18% 23% 44% 55%
Unfavorable 14 5 19 16 23 16 5 4
Hvn’t hrd enough 54 51 59 49 53 58 48 38
REFUSED 3 2 4 2 5 2 2 3

Do you think the President of the United States should be a strong supporter of Israel or not?

Total Rep Dem Ind Lib Mod Con Tea Party
Yes/Should 66% 76% 61% 66% 56% 61% 78% 83%
No/Should NOT 19 14 22 21 25 24 12 9
DK/NA 15 10 18 14 19 16 9 9

Source: “April 22, 2010 — Senate Should Ratify Nuclear Disarmament Treaty, U.S. Voters Tell Quinnipiac University National Poll; Obama Not Strong Enough On Israel, Voters Say,” Quinnipiac University Polling Institute.

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