Regarding New York Times Labor Coverage

To: Business Editor
The New York Times

I appreciate your detailed reporting on Chinese unions and workers vs. Japanese employers, but I write to ask whether that use of your resources is the cause of your ignoring similar union stories here at home.

For example, I can find no coverage in the Times of the recent lockout of ILWU Local 30 miners at a Rio Tinto mine in California (although, again, you gave generous coverage to Rio Tinto’s legal troubles in China) as well as many other labor struggles within the US.

If your journalistic resources are limited, I suggest shifting your priorities to the US.


Michael Munk

The Class Struggle: ILWU Local 30 Rio Tinto Lockout

Rio Tinto Miners Receive Troublemakers Makers Award

Michael Munk is the author of The Portland Red Guide: Sites and Stories From Our Radical Past.  Visit his Web site: <>.  See, also, Jane Slaughter, “Settlement Voted Up in Boron, Calif., Lockout” (Labor Notes, 18 May 2010); and Jack Heyman, “Bad Strategy in the Boron Strike” (, 27 May 2010).

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