The Marxist turn in animal liberation?
The Alliance is a political association of various animal liberation groups centered in Germany and Switzerland. It was formed to support research, criticism and debate over the ideas of Marxism as they impact the animal liberation struggle and to contribute to a new approach to the praxis of the movement. The Alliance published it’s 18 Theses on Marxism and Animal Liberation in January, 2017.
“Socialism” in the Economic Report of the President
Something unusual has just happened. The current Economic Report of the President (March 2019)has devoted one full chapter to attacking socialism, under the title “Markets versus Socialism.”
After Netanyahu’s dirty tricks win–annexation of the West Bank may be next
After winning the Israeli election with a slim majority, in a campaign that grew more sordid and vilifying by the day, Benjamin Netanyahu is poised to begin his fifth term as Israeli prime minister.
Intervention in Venezuela: a tour of U.S. military bases in Curaçao and Aruba
Aruba and Curaçao are two Caribbean territories under the dominance (in terms of security and foreign policy) of the Netherlands. Since 1999, the United States has agreed to establish “counter-narcotics” operations centres on both islands.
From the BRICS countries to the townships: racial and social segregation continues
Over 25 years ago now the people of South Africa won the struggle to end the Apartheid regime. Nevertheless, even though it is now against the law, de facto racial segregation is still apparent.
Assessing 40 years of labor notes
Labor Notes is one of the most successful socialist projects in the labor movement in U.S. history. It has trained and connected tens of thousands of union militants throughout the world.
‘Facebook Coin’: The media giant is trying its hand at banking
Facebook’s cryptocurrency initiative furthers an agenda of neoliberal financialization, writes Josh Gabert-Doyon
Samir Amin internationaliste organique/organic internationalist
Taking as its point of departure this observation, itself a feature of 50 books by Samir Amin, the film depicts the audacious struggles of, as well as interviews with, addresses by and special moments involving this most outstanding intellectual of the South.
Marx and race: a Eurocentric analysis?
here is currently a welcome call to “decolonise” universities and academia.1 This is about more than demanding the removal of statues of old imperialists.
Duqu 2.0, lead actor on electric cyber-attacks against Venezuela
A PLC is a programmable industrial computer to automate industrial processes. Its architecture has similarities to computers that are at the hands of anyone: power source, CPU (Central Processing Unit), communication modules and inputs / outputs. The control programming that is designed for these devices will be done according to the process or processes that are intended to be controlled.
What kind of climate movement do we need?
Camilla Royle looks at the new climate activism.
This is the hour of madness
The title of this newsletter comes from a poem by Faiz Ahmed Faiz, a poem called This Hour of Chain and Noose (Tauq o dar ka Mausam, 1951).
Climate catastrophe and extinction rebellion
If you’re waiting for some elite politician to fix this ecological mess you will be hung out to dry well past humanity’s expiration date.
U.S. aggression against Venezuela and how do you “eat” that
“Each number presented here corresponds to the face of a Venezuelan woman, a man, a boy, a girl. It is not only about the economic impact on imports or production, it is about the impact that these economic aggressions have on the guarantee of the human rights of each Venezuelan” –Pasqualina Curcio, The Impact of the Economic War Against the People of Venezuela.
Extinction Rebellion targets Canary Wharf transport
‘Our aim is to create moments in time when humanity stops and fully considers the extent of the harm we have done’.
Ecosocialism: For a fighting ecological trade-unionism
How can we reconcile social struggle and environmental struggle? This question poses problems for trade unionists.
Who are Venezuela’s colectivos?
The media calls them armed thugs and US Senator Marco Rubio wants them put on the terrorist list, but who are Venezuela’s colectivos (collectives)? Green Left Weekly’s Federico Fuentes met with some of them to find out.
Imagining the Green New Deal with Robert Hockett
In this episode, we speak with Robert Hockett, Edward Cornell Professor of Law at Cornell Law School. At Cornell, about his role in crafting the Green New Deal Resolution, his conception of finance as a franchise, and his experience as an advisor to Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez as well to Senators Sanders and Warren.
The Latin American left’s setbacks: what does it all mean?
Steve Ellner and Alan Freeman talk about the Pink Tide and what came after in Venezuela and in the Latin American region.
How the Pentagon and CIA push Venezuela regime-change propaganda in video games
The US military and CIA launder coup propaganda through popular first-person shooter video games like Call of Duty, simulating assassinations of Venezeula’s socialist leader and sabotage of its electrical infrastructure.