Capitalism vs. the Planet
The latest IPCC report paints a picture of five potential futures for humanity. In the worst one, if corporations keep calling the shots, we could see catastrophic warming of up to 5.7˚C.
Part 2: Just transition beyond the industry shutdown scenario
Industry expansion relates to sectors such as public transport, where decarbonisation requires more buses and trains and fewer private car journeys. Industry evolution relates to new sectors, such as solar and offshore wind farms, that are newly emerging and do not have any history of labour relations, but there will not be space to discuss this fourth scenario in this column.
Part 1: Defend and transform–mobilising workers in all sectors for climate justice
Mobilizing the global labour movement for climate justice and just transition is one of the defining challenges of our times. However, for workers in many sectors, it is unclear how climate issues will affect them specifically, and how they should respond.
The Pasts and Futures of Social Reproduction as Dual Terrains Struggle
This article discusses Susan Ferguson’s Women and Work and how it advances contemporary debates about social reproduction within and beyond Marxist feminism. In particular, I emphasise its call for avoiding hierarchising struggles against oppression and those against exploitation, and for centring a dual-terrains approach. – Maud Perrier
A resource guide to political prisoners in the U.S.
A growing list and guide to materials highlighting a few of the many of the political prisoners who have been incarcerated in the United States many still fighting for liberation.
Cuba: The first country in the world to vaccinate children under 12
Cuban President Miguel Díaz-Canel announced Aug. 31–in a special meeting of scientists and health professionals–that by November, 92.6% of Cuba’s entire population will be fully vaccinated with the three-shot process.
India’s data harvest
New platforms and data analytics are helping big agribusiness take over Indian agriculture. Ordinary farmers are losing out, writes Bikrum Gill.
Mikis Theodorakis: A life of music and resistance
Mikis Theodorakis, who began his political life as a partisan in Greek resistance, remained a staunch opponent of imperialist aggression throughout his life. His musical compositions contributed to the cultural revolution in Greece.
‘The Big Scary “S” Word’ trailer
The Big Scary “S” Word trailer
10 charts on the State of U.S. workers on the 2nd pandemic Labor Day
While workers are continuing to struggle under Covid, corporate lobbyists are converging on Capitol Hill to block proposed pro-labor reforms.
China calls for investigation into U.S. massacres of civilians in Afghanistan
On Wednesday, September 1, Chinese Foreign Affairs Ministry spokesperson Wang Wenbin said that the massacres of civilians committed by the US military in Afghanistan during 20 years of occupation and war should be fully investigated.
Multinational Corporations and COVID-19: Intellectual property rights vs. human rights
The multilateral trading system anchored by the WTO is not confined to cross-border trade in physical goods.
What I learned from 10 years teaching Chinese students about gender
The author, a teacher at a college in East China, reflects on the successes and challenges of her “Gender and Media” class.
How Amilcar Cabral shaped Paulo Freire’s pedagogy
Frantz Fanon’s influence on Paulo Freire’s thought is well known, but the Brazilian educator also drew considerably from Amílcar Cabral, the revolutionary intellectual from Guinea-Bissau.
Over two decades, U.S.’s global war on terror has taken nearly 1 million lives and cost $8 trillion
A new report from the Costs of War Project makes staggering estimates for the human and financial costs of the global forever wars.
Afghanistan withdrawal is a shock to the Israel lobby
Military occupations excite violent resistance throughout history. The U.S. has given up the fantasy of transforming Afghanistan. This removes Israel’s cover for its occupation and is generating panic among Israel’s friends.
5 years since the 2016 Coup: an Interview with Dilma Rousseff
The 2016 coup was ground zero. It was the inaugural act, but the process continues.
Insane U.S. plan to spend billions on weaponizing space makes defense contractors jump for joy—but rest of World cowers in horror at prospect of new arms race leading to World War III
And yet far worse is to come—unless there is a return to the vision of the Outer Space Treaty of 1967. The latter needs to be expanded, U.S. Space Force dismantled, and a full global commitment made to keep space for peace.
Assata Shakur: The making of a revolutionary woman
From Assata’s story, we are able to learn what it means to be motivated by a deep love for the people and the struggle for freedom—and what it means to embody a determined and unbreakable spirit in the face of crackdowns and government repression designed to stifle and destroy the movement.
China announces massive greening plan to achieve carbon goals
The task includes planting 54 million mu of trees and 46 million mu of grass each year, said Zhang Wei, head of the ecological protection and restoration department of the National Forestry and Grassland Administration (NFGA).