The Progressive Left is maintaining systemic racism in New York City
Workers in the United States once united across trade and background to fight for the 8-hour workday. Today, many lament how weak the labor movement has become, often pointing to attacks from the right to strip unions and workers of power.
A look back on three years of China’s anti-Covid-19 fight
As we enter into a new year and a new era of fighting Covid-19—while anticipating the new viruses that will inevitably emerge—the hope is that the world can learn from these hard-earned lessons, act and cooperate using science, not rumors, and embody a spirit of international solidarity, not stigma.
Twenty-two years of austerity in Timor-Leste: The IMF and rebuilding the neoliberal state from scratch
Timor-Leste was proclaimed by the Revolutionary Front for an Independent East Timor (FRETILIN) as a sovereign state on November 28, 1975.
The perils of Pious Neoliberalism in the Austerity State: The Fifty-First Newsletter (2022)
The International Labour Organisation’s Global Wage Report 2022–23 tracks the horrendous collapse of real wages for billions of people around the planet.
All Is Calm, All Is Bright: Christmas, Climate Change, and the Dialectics of Winter
1. We take winter for granted as the frozen backdrop that gives so many Christmas traditions their meaning. Even in warm climates, frosted landscapes persist in the holiday imaginary. The origins of this setting lay in the Pagan roots of the season. Typically held around the darkest of days, the Winter Solstice, Pagan Yule was […]
Ecological imperialism and the Canadian mining industry
In 2013, Edward Snowden’s leak of documents pertaining to the inner workings of National Security Agency (NSA) sparked international revelations about the reach and unaccountability of Washington’s international surveillance apparatus. One series of documents that remain understudied, however, concern similar activities orchestrated by the Canadian government.
“Everything that is human is ours”: The political and cultural vanguardism of Antonio Gramsci and José Carlos Mariátegui
Within the heterogenous tradition of Marxism there are two diametrically opposed conceptions of popular culture: the elitist and vanguardist.
‘Capitalism and Slavery’, and dismantling the accepted narratives of history
“When British capitalism depended on the West Indies,” Eric Williams wrote in 1938, “they ignored slavery or defended it. When British capitalism found the West Indian monopoly a nuisance, they destroyed West Indian slavery.”
The Global South births a new game-changing payment system
Challenging the western monetary system, the Eurasia Economic Union is leading the Global South toward a new common payment system to bypass the U.S. Dollar.
The attack on nature is putting humanity at risk: The Forty-Fifth Newsletter (2022)
In the last week of October, João Pedro Stedile, a leader of the Landless Workers’ Movement (MST) in Brazil and the global peasants’ organisation La Via Campesina, went to the Vatican to attend the International Meeting of Prayer for Peace, organised by the Community of Sant’Egídio.
Songs about Che
Commodification of the iconic image of Ernesto ‘Che’ Guevara has failed to dim the revolutionary light that burned on after his CIA assassination on 9 October 1967.
An interpretation of the CPC’s 20th congress report: the western media’s omertà on the China model of modernization and its disingenuous response to the CPC’s self-revolution
The Western media, due to their own bias, have either ignored or maliciously misinterpreted General Secretary Xi Jinping’s recently published report on the just concluded 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China (CPC). All peace-loving and progressive people who are concerned about the world should cross these barriers of bias and carefully interpret this important report.
Dossier No. 57: The geopolitics of inequality: Discussing pathways towards a more just world
This dossier is about inequality, or inequalities, between the North and South, between the rich and poor, and between the classes that labour and those that profit.
Analysis: Nine key moments that changed China’s mind about climate change
China says on the international stage that it wants to tackle climate change, but it also says it must deliver “national energy security”. The decade ahead will show whether it can meet this challenge. The whole world is relying on it doing so.
To argue with the King of Growth
Every culture has its myth. Ours is the myth of growth, whereby we perceive the accumulation of material and financial wealth as a proxy for social progress and human well-being. The example of Washington state illustrates how modern society struggles to abandon the illusion of limitless expansion, even when it tries to do right by its citizens.
Stop the Ukraine War—refuse to handle military cargo
The ILWU must call for an end to the war. Most importantly we must appeal for port actions to the International Dockworkers Council (IDC) and the International Transport Workers Federation (ITF) to refuse to handle military cargo by dockworkers around the world.
German unity, war of peace: Berlin Bulletin 205, October 9, 2022
In 1990, on October 3rd, Germany could rejoice; unity at last, a single flag, a single anthem (“Deutschland über alles”), a single currency, a single foreign policy; in other words, freedom and democracy triumphant!
Where is capitalism?
Present, all too present, on the earth, capitalism is not present to it. It is global.
Devils and the Ukraine: Berlin Bulletin 204, September 21, 2022
Am I mistaken in hearing echoes of grating radio voices from my childhood, in 1938, frightening even without translation, and omens of the giant tragedy which descended upon the world just one year later? Today’s tones are smoother, the words more circumspect, but I see election results in Spain, Italy, France, even Denmark, Sweden and the Netherlands, the wrecking of the Labour Party in England and news from many regions of the USA—and I grow fearful.
Ten Theses on Marxism and Decolonisation
The Cuban Revolution came about in a country subordinated to the U.S. from all points of view. Although we had the façade of a republic, we were a perfect colony, exemplary in economic, commercial, diplomatic, and political terms, and almost in cultural terms.