Archive | Commentary

  • Breaking the Vessels

    OK, so the Palestinian Authority will not unilaterally declare an independent Palestinian state.  In fact, the whole issue seems a misunderstanding.  Concerned that the US has backtracked on a two state solution based on the 1967 borders and that Israel was getting the world used to the “fact” that the settlements and the Wall, rather […]

  • Lynne Stewart in Jail!

    Lynne Stewart in Jail! Protest Lynne Stewart’s incarceration! San Francisco Federal Courthouse, 7th and Mission, SF Monday, November 23, 5:00 pm Dear Friends of Lynne Stewart, I just got off the phone with Lynne Stewart a few minutes ago, that is, late Wednesday (early Thursday, November 19, New York time).  She bravely told me that […]

  • Michael Moore Blasts House Health Care Bill

    “The health insurance companies are going to make an extra 70 billion dollars as a result of Americans being forced to buy their health insurance.  What company wouldn’t love this bill?” — Michael Moore, Toronto, 17 November 2009 Video via | | Print

  • No Business as Usual: UC Strike

    For more information, go to ; ; and .  See, also, “Why Are We Destroying Public Education?  University of California Students and Staff Prepare for System-Wide Strike to Protest Cuts” (DemocracyNow! 17 November 2009). | | Print

  • Negotiating in a Difficult Economic Environment

      “[I]t may be surprising to learn that faculty salaries are not a major component of the total costs at most universities.  For instance, at my institution, Eastern Michigan University, faculty salaries make up only 24 percent of total expenses.  So where is the money going?” — Howard Bunsis Conclusion: Yes, these are bad economic […]

  • Honduras: The Constituent Assembly Is the Solution

      One side is the barely veiled alliance between Washington and Micheletti.  The other side consists of the Constitutional Zelaya Government, the National Front against the Coup d’Etat and the principal former presidential candidate linked to the latter who has decided to boycott the November 29 elections.  The candidate had formally taken his final position […]

  • Housing Market Trails Off with Expiration of First Homebuyer Tax Credit

    The 60-day delinquency rate in the 3rd quarter was 58 percent above the year-ago level. There appeared to be a sharp falloff in the housing market in October, as the November 30th expiration date for the first-time homebuyers tax credit approached.  As expected, this credit pulled home purchases forward, leading to a substantial increase in […]

  • GEO Strike: Activist Union Defends Education from Corporate University

    This morning at 7:45 I was on the University of Illinois campus for a graduate student employee rally.  After a bargaining update, we moved in groups to begin picketing key campus buildings.  The Graduate Employees Organization (GEO), an affiliate of the American Federation of Teachers (AFT), was going on strike after contract negotiations with the […]

  • Report on the Revolutionary Struggle for Civilian Supremacy, Democracy and Peace in Nepal

    What started as a focus on protests against military supremacy has silently led to a focus on support for civilian supremacy.  The retirement of Rookmangud Katawal, the ex-military chief and the main person who triggered the present crisis, has de facto diverted the attention of the United Communist Party of Nepal (Maoist) to support civil […]

  • On Being Sent Down from Yale

    Edgar White was born in Montserrat West Indies.  He has lived in the United States and England.  His plays have been successfully presented in New York, London, and Africa.  In the following autobiographical extract, he describes how his radical activities in the seventies led him to being sent down from Yale. for Cornel West It […]

  • United States Propaganda in Iran: 1951-1953

      Abstract: Using Jowett and O’Donnell’s system of propaganda analysis, the present case study concentrates on America’s dominant propaganda messages, techniques, and media channels used in Iran during the time period between 1951 and 1953.  The chosen period is of historical significance since it entails the Iranian nationalization of oil crisis and the 1953 coup […]

  • Defamation

      Director’s Statement I first had the idea to make a film about anti-Semitism when my earlier work Checkpoint was released.  In one of that film’s many reviews, I was called “the Israeli Mel Gibson,” not because of my good looks, but because the views I had expressed, critical of Israel’s policies toward the Palestinians, […]

  • Illinois Grad Employees Strike for Education Security

    While former Illinois Senator Barack Obama mulls flushing another $40 billion a year in our tax dollars down the toilet in Afghanistan — that’s the estimated annual cost of sending 40,000 more troops for the next several years — graduate employees at the University of Illinois, a “land grant” public institution, are going on strike […]

  • Public Sector Workers: The Recession’s Next Victims?

      I fear that Tom Walkom of the Toronto Star is bang on when he argues that the next victims of the recession will be public sector workers.  As he writes: The federal government has already signalled plans to get tough with its workers.  In Ontario, Premier Dalton McGuinty gave notice this week that the […]

  • Big City Superintendents: Dictatorship or Democracy?  Lessons from Paulo Freire

      During my teaching career I’ve worked under nine different superintendents.  I’ve taught for nearly 30 years, so the average reign of a Milwaukee superintendent has been a little over three years, about normal for big city school districts. While some people, including U.S. Secretary of Education Arne Duncan, decry these short tenures as a […]

  • Stepwise Revolutionary Advance in Nepal

      Analytical Monthly Review, published in Kharagpur, West Bengal, India, is a sister edition of Monthly Review.  Its November 2009 issue features the following editorial. — Ed. We last commented on events in Nepal in our May editorial, following the attempt of the ceremonial president to exercise royal authority by “countermanding” the decision of the […]

  • Global Pollution

      North versus South Cf. SOURCE: Financial Times, 18 October 2009 Laz (Humberto Lázaro Miranda Ramírez) is a Cuban cartoonist.  This cartoon was first published by Juventud Rebelde. | | Print  

  • Pan-Arabism and After: The Evolution of a Playwright

      Dina A. Amin.  Alfred Farag and Egyptian Theater: The Poetics of Disguise, With Four Short Plays and a Monologue.  Syracuse: Syracuse University Press, 2008. xxx + 321 pp. $34.95 (cloth), ISBN 978-0-8156-3163-7. This urgently needed book is an investigation of Egyptian theatre through the works of the preeminent Egyptian playwright Alfred Farag (1929-2005), during […]

  • CAIR Concerned about Government Seizure of U.S. Mosques

    The Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) expressed concern about the government’s move to seize mosques in New York, Maryland, California, and Texas.  Officials accuse the foundation that owns the mosques of being tied to the Iranian government. SEE: Feds Move to Seize 4 Mosques (AP) CAIR said the unprecedented move by the government may have […]

  • The “Just Something” Rule

      I read volume 1 of Marx’s Capital while working on a production line in a food factory.  I don’t mean I read it during my tea breaks, I read it while “working” on the line.  I had an injury and was doing a ‘quality control’ job which entailed sitting next to a conveyor watching […]