Archive | Commentary

  • If Socialism Fails: The Spectre of 21st Century Barbarism

    From the first day it appeared online, Climate and Capitalism’s masthead has carried the slogan “Ecosocialism or Barbarism: there is no third way.”  We’ve been quite clear that ecosocialism is not a new theory or brand of socialism — it is socialism with Marx’s important insights on ecology restored, socialism committed to the fight against […]

  • Afghanistan: Shoals Ahead for President Obama

    Obama has founded his campaign and become attractive to the American voters in large part on the basis of his position on the Iraq war.  He opposed it publicly since 2002.  He has called it a “dumb” war.  He voted against the “surge.”  He has called for a withdrawal over 16 months of all combat […]

  • Reality Bites.  Bush Blinks.  Tough Road Ahead.

    This month the Bush administration finally blinked. After years of bluster about “staying the course” and “not rewarding evildoers by talking to them,” a shift in White House declarations indicated that failure is forcing even this President to adjust. First, about Iraq: Three months ago Bush was promising an imminent “Status of Forces Agreement” that […]

  • Offshore Drilling and Energy Conservation:The Relative Impact on Gas Prices

    Senator McCain recently proposed opening up environmentally sensitive offshore zones to oil drilling in response to the recent jump in oil and gas prices.  He argues that increased offshore production will reduce dependence on foreign oil, in addition to lowering gas prices. However, the Energy Information Agency (EIA) projects that Senator McCain’s proposal would have […]

  • The Crowd in the Iranian Revolution of 1977-79

    “The main actor of the Iranian Revolution was really the crowd.  One American sociologist has described it as ‘the largest protest event in world history’ . . . in fact it had more mass participation than any other major political crisis or revolution.  What is striking about the Iranian crowd is that it’s very, very […]

  • Moreno Ocampo’s Coup de Theatre

    I have been delaying writing about the ICC Chief Prosecutor’s public application for an arrest warrant against President Bashir until that application is public.  As it is still not available, let me comment on the press conference.  In the absence of law and evidence, we have the theatrics. I sat in Luis Moreno Ocampo’s press […]

  • Nigeria’s Oil

      Awash in oil, yet its people, for the most part, are destitute.  Nigeria discovered “liquid gold” half a century ago and today is the world’s eighth largest oil exporter.  But the country is plagued by corruption, inefficiency, underdevelopment, and an uprising in its Niger Delta — the area where most of its oil reserves […]

  • End the Occupation of Iraq — and Afghanistan

    So far, Bush’s plan to maintain a permanent U.S. military presence in Iraq has been stymied by resistance from the Iraqi government.  Barack Obama’s timetable for withdrawal of American troops has evidently been joined by Iraqi Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki, Bush has mentioned a “time horizon,” and John McCain has waffled.  Yet Obama favors leaving […]

  • Labor Board Becomes Government’s “Rip Van Winkle”

    Returning to school after winter break, Austin Garrido found that Uloop, an online marketplace for college students, had cut his hourly pay.  Elsewhere on the University of California-Polytechnic’s campus in Pomona, his co-worker Sarah Doolittle also discovered a light paycheck. Unhappy about $8 an hour and shrunken bonuses from the Craigslist-type outfit, the two posted […]

  • Iran Should Sue to Stop US Attack

      Francis Boyle, Professor of International Law at the University of Illinois, proposes that Iran sue the U.S. in the World Court to enjoin it against threats to attack Iran. Part 1: The Libya Precedent “We filed papers with the International Court of Justice in the Hague, on behalf of Libya against the US and […]

  • Blood and Oil: The Middle East in World War I

    Blood and Oil: The Middle East in World War I Part 1: Surprise Attack Part 2: Military Disaster Part 3: The Dardanelles Part 4: Suez Advance Part 5: Gallipoli Part 6: Iraq Expedition Part 7: Caucasus Front Part 8: Iraq Revisited Part 9: Desert War Part […]

  • Mohsen Namjoo 2008 US Tour

    عقاید نئوکانتی زلف بر باد ترنج بگو بگو گیس یا علی ساربان چنانت دوست می‌دارم آه، که این‌طو جبر جغرافيا من از دل دیازپام ۱۰ (سه راه آذری) تریاک را به بازدمت پز اى كاش رو سر بنه به بالین مرغ شیدا طلوع من شيرين آرامش با دیازپام ده (فیلمی از سامان سالور) TICKETS GO […]

  • Critical Mass Bicyclist Assaulted by NYPD

    A Critical Mass bicyclist was attacked by police in Times Square on Friday, 25 July 2008. | | Print

  • Many Faces of Youssef Chahine

    More celebrated abroad than in his own country, Youssef Chahine tried every film genre, from historical epic to musical comedy.  The Egyptian director, who died on Sunday, 27 July 2008 in Cairo, received the lifetime achievement award on the fiftieth anniversary of the Cannes Film Festival in 1997. His last film Chaos, released in 2007, […]

  • What Is Palestine to Me? An Interview with Fatima Hassan

    Fatima Hassan, is a prominent South African human rights lawyer who was part of a South African Human Rights Delegation that in early July visited Israel and the Occupied Palestinian Territories.   The delegation undertook the mission in order to: “support those, Palestinian and Israeli, working daily, by non-violent means, to bring an end to the […]

  • Obama in Berlin

    I attended the big rally with Obama in Berlin Thursday evening, not as a press representative but as one of the crowd.  And what a giant crowd it was!  The news reports counted “over 200,000,” but, to someone sandwiched in so tight I could hardly lift my hand to scratch my itching nose, much less […]

  • Afghanistan Threatens to Become Obama’s Vietnam

      On the occasion of US Democratic presidential candidate Barack Obama’s visit to Berlin, Christine Buchholz, a member of the Left Party executive board, comments: Many hopes are tied to Barack Obama, since George W. Bush is the most unpopular American President ever, and Obama promises to improve the social situation and bring the Iraq […]

  • Rank-and-File Activism: A Viable Alternative

      “Man’s greatness consists in his ability to do and the proper application of his powers to things needed to be done.” — Frederick Douglas Over time, fads come and go, yet for organized labor certain basic principles hold true.  In the “big picture” search for answers to the problems faced by labor today, outspoken […]

  • Chavez: Russia and Venezuela Unite as Oil & Gas Giants

    Click on the link and read the full transcript of RussiaToday’s interview with Chavez: “Chavez: Russia and Venezuela Unite as Oil & Gas Giants,” 24 July 2008. This program was broadcast on RussiaToday on 23 July 2008. | | Print

  • Liberal Philanthropy and the “Birth” of Population Control Environmentalism

    Many environmentalists can rightly claim that they (as a social movement) have made valiant efforts to temper the relentless destruction wrought on Planet Earth by its human inhabitants (those luxuriating in their consumer lifestyles in the ‘developed world’ have waged the war against life most relentlessly).  Environmentalists can even claim to have successfully prodded many […]