“The Reckoning: From the Second Slavery to Abolition, 1776-1888” – book review
The Reckoning is a magnificent conclusion to a quartet of books on New World slavery, explaining the role of slavery and its abolition in the rise of American power, finds Chris Bambery.
‘Doppelganger: A Trip into the Mirror World’ – book review
Naomi Klein’s exploration of the spread of conspiracy theory and the ‘other Naomi’ is baggy but contains useful insights, argues Lindsey German.
Lessons from history for women’s liberation
RON JACOBS points out that it wasn’t until anti-imperialist and anti-racist movements formed women’s liberation groups that the fundamental roots of oppression could be addressed.
The Communist Women’s Movement in Retrospect
Paul Buhle reviews “The Communist Women’s Movement,” a collection of documents of a global women’s communist movement.
Quarter-Earth reformism
Review of Matt Huber’s ‘Climate Change as Class War: Building Socialism on a Warming Planet’
“What Is Anti-Racism? And Why It Means Anti-Capitalism,” A book review
Arun Kundnani details the histories of liberal and radical anti-racism and argues that anti-racism ultimately means anti-capitalism.
Reactionary ecology
For many continental philosophers, the first two decades of the new millennium were a time of vibrant matter, hyperobjects, and a weird fixation with intestinal microbes. The late Bruno Latour saw this ‘new materialist’ doctrine–which decentred the human subject in favour of the world of ‘things’, believed to have agency of their own–as a useful resource in his career-long polemic against Marxism.
NECESSITY: A two-part documentary series on climate resistance
Grounded in people and places at the heart of the climate crisis, ‘Oil, Water and Climate Resistance’ traces the fight in Minnesota against the expansion of pipelines carrying toxic tar sands oil through North America.
Dialectics, Science and Naturalism: An Outline
“Should one claim that, unless they have studied the Science of Logic, these scientists don’t know what they are doing? Doubtless, they know what they are doing but, philosophically speaking, they often do not know what they know and beyond a certain point this limitation cannot but have a regrettable influence on their work.” (Sève 2008: 91)
Unravelling human history: the rise of class society and women’s oppression
Anthropology, since its inception, has been an ideologically contested–discipline, and the same is true of both primatology and zoology when they have been used to explain human evolution.
The Cancer Factory
Too many U.S. workers still suffer and die from exposure to well-known toxic substances, a Texas investigative reporter’s new book says.
Ernest Mandel – “Hope and Marxism: Historical and Theoretical Essays”
Some of Ernest Mandel’s finest work on Marxist theory and revolutionary politics appeared in the form of short articles. “Hope and Marxism” collects eleven of Mandel’s most significant articles and provides an excellent introduction to his thought.
“What Is Anti-Racism?” – review
Arun Kudnani traces its roots to the campaigns of 1930s’ cultural thinkers such as anthropologist Ruth Benedict and gay rights activist Magnus Hirschfield, who were theorising the rise of Nazism in Germany and urged the U.S. political elite to educate the working class, believing that without this, economic hardship would make racism more likely.
Book review: ‘Pragmatism versus Marxism’
Written by Marxist philosopher George Novack (1905-1992) and published in 1975 by Pathfinder Press, “Pragmatism versus Marxism: An appraisal of John Dewey’s Philosophy” sought to explain the origins, emergence, class basis, and norms of pragmatism, which has been the predominant mode of thought in U.S. intellectual and political life.
From protest movements to revolutionary change
Brazilian informant says, “A lot of my generation were inspired by the Zapatistas… but how did we find out about them? From Rage Against the Machine.”
“Cobalt Red, How the Blood of the Congo Powers Our Lives”
Siddarth Kara’s book exposes the exploitation behind the Fourth Industrial Revolution.
“War and Lenin in the 21st Century”
As in Lenin’s time, the conclusion is that socialist revolution will end imperialist war, enabling workers to meet their own needs.
“A Materialist Guide to Media Literacy”
In exploring the notion of critical media literacy, the Marxist concepts of base and superstructure and Antonio Gramsci’s theory of cultural hegemony provide an essential framework for understanding the complex dynamics of media, power, and ideology.
“The Eye of the Master: A Social History of Artificial Intelligence” – book review
Pasquinelli’s “Eye of the Master” provides a materialist analysis of AI and technology, which Kevin Crane finds to be an excellent antidote to all the nonsense and hype spouted about AI.
‘Sickening Profits: The Global Food System’s Poisoned Food and Toxic Wealth’
The modern food system is being shaped by the capitalist imperative for profit.