The defeat of democracy in Brazil
Many wonder how it is possible, following the democratic governments of Fernando Henrique Cardoso, Lula, and Dilma Rousseff, that Brazilians have elected as President a shady federal deputy and die-hard defender of the military dictatorship that ruledthe country 1964-1985.
The lesson of Brazil
The catastrophe–expected and foreseeable–has happened. This immense country, with its 200 million inhabitants, is now in darkness. At best, it will take a decade or two to emerge.
Brazil: Workers’ Party challenges political persecution decree
Social movements and political opposition fear Temer’s security decree will be used to persecute left-wing groups.
Fascism is real, but the “resistance” is mostly fake
Fascism is always a danger under capitalism, with its frequent crises and endemic white supremacy, but the phony “resistance” is only concerned about electing Democrats.
With Samir Amin by our side
Brazil’s election result is appalling. Jair Bolsonaro, who will take office early next year, will be the most extremist head of government on the planet. If he cuts down the Amazon Rain Forest–as he promises–it will be catastrophic for life.
Did fake news win the Brazilian election?
Bolsonaro’s rise to power came with a welter of misinformation, rumour and lies. What role did ‘fake news’ play in the far right leader’s victory?
Brazil Elections: a conversation with social leader Frei Betto
The second round of elections in Brazil will take place Oct. 28, and this time two opponents will face off. On the one side is Fernando Haddad from the Workers’ Party (PT) who promises to continue the project started by Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva and Dilma Rousseff.
Bolsonaro’s son threatens violence if his father is blocked from Brazil’s presidential race
FAR-RIGHT Brazilian presidential candidate Jair Bolsonaro’s son has threatened violence against the country’s Supreme Electoral Court (TSE) if it blocks his father from running in Sunday’s second-round poll.
David Duke announces support for Jair Bolsonaro
The former Klu Klux Klan leader said Bolsonaro “sounds like one of us.”
Bolsanaro supporters carve swastika into woman
GROUP of men claiming to be supporters of far-right Brazilian presidential candidate Jair Bolsonaro carried out a sickening physical attack on an opposition supporter this week, carving a swastika into her stomach with a knife.
Brazil is falling under an evil political spell
Bolsonaro—an open advocate of racism, sexism, torture, and police execution squads—represents the resurrection of the fascist political tradition. That tradition discards norms of decency, tolerance, compromise and due process whenever they obstruct taking power.
Future of western democracy being played out in Brazil
Geopolitical and global economic reverberations will be immense. The Brazilian dilemma illuminates all the contradictions surrounding the Right populist offensive across the West, juxtaposed to the inexorable collapse of the Left. The stakes could not be higher.
Stedile on Brazil elections
MST leader on the presidential race between Workers’ Party’s Fernando Haddad and far-right candidate Jair Bolsonaro.
Brazil: left unites in support of Haddad as candidate works to woo voters
The Democratic Labor Party, which got 12.5 percent of the vote, confirmed its support for Workers’ Party candidate Fernando Haddad.
Brazil faces ‘threat of contemporary dictatorship,’ Workers’ Party candidate says
Haddad spoke with journalists about the aggressive remarks made by far-right candidate Jair Bolsonaro.
The Atlas Network’s insidious impact on the ground
Over the decades, the Atlas Network has been financing a variety of organizations that seek to influence the public and promote capitalist ideas.
Elections in Brazil–guess who turns up?
Just when you think that they have already done enough damage, that they have seen the light, and maybe they have repented and disappeared to enjoy the wealth they have amassed thanks to an insane capitalist system, they surface again like a cancer that no surgery or radiation has been able to remove.
We defend the Constituent Assembly
The national leader of the Landless Rural Workers Movement (MST), the economist João Pedro Stédile, is at the frontline for the liberation of former President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva. He predicts that if Lula’s candidacy is prevented, a political crisis will become even more acute.
The narrative is still Lula
He has been condemned to this cell in Curitiba by a judicial process that has his supporters outraged and his detractors gleeful. A week ago, judges went back and forth over whether he could be released while he appealed a verdict on a corruption case known as Operation Car Wash.
Lula or nothing? The dilemmas of the Brazilian left
The urgent task of defeating the right in the upcoming elections cannot come at the price of compromising the future. If the new radical left fails to put forward a clear critique of Lula’s legacy the dissatisfaction with the intrinsic limits of neo-developmentalism will be easily captured by new voices on the right.