NYT: First declassified photos of Guantanamo Bay released
According to a New York Times report on Monday, the first declassified photographs of Guantanamo Bay detainees from Afghanistan, who had arrived just a few months after September 11, 2001, were released.
Mexico’s President AMLO condemns U.S. blockade of Cuba as ‘genocide’ and ‘tremendous violation of human rights’
Mexico’s left-wing President Andrés Manuel López Obrador (AMLO) denounced the illegal U.S. blockade of Cuba as a “type of genocide” and “tremendous violation of human rights.”
U.S. govt’s Summit of the Americas fails: Boycott by presidents of Mexico, Bolivia, Honduras, Guatemala
As the U.S. government’s Summit of the Americas opens in Los Angeles, California, the presidents of Mexico, Bolivia, Honduras, and Guatemala have refused to attend, protesting the exclusion of Cuba, Venezuela, and Nicaragua.
Cuba’s non-alignment: A foreign policy of peace and socialism
In Cuba, ‘non-alignment’ has never meant being neutral, and has always meant being opposed to attempts to divide humanity, writes MANOLO DE LOS SANTOS
Abortion in Cuba vs U.S. shows which country is truly democratic
In Cuba, abortion and all healthcare is free, and enshrined in a constitution democratically voted on by the people. In the US, nine unelected, life-long judges control society based on a 1787 constitution written by slaveowners.
One million people killed by capitalism
One million people in the United States have died of COVID-19. Coronavirus was written on their death certificates as the cause.
Controversy and contradictions ahead of the 9th Summit of the Americas
The controversy began when U.S. Assistant Secretary of State for Western Hemisphere Affairs, Brian Nichols, made a statement on Colombian television channel NTN24 earlier in the month, saying that Nicaragua, Cuba and Venezuela were not welcome at the Summit, since these countries “do not adhere to the Democratic Charter of the Americas.”
Beyond abortion, a struggle to win our future
“When you have touched a woman you have struck a rock,” says a South African proverb. It continues, you have dislodged a boulder, you will be crushed. The U.S. Supreme Court justices who penned the recently leaked draft majority opinion abolishing voluntary legal pregnancy termination, should take heed.
Abdala, with three doses, demonstrates 92.28% efficacy
Communist Party First Secretary and President of the Republic Miguel Díaz-Canel Bermúdez, on behalf of Cuba, congratulates researchers who in 13 months achieved a global milestone.
Cuba prepares for disaster
The book traces Cuba’s preparedness from the threat of a U.S. invasion following its revolution through its resistance to hurricanes and diseases, which all laid the foundation for current adaptions to climate change.
The Mecca of African Liberation: Walter Rodney in Tanzania
Karim Hirji, a Tanzanian student, was in a good mood when he went to bed on the 10 July 1969. That evening he had heard the most impressive lecture of his life at the University of Dar es Salaam. The lecture was on the Cuban Revolution and its relevance to Africa. Back in his dorm, he praised the speaker in his diary: “one could almost feel the strong conviction and deep emotions from which he spoke”. The man he admired and later befriended was Dr Walter Rodney.
How Cuba revitalised its energy sector while significantly reducing carbon emissions
Cuba has been revitalising its energy sector for the past 25 years. As a result, there has been a demonstrable rise in overall efficiency and a significant reduction in emissions.
She, we… on the road to equality
In Cuba, we are fortunate to be part of a social project in which women have been protagonists and beneficiaries of the transformations achieved.
“Cuba advocates a solution that guarantees the security and sovereignty of all”
Statement from Cuba’s Revolutionary Government
Cuba’s successful disregard for U.S. policies
We have just commemorated the 20th anniversary of one of the mechanisms used to strangle Cuba, the control of the naval facilities at Guantanamo Bay, vital to Cuba’s development.
Political prisoners in Cuba?
Can those prosecuted for acts of violence and recklessly endangering the public order, with no program, no proposals for positive change, be considered political prisoners?
What Cuba can give the peoples, and has given, is its example
On February 4, 1962, in José Martí Plaza de la Revolución, the Second Declaration of Havana was ratified by popular acclaim, an emphatic response to the aggression, sabotage and crimes against our country, financed by the United States.
The Code of families, a document built among all Cubans
This week, Cuba began a historic process as Cubans started to going to more than 78,000 meeting points to discuss the new draft of the Family Code, a broad, complex, but very important process for Cuban families.
Replacing imports to guarantee greater biotechnological sovereignty in the production of medicine
Interview with president of Cuba’s leading pharmaceutical enterprise group, BioCubaFarma, working to strengthen the country’s technological sovereignty and contribute to the population’s quality of life.
Havana Syndrome, the U.S.’s Monumental Hoax
Last week, the United States decided to recognize for the first time in five years that the phenomenon baptized as “Havana Syndrome” is nothing more than a big farce. On Thursday, the U.S. Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) admitted that its allegations against Cuba for the so-called “health incidents” suffered by CIA officials in La Havana back in 2016 were not caused by “a deliberate attack.”