Geography Archives: Global

  • Early Modern Venetian-Ottoman Relations and the Mediterranean World

      Eric R. Dursteler.  Venetians in Constantinople: Nation, Identity, and Coexistence in the Early Modern Mediterranean.  The Johns Hopkins University Studies in Historical and Political Science Series.  Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, 2006.  Maps, illustrations.  312 pp.  $50.00 (cloth), ISBN 978-0-8018-8324-8. Eric R. Dursteler’s work, which examines Venetian-Ottoman coexistence in the late sixteenth and early […]

  • CRED: A New Model of Climate and Development

      The climate policy debate has largely shifted from science to economics.  There is a well-developed consensus, at least in broad outlines, about the physical science of climate change and its likely implications.  That consensus is embodied in massive general circulation models (GCMs) that provide detailed projections of average temperatures, precipitation, weather patterns, and sea-level […]

  • Petropolis: Aerial Perspectives on the Alberta Tar Sands

      Trailer Interview with Peter Mettler Why did you make Petropolis? There are a lot of paths that led to this, going back already 20 years.  I’ve always been interested in the way we humans have the ability to create technology out of our given natural environments.  My impression is that the technologies we develop […]

  • Michał Kalecki

    Political Aspects of Full Employment

    This essay was first published in Political Quarterly in 1943; it is reproduced here for non-profit educational purposes. A shorter version of this essay was published in The Last Phase in the Transformation of Capitalism (Monthly Review Press, 1972). I 1. A solid majority of economists is now of the opinion that, even in a […]

  • Numbers

      What you need to earn every month to buy a house, in euros: 10634 What you actually earn every month, in euros: 1063 How many years it will take to pay off the mortgage: 106 How many times a month you will be able to go out to dinner . . . To see […]

  • Is Humanity Too Stupid to Deal with Climate Change?

      On 29 March, the Guardian‘s Leo Hickman had an article published covering a recent interview he’d had with noted British Earth scientist James Lovelock.  Entitled “James Lovelock:  Humans Are Too Stupid to Prevent Climate Change,” the article quotes the 90-year old Lovelock as making the following assertion: “I don’t think we’re yet evolved to […]

  • A Family Affair: Intergenerational Social Mobility across OECD Countries

      Higher inequality is associated with lower intergenerational mobility.  More progressive taxation, higher unemployment benefits, more childcare and early childhood education, and other measures that reduce inequality promote social mobility.  Tracking, ability-grouping, and pushing disadvantaged students into vocational education hinder it.  Poorer students have better chances of overcoming their socioeconomic backgrounds in systems where “larger […]

  • Theism and Atheism

      Even though Catholics and Protestants are nowadays both on the defensive, theism is again becoming an actual force in the period of its decline.  This follows from the very meaning of “atheism.”  Only those who used “atheism” as a term of abuse meant by it the exact opposite of religion.  Those who professed themselves […]

  • The Rose and the Mignonette

      For Gabriel Péri and d’Estiennes d’Orves, as well as Guy Moquet and Gilbert Dru The one who believed in heaven The one who didn’t Both loved a beauty Imprisoned by soldiers Which climbed the ladder? Which stood guard below? The one who believed in heaven? The one who didn’t? What matters the name of […]

  • Una teoría sobre el capitalismo global:Producción, clases y estado en un mundo transnacional

      William I. Robinson es profesor de sociología, estudios globales y estudios latinoamericanos en la Universidad de California-Santa Bárbara. | | Print  

  • Between a Rock and a Hard Place

      On December 31, 2009, a march and demonstration is planned in the Gaza Strip to protest the occupation and siege of the territory.  Tens of thousands of Gazan residents, joined by hundreds of marchers from the U.S. and around the world, are expected to take part in this historic act of civil disobedience. The […]

  • Nanotechnology: An Industrial Revolution?

      One of the fastest, if not the fastest, growing industries in the world today is based on nanotechnology.  The U.S. government spends $1.5 billion a year on nanoresearch funded by 25 federal agencies under the National Nanotechnology Initiative of 2003.  There are many new journals with “nano” in their titles and dozens more journals […]

  • The Bill

      “The people living in the 100 developing countries most affected by climate change are responsible for only 3% of global greenhouse gas emissions.” This film is one of the three winners of the Germanwatch screenplay competition about climate justice. | | Print

  • Why I Oppose G20

      Anastasia Pinto is executive director of the Center for Organizing, Research and Education in India.

  • Spinoza and the Claims of Modernity

      Travis L. Frampton.  Spinoza and the Rise of Historical Criticism of the Bible.  London: Continuum International Publishing Group, Limited, 2006.  262 pp.  $150.00 (cloth), ISBN 978-0-567-02593-7. Brayton Polka.  Between Philosophy and Religion, Vol. I: Spinoza, the Bible, and Modernity.  Lanham: Lexington Books, 2006.  276 pp.  $80.00 (cloth), ISBN 978-0-7391-1601-2. Brayton Polka.  Between Philosophy and […]

  • Capitalism: A Love Story

      Michael Moore Presents Capitalism: A Love Story at the 66th Venice Film Festival Michael Moore: “It’s Not Possible to Believe in Capitalism and Democracy at the Same Time” Trailer For more information about Michael Moore’s new film, go to <> and <>.

  • How to Get Free Land in 5 Easy Steps: A Handy Guide for Imperialists and Other Reasonable Individuals

      1. Eliminate Native People. Choose the most appropriate strategies: disease, criminalization/incarceration, blood quantum, cultural genocide/forced assimilation, forced out-migration, cultivate poverty, just kill them. 2. Replace All Aspects of Native Society with Your Own. Examples: Government & Law, Economy, Religion, Culture. Useful code-words: Progress, Modernization, Development, Inevitable. 3. Invent Legal Instruments That Allow You to […]

  • Maimonides: Turn Him Over and Over Again for Everything Is in Him

      Arthur Hyman, Alfred Ivry, ed.  Maimonidean Studies.  Volume 5. Jersey City: KTAV Publishing House, 2008.  442 pp. $49.50 (cloth), ISBN 978-0-88125-941-4. The fifth volume of Maimonidean Studies is an eclectic amalgam of studies, the majority of which are based on papers delivered at a conference in New York City commemorating the 800th anniversary of […]

  • N’Dimagou — “Dignity”

    First of all, we would like to ask you where the story that you tell in your movie comes from.

    The idea was born from the complexity of the theme proposed: dignity. I think it’s very difficult to deal with such sweeping concepts as justice and dignity in the allotted two or three minutes, so I looked for an idea that actually asked the question ‘What is dignity’ rather than answering it.

  • A Boy, A Wall and A Donkey

      Hany Abu-Assad is a Dutch-Palestinian filmmaker, whose 2005 film Paradise Now won the 63rd Golden Globe Best Foreign Language Film award among other awards.  “A Boy, A Wall and A Donkey” was made as part of Art for the World’s “Stories on Human Rights” on the occasion of the 60th anniversary of the Universal […]