Subjects Archives: Culture

  • Egypt: Fighting for Freedom

      Carlos Latuff is a Brazilian cartoonist.   See, also, <> and <>. | Print  

  • The IMF and Ireland: What We Can Learn from the Global South

    This paper highlights a number of concerns about the nature of the EU-IMF loan agreement with Ireland. It is based on the experience of global justice organisations that have long monitored the impact of IMF policies in the Global South. The paper first takes up that experience and highlights the pernicious impacts the IMF — whose governance is skewed towards the interests of rich countries — has wreaked throughout the Global South.

  • Tunisia: Major Opposition Parties Issue Statements Rejecting Unity Government

      20 January 2011 19 January 2011 As 4 opposition ministers announced their resignation from the Unity Government, protesters once again took to the streets to express their rejection of any RCD involvement in the interim government.  Protesters shouted “RCD, Out Out!” and were greeted by tear gas, water cannons, and even live ammunition fired […]

  • Tunisia: Notes on the Army

      Saturday, January 15, 2011 On the way downtown our cab had to stop.  The army and police were both outside the town liquor store arresting looters. The army was arguing with the police and eventually made them leave.  Then this happened. . . I wrote in the last page that, despite what I would […]

  • Arafat’s Ghost

      Asʻad Ghanem.  Palestinian Politics after Arafat: A Failed National Movement.  Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 2010.  x + 208 pp.  $65.00 (cloth), ISBN 978-0-253-35427-3; $24.95 (paper), ISBN 978-0-253-22160-5. November 2010 marked the sixth anniversary of the death of Palestinian National Authority (PNA) president Yasser Arafat.  For the last two years of his life, the once […]

  • The Crime Against the Democratic Congresswoman

    As it is well-known, the state of Arizona, a territory that was taken from Mexico by the United States along with much more territory, has been the scene of painful events for hundreds of Latin Americans who die trying to immigrate to the US in search of work or to join their parents, spouses or […]

  • Jasmine

      “When you are in love with two persons at the same time. . . .” “I could have married the both of you if I were a man.” “Well, of course I wouldn’t have accepted your proposal while another woman named Ahmad was also involved. . . .” Written, edited, and directed by Saeed […]

  • Beyond Words: Palestinian Voices in Search of Justice

    “My name is Bassam ‘Aramin. I am a resident of the town of Anata. . . . At 9:30 am on 16 January 2007, an Israeli Border Guard soldier shot my daughter ‘Abeer in the head from a distance of 15 meters. She died two days later in the hospital. . . . The soldier who killed my daughter is still free.”

  • Can We Be Feminist and Religious?

      “We aim to show that religion does not have to be a dividing force between feminists.” A shorter version of the video may be viewed at <>. | Print  

  • The College Conundrum: Why the Benefits of a College Education May Not Be So Clear, Especially to Men

      Excerpt (Endnotes Omitted): At least since the early 1990s, the share of young people earning a four-year college degree has not increased as quickly as many economists would like.  A higher share of young people today have college degrees than at any point in our nation’s history, yet many economists remain concerned that the […]

  • Visualizing Social Movement Cultures: Movement as Producer

      Social movements redefine what it means to be an artist. Dara Greenwald is a media artist.  Her collaborative work often takes the form of video, writing, and cultural organizing.  Some of her works may be viewed at <>.  Josh MacPhee is an artist, curator, and activist.  He is a member of the art collective […]

  • Che Guevara’s Daughter Meets Hezbollah’s Number 2 Leader

    11 October 2010 — The daughter of the celebrated revolutionary Che Guevara, who is currently visiting Lebanon, met on Sunday the number two leader of Hezbollah after visiting southern Lebanon where she received a plaque in homage to her father and the martyr Imad Mughniyeh.

  • Death Squads in Honduras

      Anyone who thinks that social and political instability in Honduras ended with the election of Porfirio Lobo as the president of the republic is mistaken, according to the Committee of Families of the Detained and Disappeared in Honduras (COFADEH). Human rights violations, political persecution, and selective political murders continue to be the order of […]

  • Hot Pants and Niqabs: NiqaBitch Stroll through Paris

      We both are in our early twenties, and while one of us is Muslim, we didn’t feel directly affected by the passing of the anti-burqa (although anti-niqab is the more appropriate word) law. Still, we both wanted to express ourselves regarding this subject.  We’ve always found the law a little fuzzy, and while it’s […]

  • The Palestine Question and the U.S. Public Sphere

      The 2010 Edward Said Memorial Lecture, the Palestine Center, Washington, DC, 7 October 2010 Thank you all for coming today, and, to those of you who are watching, thank you for viewing this talk.  Those of you who live in Washington, who are subjected to the American media, will probably be relieved to hear […]

  • Brazil: Lula’s Labour Legacy

      When Time magazine awarded Brazil’s President Lula the most influential world leader spot in its 2010 ranking of most influential people, Michael Moore, who wrote the excerpt on Lula, heralded the creation of the Bolsa Familia programme as well as the expansion of public education and health care.  These are important achievements, but one […]

  • Jewish Boat to Gaza Sets Sail from Cyprus

      At crisis point in peace talks, Jews, Israelis call to lift the siege on Gaza, end the occupation. 26th September 2010 Passengers on the Jewish Boat to Gaza gather for a group photograph before their departure.  Photo by Vish Vishvanath/Metro. Passenger Reuven Moskovitz.  Photo by Vish Vishvanath. A boat carrying aid for Gaza’s population […]

  • Mexico: On the Right Track

      Statements of condemnation cannot take away immense sadness. . . . “Mr. President, another mayor got murdered, and he’s the tenth this year.” “Sure, sure, but we’re on the right track.” Eduardo Soto is a Mexican cartoonist.  Translation by Yoshie Furuhashi (@yoshiefuruhashi | yoshie.furuhashi [at]  According to La Jornada, more than 100 mayors, […]

  • Imagen Anónima / Anonymous Image

      Rodrigo Llano is a Chilean artist and filmmaker.  The video above is a trailer for his film Imagen Anónima/Anonymous Image.  For more information about this film, visit <>. | Print  

  • Death of Tomy, Great Friend and Cuban Cartoonist

      Born in Barajagua, Holguín, Cuba in 1949, Tomás Rafael Rodríguez Zayas (Tomy) became recognized in the universe of Cuban cartoons in the late 1960s. From 1968 he began to work for Juventud Rebelde and soon became part of the golden era of Dedeté, the humor supplement of this newspaper. His work as a cartoonist, […]