China is not colonizing Africa
International media cannot be trusted to give accurate information. Skepticism is especially warranted when China is the topic and allegations of colonizing Africa make headlines.
The dollar costs of inequality: they are greater than you think
Pretty much everyone accepts that inequality is a big problem in the U.S. But it is doubtful that most people truly grasp how successfully U.S. elites have captured the benefits of economic growth and, as a result, how much the resulting inequality has cost them.
How to picket stores that sell your employer’s products
Note: Consumer picketing can be directed against all products that a struck employer manufactures, processes, distributes, transports, or otherwise enhances in value.
The feminist building-blocks of a just, sustainable economy
Jayati Ghosh finds in a UN Women report a blueprint for an economy which serves the public—rather than the other way around.
Some striking Kellogg’s workers call for boycott of company products in U.S.
Union negotiators said they were prepared to meet the company for another round of negotiations next week but their offer was rebuffed by bosses, who claimed they were left with no choice but to permanently replace those on strike.
U.S. workers in motion: an assessment of labor’s gains
The reality is that the labor movement has a long struggle ahead and it should not be distracted by unwarranted fears of inflation.
Defund the global climate wall
To create a safer, more sustainable world, the United States needs to divert border money toward climate action.
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Repair, as an act of reclaiming technology, is ongoing in the Global North and South with complementary driving forces and problems.
Tracing the rise and the politics of asset manager capitalism.
Manufacturing stagnation
Intellectual property, industrial organization, and economic growth.
UN-backed banker alliance announces “green” plan to transform the global financial system
The most powerful private financial interests in the world, under the cover of COP26, have developed a plan to transform the global financial system by fusing with institutions like the World Bank and using them to further erode national sovereignty in the developing world.
Mother Nature, Inc.
Wall Street investors have hit the jackpot. Soon they’ll be able to buy, own, and dictate The Commons, public lands, the world of Mother Nature.
Carbon tax over-rated
Addressing global warming requires cutting carbon emissions by almost half by 2030! For the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, emissions must fall by 45% below 2010 levels by 2030 to limit warming to 1.5°C, instead of the 2.7°C now expected.
Will Glasgow fix broken climate finance promises?
SYDNEY and KUALA LUMPUR: Current climate mitigation plans will result in a catastrophic 2.7°C world temperature rise. US$1.6–3.8 trillion is needed annually to avoid global warming exceeding 1.5°C.
Economic inequality means retirement insecurity for most U.S. households
This is far from a “hot take”: financial wealth in the United States is highly concentrated, with most households, especially Black and Hispanic households, owning few financial assets
Dossier No. 46: Big Tech and the current challenges facing the class struggle
We cannot give ourselves the luxury of being technophobic, of negating the importance of technologies and their potential in the struggle. At the same time, we cannot believe in the idea that technology in itself will result in advances for the organised working class.
Right-wing Democrats gut social program budget after Biden refuses to fight
After spending weeks conducting backroom negotiations with Sen. Joe Manchin, Sen. Krysten Sinema and other right-wing Democrats in Congress over the social program budget, the Biden administration announced yesterday a “framework” that abandons some of the most important elements of the original proposal.
Mexico’s AMLO blasts IMF for causing global crisis, after Fund takes aim at his energy policy
The IMF caused social and economic decadence in the world; they and other international financial organisations are responsible for the global crisis.
Bagels, grapes and marijuana: a day in the country
The bagels at Homegrown are some of the best in northern California, in part because the owner, Stuart Teitelbaum, who was born and raised in Manhattan on the Lower East Side, and grew up eating bagels and bialys.
Central Asia’s neoliberal tragedy
Resilience cannot be restored without public spending, but the rentier business plan is to minimize taxes by shrinking the government, especially by privatizing its public utilities and other functions to create opportunities for charging monopoly rents, and to oppose taxation of economic rent.