Subjects Archives: Revolutions

  • The Revolution Against Homophobia in Cuba

    “I think that the freedom that we have . . . is the freedom not to repeat things, it is the freedom to discover what is the path we have to build within our context, our history and culture, our aspirations, our sense of belonging, our ideology, what we love most.” — Mariela Castro Espín […]

  • On a Long March: Sanjay Kak’s Red Ant Dream

      Red Ant Dream / Maati Ke Laal (2013) 120 minutes; English version, with subtitles Direction: Sanjay Kak Photography: Ranjan Palit, Sanjay Kak and Setu Sound Design: Madhu Apsara Writers: Sanjay Kak and Tarun Bharatiya Editing: Tarun Bharatiya You are far away from the sterile atmosphere of much of academia with its politically correct […]

  • August 2013 Delegation to Venezuela: The Revolution Continues!

    August 12-21, 2013 While the mainstream media speculates about the future of the Bolivarian Revolution since the passing of Hugo Chavez, for the Venezuelan people, there is no question.  Come learn about the process currently transpiring in Venezuela as the people, reinvigorated by the legacy of Chavez, deepen and further radicalize their struggle in defense […]

  • Report from Havana: Talking With the FARC-EP’s Peace Commission

    If there has ever been any question that the FARC-EP (Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia) is essentially a political organization — one that took up arms guided by a political vision and will abandon them when a new political strategy leads them to do so — that question may be forever laid to rest by […]

  • We Have Lost Our Best Friend

    The best friend the Cuban people have had throughout their history died on the afternoon of March 5. A call via satellite communicated the bitter news. The significance of the phrase used was unmistakable. Although we were aware of the critical state of his health, the news hit us hard. I recalled the times he joked with me, saying that when both of us had […]

  • Samir Amin: Chávez Has Died, But the Bolivarian Revolution Continues

      The President of the World Forum for Alternatives (WFA), Egyptian economist Samir Amin, today paid tribute to the late president of Venezuela, Hugo Chávez, whose death he called a “great tragedy.” The neo-Marxist intellectual expressed his sadness for the death of the Venezuelan leader and his solidarity with the Venezuelan people in a communiqué […]

  • The Unusual Uprising in Iraqi Kurdistan, Two Years On

    “Under Fire in Iraqi Kurdistan,” Extract from The Fourth Estate in Iraqi Kurdistan, a film by Rozh Ahmad On February 16th, 2011, in solidarity with the mass uprisings sweeping the Middle East, Kurds took to the streets of Sulaymaniyah in Iraqi Kurdistan and the following day demanded an end to their one and only official […]

  • The Kurdish Rebellion in Syria: Toward Irreversible Liberation

    The Kurds in Syria, the country’s largest ethnic minority, number an estimated three million.  Despite having stayed neutral amid the civil war, they now control most of Syria’s Kurdish north they claim they have “liberated” from the Ba’athist regime and self-govern independently of the rebel Free Syrian Army (FSA).  Although many Kurds still fear “re-occupation” […]

  • Crisis, Resistance, and Prospects: The Arab Revolutions and Beyond

      The “Crisis, Resistance, and Prospects: The Arab Revolutions and Beyond” conference is being planned as a three-day event scheduled to take place at York University (4700 Keele Street, Toronto, Ontario, Canada) on March 1st, 2nd, and 3rd, 2013. The objective of this conference is to provide a critical intervention that seeks to challenge the dominant […]

  • Egypt: “No Regime Leftovers, No Brotherhood, the Revolution Is Back in the Square!”

    “We won’t go!  Morsi will go!” Mosireen is a non-profit media collective in Cairo, Egypt.  For more information: ; and . | Print

  • Candlelit Vigil to Honor Martyrs of the Maspero Massacre

      Candlelit Vigil to Honor Martyrs of the Maspero Massacre Friday, 12th October 2012, 7:00 PM Union Square, Manhattan October 9, 2012 marked the one year anniversary of what has come to be known as the Maspero massacre, one of the numerous bloody attacks deliberately orchestrated and executed by counterrevolutionary forces under the direction of […]

  • Support a Revolutionary Egyptian Media Collective at Indiegogo

    Egypt’s march towards the future its millions demanded did not end with Mubarak leaving power — it only began. Mosireen, which is a play on the Arabic words for “Egypt” and “determined,” was founded in the wake of Mubarak’s fall by a group of film makers and activists who got together to create a collective […]

  • Rojava Revolts: The Politics of Kurds in Syria

    For more information, follow the hashtags #Rojava and #TwitterKurds. | Print

  • An Honest Clarification

    Some days ago, on May 28, the violent battle waged at El Uvero was commemorated with well deserved references. An elemental duty forces me to clarify the facts. During those weeks, Manuel Piñeiro, “Red Beard”, as the leopard, who never changes its spots, as the saying goes, managed to send to Santiago de Cuba a […]

  • Egypt’s Elections Under Military Rule: Join Our Resistance to the Counter-Revolution

    To you at whose side we struggle, From the beginning of the Egyptian revolution, the powers that be have launched a vicious counter-revolution to contain our struggle and subsume it by drowning the people’s voices in a process of meaningless, piecemeal political reforms.  This process aimed at deflecting the path of revolution and the Egyptian […]

  • What Obama Knows

    The most demolishing article I have seen nowadays about Latin America was written by Renán Vega Cantor, full professor at the National Pedagogical University of Bogotá, which was published three days ago by the website ‘Rebelión’ under the title “Ecos de la Cumbre de las Américas” (Echoes of the Summit of the Americas). It is […]

  • Black People in Post-Gaddafi Libya: Caged by NATO’s “Revolutionaries”

    The first video was uploaded, by a Gaddafi sympathizer, onto YouTube on 23 February 2012.  The video description on YouTube says that the caged men are men of Tawergha and that their tormenters are Misrata “revolutionaries.”  The description of the second video, also uploaded onto YouTube on 23 February 2012, this time by a “Libyan […]

  • The Fruit Which Did Not Fall

    CUBA was forced to fight for its existence facing an expansionist power, located a few miles from its coast, and which was proclaiming the annexation of our island, which was destined to fall into its lap like a ripe fruit. We were condemned not to exist as a nation. Within the glorious legions of patriots […]

  • Workers and Peasants Are the Voice of the Egyptian Revolution

    The Egyptian Federation of Independent Trade Unions and all its 139 affiliated unions, with their collective membership of 1,670,000, call on the Egyptian people (youth, workers and peasants) to block any attempts to prevent the implementation of the demands of the revolution through the recreation of the old regime by its criminal tools. Therefore the […]

  • Urgent from Tahrir: Join Our Struggle for the Survival of the Revolution

      We are in the midst of a decisive battle in the face of a potentially terminal crackdown.  Over the past 72 hours the army has launched a ceaseless assault on revolutionaries in Tahrir Square and squares across Egypt.  Over 2000 of us have been injured.  More than 30 of us have been murdered.  Just […]