Michael Steinberg, the author of The Fiction of a Thinkable World (published by Monthly Review Press), was interviewed by KKUP on 3 August 2006. Click here to listen to the interview.
Michael Steinberg is the author of The Fiction of a Thinkable World: Body, Meaning, and the Culture of Capitalism published by Monthly Review Press and essays in professional journals in history, music, and law. He is a member of the literature collective Cat’s out of the Bag. He and his wife Loret, a photographer and professor of documentary photography, live in Rochester, New York, under the supervision of two domestic medium-hair cats. Read other articles by Steinberg in MRZine: “Against Deferred Gratification” (24 July 2005); “Judge of Character” (29 July 2005); “Britain to World: Shut Up” (2 September 2005); “Padilla v Hanft: A Very Dangerous Decision” (9 September 2005); “Saving the Future” (17 September 2005); “Another of Monday’s Untold Stories: the Self-Organized ‘UFPJ Shuttle'” (28 September 2005); “No Rules, Just Right?” (22 October 2005); “The Architecture of Dreamworld: Like a Sex Machine” (31 October 2005); “The Architecture of Dreamworld 2: The Disarming Reflex” (17 November 2005); “The Architecture of Dreamworld 3: Going Postal” (28 December 2005); “Pom Poko” (17 January 2006); “Say Anything” (29 January 2006); “Great Target, Bad Aim: Robert Greenwald’s Wal-Mart: The High Cost of Low Prices“ (8 February 2006); “The Architecture of Dreamworld 4: What Are Dreams Made of?” (21 February 2006); “The End of Genocide” (8 May 2006); “The Next Greed Revolution” (24 May 2006)