Israel’s Dark Arts of Ensnaring Collaborators
Israel’s enduring use of Palestinian collaborators to entrench the occupation and destroy Palestinian resistance was once the great unmentionable of the Middle East conflict. When the subject was dealt with by the international and local media, it was solely in the context of the failings of the Palestinian legal system, which allowed the summary execution […]
U.S. Should Disclose Its Funding of Opposition Groups in Bolivia and Other Latin American Countries
WASHNGTON, D.C. – The Center for Economic and Policy Research (CEPR) called on the U.S. State Department, the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID), and other agencies to release information detailing whom it is funding in Bolivia — where violent right-wing opposition groups have wreaked havoc this week in a series of shootings, beatings, ransacking […]
Crisis in Germany’s Social Democratic Party
The big weekend blowout in Germany’s Social Democratic Party (SPD) demonstrates how to cut off your nose to spite your face. In a series of small, smaller, and smallest secret gatherings, the party leaders — facing a disastrous seepage of members and voters because of their switch rightwards in recent years — got rid of […]
Under a Doom
What the common sense made ill by its very health resists most fastidiously is the supremacy of all things objective over individuals, in their social existence as well as in their consciousness, which may be starkly experienced every day. This supremacy is dispelled as groundless speculation, so that individuals may preserve their flattering illusion, their […]
Letter to Randy Alonso
Dear Randy,
Yesterday’s “Roundtable” program was particularly interesting and the information provided was extremely valuable. It is a pity that at that time the whole island was without electricity, from Punta de Maisí to Cabo de San Antonio. Just a few family homes in the Camilo Cienfuegos district that were able to resist the fierce winds had power. An underground cable connected to the generator at the Luis Díaz Soto Hospital reached that area.
Women of Venezuela’s PSUV
Canadian socialist Jeffery R. Webber interviews women leaders of PSUV in the state of Mérida. Teresa Mora and María Linares at the PSUV’s Mérida headquarters In the early afternoon of September 8, 2008, I sat down at the state headquarters of the United Socialist Party of Venezuela (PSUV), in the city of Mérida, for an […]
Sarah Palin: Vice Wrapped in Virtue
Conservatives unveiled their vice presidential wildcard with high hopes of courting disaffected Clintonistas and mobilizing the religious base. But the payoff appeared increasingly meager as Sarah Palin’s unscreened embarrassments, from attempted book-bannings to vindictive political purges, came tumbling down her mountain of presumed moral authority. Fortunately for Republicans, the timidity and “good manners” that served […]
Arrogance, Ignorance, and Cowardice: Lessons from 9/11
A version of this essay was delivered to the “Struggle for Global Justice” film festival organized by the student group Azaad at the University of Texas at Austin on 11 September 2008. Given the disastrous decisions made by U.S. officials in the seven long years since September 11, 2001, it would be easy tonight simply […]
Venezuela from Below: Interview with Political Theorist and Journalist George Ciccariello-Maher
(1) I thought it might be best to begin the conversation by getting a sense of your personal political trajectory, how you were drawn to Venezuela, some of your most memorable experiences from your time in Caracas, and how all of this has translated into your perspective on revolutionary change. In short, what did Venezuela […]
Slavoj Zizek in Defense of “Lost Causes”
Leftist intellectuals basically fall into two camps. There are those who believe that the challenge we face is the existence of certain structures (the IMF, the US, the media, capitalism, etc.) and that avidly denouncing these structures is the key to our liberation. And then there are the more interesting intellectuals who insist that at […]
Interview with Linda Niemann, Author of Boomer, Railroad Memoirs
Linda Niemann‘s Boomer: Railroad Memoirs is one of a handful of outstanding books, like Ben Hamper’s Rivethead, that have documented industrial working-class life in the United States, as experienced by the children of the sixties. Boomer vividly illuminates how a generation of railroad workers faced the receding standard of living for workers in the seventies […]
Besieged by hurricanes
We had hardly recovered from the emotional impact and material damage caused by the unexpectedly strong winds of Hurricane Gustav on the Isle of Youth and Pinar del Rio, when news were received of sea floods caused by Hanna. Then, the worst news of all: that the very intense Hurricane Ike, turning southwest under pressure from a strong anti-cyclone located north of its course, would strike over more than 1,000 kilometers throughout the national territory.
Iranian Health Houses Open the Door to Primary Care
Working in pairs out of modest, village-based facilities, the Islamic Republic of Iran’s trained community health workers, the behvarzan, provide basic health care to most of the country’s rural population. Mojgan Tavassoli reports. Ministry of Health of the Islamic Republic of Iran Some primary health care efforts started in the 1970s. In 1975, latrine […]
Billy Graham: Ministering to the Powerful
Cecil Bothwell, The Prince of War: Billy Graham’s Crusade for a Wholly Christian Empire, Asheville, NC, 2007. Today we are used to the ministers and preachers playing an open role in class politics. Usually they support the rule of our employers: railing against this or that Satan (the Kaiser, the Bolsheviks, Hitler, the USSR, Castro, […]
America’s Registered Muslims
I awoke early this morning and sleepily shifted to the computer screen. Scanning the news, my eyes alighted upon a startling sight: “17-page document identifies Obama as a registered Muslim, Clinton supporter says.” The first thought to zip through my mind: 17 pages? What kind of form does a Muslim need to fill out to […]
Venezuela’s Bolivarian Process, Democracy, and Socialism: A View from the PSUV in Mérida
Canadian socialist Jeffery R. Webber interviewed Oscar González, Coordinator of Organization of Social Movements for Popular Power in the Mérida branch of the United Socialist Party of Venezuela (PSUV) – Mérida, Venezuela, September 5, 2008. JRW: First, can we start off with your name and position in this organization? Oscar González The PSUV headquarters in […]
The APPO Two Years On: Where Now for Oaxaca’s Social Movement?
This fall in Oaxaca marks a season of commemorations. Already marches for fallen APPO members Jose Jimenez Colmenares and Lorenzo San Pablo Cervantes have woven their ways through the streets of the city, pausing at the spots they were murdered in 2006, holding ceremonies at the Cathedral. Twenty-four more such processions await Oaxaca in the […]
The Soft Surge: Opening the Gates of Hell in Pakistan
When I was younger, my family would visit Pakistan during summer vacations. In the teeming port city of Karachi, I often went with my uncle to the local bazaar, where merchants and browsers haggled fiercely over prices underneath tan tents. To conceal my American upbringing, I wore pants in the oppressive heat (shorts were derided […]
New Definition of Chutzpah Brought to You by One of America’s Leading Kosher Meatpackers!
Chutzpah (chutz·pah): noun. Supreme self-confidence: nerve, gall. Synonyms: see temerity. Example: Agriprocessors is asking the United States Supreme Court to overturn a vote to unionize at its Brooklyn distribution center. “In September 2005, the company’s Brooklyn employees voted 15 to 5 to unionize. . . . Days after the vote, Agriprocessors stunned its employees by […]
Keeping Hope for War Alive: Poll by “The Israel Project” on War with Iran
Washington, DC – A poll commissioned by The Israel Project, an international non-profit formed to present a “more positive public face” for Israel, has found a strikingly large percentage of Americans view Iran as a major threat, leading them to support possible military action. Serious questions remain however about the validity of the results due […]