Archive | Commentary

  • Turkey: General Strike on 4 February

    The government holds on to employing Tekel workers who have been made redundant as “temporary personnel” in public enterprises.  Thus, the union confederations decided for a “general action” on 4 February, as they had previously announced. According to Turkish Confederation of Labour Unions (Türk-İş) President Mustafa Kumlu, the workers will make use of their power […]

  • A Busy Few Weeks on Board the Bomb Iran Bandwagon

    Is Iran capitulating to pressure or was the uranium transfer deal never the issue in the first place? It’s been a busy few weeks on board the bomb-Iran bandwagon. It wasn’t quite gunboat diplomacy, but President Obama sent missile “defence” equipment to the Persian Gulf, a move Iran dismissed as a “puppet show.” The Pentagon […]

  • Venezuela’s Chavez Calls for Calm after Violent Pro-RCTV Protests

    Following a range of sometimes violent protests across the country last week over the temporary suspension of TV station RCTV, as well as one protest last Monday in Merida which left two youths dead, president Hugo Chavez has called for calm, arguing that the protests, together with a media terrorism campaign, are aimed at creating […]

  • Jose Naranjero’s Long Walk to Work

    I first met Jose Naranjero* in a dusty little Mexican town called Naco, which lies just across the border wall from Bisbee, Arizona.  I’d been working nearby as a volunteer for No More Deaths, a Tucson-based group that tries to help immigrants passing through the dangerous Sonoran desert.  I was part of a team that […]

  • Iranians Remember Khomeini’s Iran

    + Iranians Remember Khomeini’s Iran Ruhollah Sanati was born on what many called the night of victory in Iran’s Islamic Revolution.  Named after the founder of the Islamic Republic, he runs an electrical hardware shop with his father in Tehran.  Coming from a religious family, he appreciates the changes 1979 brought. . . .  “The […]

  • The Vultures Circle Haiti at Every Opportunity, Natural or Man-made

      Haitians’ incredible plight has always been difficult to fully appreciate.  Then the earthquake struck: hundreds of thousands dead, hundreds of thousands more hurt, a million homeless, and two million in need of food.  It defies imagination. And according to a journalist just returned from Haiti, even the heart-rending footage we’ve seen here on television […]

  • Vietnamese Daughters in Transition: Factory Work and Family Relations

      This paper assesses the social implications of employment opportunities in manufacturing for rural young unmarried Vietnamese women.  Interested in the ways in which intimate relations, identities and structures of exchange within the family are reconfigured through the migration and work experience, we interview young, single daughters who had obtained employment as garment factory workers […]

  • Arab Politicians Face Rising Tide of Persecution in Israel

    Leaders of the Arab minority in Israel warned this week that they were facing an unprecedented campaign of persecution, backed by the right-wing government of Benjamin Netanyahu, designed to stop their political activities. The warning came after Said Nafaa, a Druze member of the Israeli parliament, was stripped of his immunity last week, clearing the […]

  • Honduras: Feminists in the Resistance

      Part I: Brenda Villacorta JRW: It’s in the evening of January 25, in Tegucigalpa, outside the Brazilian embassy, where a gathering of the anti-coup resistance is taking place.  So, you’re a part of the Resistance against the coup, and, in particular, a part of the feminist resistance to the coup? Brenda Villacorta BV: That’s […]

  • Turkey: General Strike on 3 February in Case of No Agreement

    Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdoğan instructed his ministers to work out a new endeavour regarding the Tekel workers.  Minister Hayati Yazıcı said that they are going to investigate the possibilities of all workers in the scope of 4C. After a meeting of Turkish Confederation of Labour Unions (Türk-İş) executives with Yazıcı and Finance Minister Mehmet […]

  • Africa, Nature, and the March of the Development Technocrats

    “Development,” I’ve discovered, operates as a flagrantly racist discourse in some guises.  Scrambling to explain the reasons for Africa’s perpetual poverty and apparently incurable misery, laypersons in the West point to Africans’ “savagery” and alleged incapacity for civilization.  This is not just a fringe opinion; even among putatively educated individuals such nonsense recurs with disturbing […]

  • Why Washington Cares about Countries like Haiti and Honduras

    When I write about U.S. foreign policy in places like Haiti or Honduras, I often get responses from people who find it difficult to believe that the U.S. government would care enough about these countries to try and control or topple their governments.  These are small, poor countries with little in the way of resources […]

  • Republicans Sell Soul to Pat Robertson

    (PU) In an oak-paneled conference room somewhere in Manhattan’s Goldman Sachs building, the Republican National Committee today signed over its soul to the Reverend Pat Robertson. “They had a soul?” asked a reporter at a press conference shortly after the signing.  “Oh yes,” explained RNC chairman Michael Steele.  “You see, the legal reality of corporate […]

  • Just Which Major Power Faces “Diplomatic Isolation”?

    Back in May 2009 — before the Islamic Republic’s June 2009 presidential election — we took a lot criticism for our view in a New York Times Op Ed that “President Obama’s Iran policy has, in all likelihood, already failed.”  In particular, we argued that Obama “has made several policy and personnel decisions that have […]

  • Autopsy Shows Michigan Imam Shot 21 Times, Handcuffed

    Washington, Jan. 30  — The Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) today reiterated its call for an independent investigation into the death of a Michigan imam, or Islamic religious leader, who a leaked autopsy report has revealed was shot 21 times and then handcuffed during an October FBI raid in Detroit. Shocking Details of Slain Imam’s […]

  • Repression in Honduras

      About Repression in Honduras by Jeremy John This powerful video was made by César Silva, a publicist who before the coup in Honduras worked for Channel 8, the State Television Channel.  He made this video in collaboration with Edwin Renán Fajardo Argueta.  Once the coup happened, and Channel 8 was no longer directed by […]

  • Hatoyama to Nanjing, Hu to Hiroshima?  The New Face of China-Japan Relations

      With the world economy’s center of gravity shifting from the West to the East, led by China’s rising economic and corresponding political power, the year 2010 may witness a series of epoch-making events in Asia. 日中首脳会談、「友愛」で外交デビュー Hatoyama (left) and Hu, 22 September 2009 A grand rapprochement between Japan and China could be one such […]

  • Kids Love Peace + Outdoors

      Kids Love Peace Outdoors ICY and SOT are artists in Tabriz, Iran.  More videos by ICY and SOT may be viewed at <>. | | Print  

  • The Unknown Cultural Revolution: Life and Change in a Chinese Village

    Dongping Han’s talk is preceded by Reiko Redmond’s and Raymond Lotta’s introductions. Dongping Han: I am not just going to talk about my book.  I’ll tell you my love story.  When I teach in the classroom and tell my students that it’s possible for people to work together, to solve their problems, to improve their […]

  • Helping Haiti: Our Dollars Aren’t Enough

    On January 14, two days after the Port-au-Prince earthquake, I finally got a chance to look over my email, courtesy of a small Haitian NGO in a quiet, relatively undamaged neighborhood in the south of the city.  After reading and answering personal messages, I noticed that a lot of my mail consisted of appeals for […]