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  • Debunking the Greek (and European) Crisis Narrative

    In a recent debate the candidates for the Republican presidential nomination treated cutting the deficit as the panacea that would address the European crisis and prevent the United States from having a similar fate.  This diagnosis is wrong but it is unfortunately not unique to the Republicans in this country.  In fact, it is this […]

  • Occupy Your Education: A Note to Students about Changing the World

      The current Occupy Movement has captured people’s imagination and refocused the national discussion on issues of economic injustice, social stratification, and corruptions of American democracy.  Contrary to what some people might think, the Occupy Movement is not composed solely of “young, idealistic college kids.”  People of many different ages, ethnicities, and ideological persuasions are […]

  • Lessons from a Long History of Dissent: From the Early Twentieth Century to Occupy Wall Street

    World Peace Forum Teach-In, Vancouver, Canada, November 12, 2011 (Modified from Notes) We are at what social theorists call a “historic moment,” in which real change suddenly seems possible.  It is therefore all the more important to learn from past struggles.  One of the first lessens of a long history of dissent from the early […]

  • The Occupy Wall Street Uprising and the U.S. Labor Movement: An Interview with Steve Early, Jon Flanders, Stephanie Luce, and Jim Straub

    The Occupy Wall Street uprising has taken the nation by storm, beginning in the Financial District in Manhattan and then spreading to cities and towns in every part of the country and around the world.  The anger over growing inequality and the political power of the rich that has been bubbling under the surface for […]

  • Occupy Wall Street Evicted by NYPD (LiveStream)

    CALL NOW: NYPD 646-610-5000; New York City Mayor’s Office 212-788-7550, 212-513-6300; NYC Mayor 212-639-9675; NY Governor 518-474-8390 For more information, follow the hashtag #OWS on Twitter. var idcomments_acct = ‘c90a61ed51fd7b64001f1361a7a71191’; var idcomments_post_id; var idcomments_post_url; | Print

  • The Bonus March and #OccupyWallStreet

    Millions for the bankers and the large corporations but nothing for the ex-soldiers, not even their back pay. — theme song of the 1932 Bonus Marchers The bankers got bailed out; we got sold out — chant heard at Occupations in 2011 Mass occupations protesting the obscene levels of corporate greed and the abject prostitution […]

  • Rape, Drug Overdoses, and Suicide in Occupy Movement — What Does Democracy Look Like?

    A series of crimes and tragedies in the Occupy movement — a rape in Philadelphia, drug overdoses in Portland and Vancouver, a suicide in Burlington — have led the media to scrutinize our movement more closely and have led the authorities in several cities to use such developments as an attempt to shut it down. […]

  • Massive Syrian Demonstrations in Defense of Syria against “the Arabs of America”

    All over Syria, 13 November 2011 Cf. “There were massive demonstrations in Syria in support of the lousy regime, but they were totally ignored in the Arabic and Western press.  It does not fit the agenda” (As’ad AbuKhalil, “Demonstrations in Syria,” Angry Arab News Service, 13 November 2011); “Confirmed: Biggest rallies in #Syria‘s history.  A […]

  • Harvard Students Join the Movement

    Over the last 10 days, Harvard students twice stopped business as usual at this richest of all US private universities.  An Occupy Harvard encampment of tents followed a large march of many hundreds through the campus protesting Harvard’s complicity in the nation’s extreme inequality of income and wealth.  A week earlier some 70 students walked […]

  • Ennahdha-Qatar-United States: Dangerous Liaisons

      For his first post-election trip, Rached Ghannouchi, the leader of the Ennahdha party, visited the Emir of Qatar.  No surprise — he has to thank his sponsors and reassure them on their investments. This visit is worrisome, since Ennahdha is now the leading political force in Tunisia.  It is clear that the party is […]

  • Occupy Denialism: Toward Ecological and Social Revolution

    This is a reconstruction from notes of a keynote address delivered to the Power Shift West Conference, Eugene, Oregon, November 5, 2011. All of us here today, along with countless others around the world, are currently engaged in the collective struggle to save the planet as a place of habitation for humanity and innumerable other […]

  • The Maspero Massacre: What Really Happened

    On January 28th, 2011, millions of Egyptians took to the street and crushed the police forces that had ruled us, illegitimately imprisoned and tortured many of us, for the past many years.  That same night the Egyptian armed forces took over the vacuum left by the police apparatus.  First to the knowledge of few and […]

  • Target Iran

    Carlos Latuff is a Brazilian cartoonist.  Cf. “The unnamed member state that informed the agency about Danilenko’s alleged experience as a Soviet nuclear weapons scientist is almost certainly Israel, which has been the source of virtually all the purported intelligence on Iranian work on nuclear weapons over the past decade.  Israel has made no secret […]

  • Bundaím, Socialists in Yiddish and Hebrew

      Dear comrades and friends, On May Day 2006, I was invited to celebrate with the members of the “Bund” in Israel.  I took my video camera with me.  I thought it will be a one-time occasion, but it became a five-and-half-year political and personal journey. Unlike my previous films (Matzpen and Madrid Before Hanita, […]

  • Occupy Wall Street: An Opening to Worker-Occupation of Factories and Enterprises in the U.S.

      The Social Economy Context The Occupy Wall Street (OWS) movement has clearly expressed the hopes and great potentialities of the working class both in the U.S. and globally.  The 99 percent are speaking up and saying that they will no longer do the bidding of the 1 percent.  In essence it is the revolt […]

  • Thousands of Children in the United States Endangered by Deportations

    If the United States maintains the current pace of deportations, at least 15,000 children run the risk of becoming separated from their undocumented parents and placed in foster care, noted Prensa Latina. According to a report published by the Applied Research Center (ARC) on the 2nd of November, there are currently over 5,000 minors who […]

  • Syrian National Council

    Ibrahim Jaza is a Syrian cartoonist.  Cf. “Once one of Syria’s closest allies, Turkey is hosting an armed opposition group waging an insurgency against the government of President Bashar al-Assad, providing shelter to the commander and dozens of members of the group, the Free Syrian Army, and allowing them to orchestrate attacks across the border […]

  • The Mad Activist Considers the New Jim Crow

    Dear Social Justice Diary – My mind is blown.  I just read Michelle Alexander’s book, The New Jim Crow.  It’s about racism and the War on Drugs, all highly factual.  You can look at just two studies in the book and see a sort of “post-black” apartheid: In New Jersey, where 15% of drivers are […]

  • Freedom Waves Prisoners Abused and Imprisoned; “Anonymous” Hackers Strike Back

      In the immediate aftermath of the illegal capture of the Freedom Waves flotillas, Israel’s public image has been tarnished, as reports of violence at sea surface to counteract its claims of a peaceful takeover, and as human rights cyber-resistance group Anonymous retaliates by shutting down Israeli government web sites. As Israeli naval soldiers boarded […]

  • War Poem

    Jody McIntyre is a journalist, filmmaker, and political activist.  His first book, Life on Wheels: Palestine, will be published by Verso in 2012.  Video by GlobalFaction. var idcomments_acct = ‘c90a61ed51fd7b64001f1361a7a71191’; var idcomments_post_id; var idcomments_post_url; | Print