Archive | News

  • Max and Missy: From the U.S. Boat to Gaza to Syntagma Square

    Political sensitivity and thoughtfulness, depth of knowledge and analysis, deep commitment and kindness are, in my view, a perfect combination to build a movement for justice and to create meaningful change.  These were the characteristics that so moved and inspired me these past couple of weeks as I spent time in Athens with two of […]

  • Ford Workers Have a Better Idea

    Speculation is a game for rubes.  High rollers don’t gamble, they steal, and call it a deal.  So let’s not speculate, let’s talk about what we know.  UAW President Bob King longs to be partners with the bosses and the bosses are eager to initiate their new pledge with a hazing ritual called Concession Bargaining. […]

  • Why the Euro Is Not Worth Saving

    The Euro is crashing today to record lows against the Swiss Franc, and interest rates on Italian and Spanish bonds have hit record highs.  This latest episode in the Eurozone crisis is a result of fears that the contagion is now hitting Italy.  With a two-trillion dollar economy and $2.45 trillion in debt, Italy is […]

  • Shashe Declaration: 1st Encounter of Agroecology Trainers in Africa Region 1

      We are 47 people from 22 organizations in 18 countries (Zimbabwe, Mozambique, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Rwanda, Angola, Uganda, Tanzania, Kenya, Zambia, South Africa, Central African Republic, Brazil, Mexico, Indonesia, Portugal, USA, France, and Germany).  We are farmers and staff representing member organizations of La Via Campesina, along with allies from other farmer […]

  • Blues on the Border: Legendary Rock Guitarist Javier Batiz Plays and Sings for “My Beloved and Beautiful Tijuana”

    Javier Batiz, the great Mexican rock-and-roll guitarist, played and sang last week in a concert that embodied and gave voice to everything that is most wonderful about Tijuana and the U.S.-Mexico border region.  Batiz, who since he was thirteen has played in the bars and nightclubs of Tijuana, performed this time with the Baja California […]

  • Syria: Rapping against the Nizam

    نظام, nizam, Arabic for regime, order, system, but against which nizam? Against the SystemDudd Al-Nizam “Against the System”by Eslam Jawaad Against the Country by Murder Eyez Statement No. 1 Shabeeha Song by The Strong Heroes of Moscow Cf. Jackson Allers, “Syrian Revolution and Eslam Jawaad’s Response — ‘Dudd al-Nizam’ (Syria)” (Beats and Breath, 5 […]

  • Malaysia: Vigil for PSM 6 at Bukit Aman

      A vigil for six Parti Sosialis Malaysia (PSM) members — Choo Chon Kai, Sarat Babu, Sarasvathy Muthu, Sukumaran A/L Munisamy, A. Letchumanan, and Dr. Jeyakumar Devaraj — detained under the Emergency Ordinance (EO). Bukit Aman Vigil for PSM 6, 11 July 2011 Yudistra Darma Dorai, Legal Counsel for PSM 6, 6 July 2011 Cf. […]

  • Venezuelan Opposition Dusts Off Its Old Slogan

    “Chávez, go away already!” Victor Nieto is a cartoonist in Venezuela.  His cartoons frequently appear in Aporrea and Rebelión among other sites.  Translation by Yoshie Furuhashi (@yoshiefuruhashi | yoshie.furuhashi [at]  See, also, Victor Nieto, “What the Hell Do They Want?” (MRZine, 27 June 2011).  Cf. “Bolivian Leader: Hugo Chavez’s Health Improving” (Associated Press, 10 […]

  • The Politics of Iran’s Space Program

    Iran’s recent successful launch of a second satellite into orbit has drawn considerable attention around the world. As in the past, Iran’s announcement of the launch of its domestically built satellite into space received mixed reactions in the West. Some mainstream U.S. media treated the announcement with skepticism and ridicule. “Before you cancel that European vacation or start building a bomb shelter, it’s worth taking Iran’s boasts with a grain of salt,” one commentator wrote in Wired. “While Iran has cooked up some indigenous weaponry over the years, its desire to puff out its chest and pronounce immunity from the effects of international sanctions has led to some absurd exaggerations and outright lies.”

  • German Leopards for Saudi Arabia

    Merkel just wouldn’t let the cat out of the bag.  In the first days after the arms sale scandal began, her front seat in the Bundestag was conspicuously empty.  When she finally did show up she wore a sour look but said not a word.  The decision made and any reasoning behind it were highly […]

  • Israeli Flags at South Sudan Independence Celebrations

    Images of Israeli flags at the celebrations of the independence of South Sudan have been widely circulated and commented upon in the Arabic-language media, though they appear to have received no attention in the English-language media.  E.g.: Broadcast by BBC Arabic Published online by Al Jazeera on 9 July 2011 Published online by Rum Online […]

  • Syria News Roundup: The Beginning of the End of the Syrian Revolt?

    Syrians for BHL Rami Zurayk (Land and People, 8 July 2011): “Is there anyone who follows politics and champions the Arab and Palestinian causes who does not know Bernard Henri Levy? . . .  He was one of the first to enter the shattered remains of Jenin on board a Zionist tank to express his […]

  • C Is for Capitalism

    A is for Airstrike; B is for Barack Obama; C is for Capitalism.

  • “Not Only for Facundo Cabral, But Also for the Future of Our Children”

    Argentinean singer Facundo Cabral, best known for his song “I’m Not from Here, Nor Am I from There,” was murdered this morning on his way to Guatemala’s La Aurora airport after a concert tour of that country. In his 2006 interview with Télam, Cabral said: “People often call me maestro, singer-songwriter, poet, troubadour, minstrel, and […]

  • Power and Water at Risk: The Energy-Water Collision

      Excerpt: Cooling power plants requires the single largest share of U.S. freshwater withdrawals: 41 percent.  This water dependence threatens both the availability and the quality of our water resources. . . . The water use habits of power plants pose risks, not only to the water sources and to other users, but also to […]

  • Help Us Improve New Edition of The Politics of Immigration: Questions and Answers

    We’re now working on a new edition of our book, The Politics of Immigration: Questions and Answers, and you can help us. We won’t be making dramatic changes — unfortunately, not that much has changed in the immigration debate since the book came out back in 2007.  The media repeat the same myths about immigration, […]

  • Nandini Sundar & Ors vs. State of Chhattisgarh

      Excerpt: This case represents a yawning gap between the promise of principled exercise of power in a constitutional democracy, and the reality of the situation in Chattisgarh, where the Respondent, the State of Chattisgarh, claims that it has a constitutional sanction to perpetrate, indefinitely, a regime of gross violation of human rights in a […]

  • On Using the Chained CPI for Social Security Cost of Living Adjustments

    There has been considerable discussion of basing the Social Security cost of living adjustment (COLA) on the Chained Consumer Price Index for All Urban Consumers (C-CPI-U) as a “painless” way of generating large budget savings.  This view reflects serious confusion about what the switch to the C-CPI-U involves.  (The switch would also lead to higher […]

  • Weak Job Growth Leads to Another Rise in Unemployment

    The Labor Department reported that the economy created just 18,000 jobs in June.  It also revised down the previous two months’ numbers, bringing the average rate of job growth over this period to 87,000 jobs a month.  The slow job growth led to another rise in the unemployment rate, which edged up to 9.2 percent. […]

  • Suez Workers on Strike

      Workers of the Suez Canal Authority are continuing their three-week strike for better wages and working conditions.  Improvements have already been negotiated, but with implementation now twice delayed, the workers are calling for the resignation of Suez Canal Authority Chairman Ahmed Fadel. This video was released by Ahram Online on 6 July 2011.  Cf. […]