Freedom Rider: Establishment role in anti-Asian bigotry
Joe Biden is no better than Trump in advocating de facto white supremacy with his foreign policy, and corporate media fan the flames of anti-Chinese racism.
Celebrating the Paris Commune of 1871
It all began as the sun rose over the districts of Montmartre and Belleville on 18 March 1871. Army soldiers began seizing nearly 250 cannon that had been placed in these radical, working-class areas by the National Guard, a popular Parisian militia. The soldiers had been sent by the head of the new republican government, Adolphe Thiers.
Globe & Mail fearmongers about foreign influence while ignoring U.S. government funding to Uighur Rights groups in Canada
It’s curious how Globe and Mail reporters troubled by foreign influence over Canadian politics regularly turn to U.S.-government-funded groups in this country. Are they aware of this irony? Or is their purported concern about foreign influence really about demonizing China?
To Western Media, prosecuting Bolivian coup leaders is worse than leading a coup
Brutal dictators supported by Washington have no reason to doubt that establishment journalists and big NGOs will try very hard to keep them out of jail. Removing the threat of U.S.-backed coups from the world will involve a constant struggle against Western media and the sources they present to us as reliable.
The U.S. knew all about the 1976 coup plot in Argentina
“We would like you to succeed… friends should be supported. The sooner you succeed, the better,” U.S. Secretary of State Henry Kissinger said.
Whose feminism? Palestine’s feminism
Palestinians affirm, yet again, that one cannot be a feminist while supporting gendered violence, settler-colonialism, indigenous dispossession, and apartheid.
Who are the 10 biggest pandemic profiteers?
One year after the COVID-19 pandemic began, U.S. billionaires have made out like gangbusters at the expense of workers.
On 10th Anniversary of the U.S.-NATO attack on Libya: Powerful perpetrators have yet to face justice
Three Powerful American Women—Hillary Clinton, Samantha Power and Susan Rice—Pushed Obama into Destroying the Wealthiest, Healthiest and Happiest Nation in Africa.
The Paris Commune of 1871
There is a wall at the Père Lachaise cemetery in Paris, known as “Le Mur des Fédérés”. It was there that the last fighters of the Paris Commune were shot in May 1871, by Versailles troops.
A Cold War re-education in 8 minutes
Remarks at the Cold War Truth Commission
Terminate NATO
The fact is that NATO should never have been established in the first place. Moreover, the biggest mistake in U.S. history was to convert the federal government to a national-security state.
Socialists win in 7 Out of 10 subnational Governments
The Movement Towards Socialism is the only party with a broad presence in the country’s nine regions.
Lilia D. Monzó’s “A Revolutionary Subject: Pedagogy of Women of Color and Indigeneity”
A Book review symposium on Lilia D. Monzó’s “A Revolutionary Subject: Pedagogy of Women of Color and Indigeneity” (2019, Peter Lang Publishing) by Kitonga, Macrine, Magill, and Rodriguez — Editors
Jack Ma is not the problem
Broadly speaking, beneath these diverse incidents lies a single force. A great teacher and his generation warned of and suppressed it, but it has sprouted once more since the 1980s. After 40 years, it has taken root in multiple facets of our lives, including thought, society, reality and power.
Calling Putin a ‘killer’ with ‘no soul’ is not exactly diplomatic finesse
Meanwhile, Putin’s spokesman Dmitry Peskov called the “killer” jab a “very bad statement by the U.S. president,” that indicated “he doesn’t want to normalize relations.”
Ten years on, Syria is almost destroyed. Who’s to blame?
In George Orwell’s novel Animal Farm, the ruling pigs led by Napoleon constantly rewrote history in order to justify and reinforce their own continuing power. The rewriting by the western powers of the history of the ongoing conflict in Syria leaps out of Orwell.
WSJ rage at ‘woke’ China foreshadows new redbaiting of social justice activists
The Wall Street Journal editorial board has accused a major Chinese newspaper, and by extension the People’s Republic of China, of exploiting progressive rhetoric around racial justice to create division in the United States.
Why are hate crimes against Asian Americans on the rise?
Largely missing from this ongoing discussion is the role of the police and the capitalist state. The media has done an excellent job at depicting these violent acts as interpersonal and individual attacks.
Financial press fears Brazilians will be allowed to elect president of their choice
The Brazilian Supreme Court this month dismissed all charges against former President Luis Inacio “Lula” da Silva. A towering figure in national politics, Lula was the country’s president for eight years between 2003 and 2011.
At least six killed after factory owner calls in military in Hlaing Tharyar
Police publicly executed a woman who was the leader of the workers.