What about China?
China surged past the United States to become the #1 carbon emitter in 2006. Currently (2019 data from BP’s Statistical Review of World Energy), its CO2 emissions from fossil-fuel burning are over 9,800 million metric tons (“tonnes”) a year.
Chinese woman fights back against sexual harassment—with a mop
A video clip has emerged showing a female office worker beating her over-eager boss with a cleaning instrument, to the delight of women viewers.
China and climate change: an exchange
In the Notes from the Editors to the March 2021 issue of Monthly Review, the MR editors questioned some of the arguments in Richard Smith’s book, China’s Engine of Environmental Collapse, as well as replied to Simon Pirani’s related criticisms (writing under his pseudonym of Gabriel Levy) of MR editor John Bellamy Foster on China and the environment. Both Smith and Pirani have written replies to our March editorial, which we are publishing here, along with our own rejoinder.
Western media incite anti-Asian racism when they join in Cold War against China
Over the past few weeks, the subject of anti-Asian racism has received an unusual degree of Western media attention, ever since a video showing the January 28 killing of Vicha Ratanapakdee, an 84-year-old Thai immigrant in San Francisco, was widely shared on social media.
The complex legacy of China’s cinematic pirates
Film and TV piracy are under increasing pressure in China. The void they’re leaving behind will be hard to fill.
Stop anti-Chinese hate, but not anti-China politics?
Can we expect people of Asian and Chinese descent to unite in a broad front against American imperialism?
12 Arrested in Hebei for fabricating emission data
Local companies were found to be collaborating with an emission monitoring company to skirt environmental standards.
Britain and China: Trading sanctions and the new cold war
IAIN DUNCAN SMITH sees the Chinese sanctions applied to him and other politicians yesterday as a “badge of honour.”
As U.S. loses its edge, game of cyber chicken could have deadly consequences
‘…all countries have offensive and defensive capabilities and ‘stealing” data and knowledge from other countries are time-honoured tasks of spook agencies. It becomes an act of war only if it leads to physical damage to critical equipment or infrastructure.’
Terminate NATO
The fact is that NATO should never have been established in the first place. Moreover, the biggest mistake in U.S. history was to convert the federal government to a national-security state.
Jack Ma is not the problem
Broadly speaking, beneath these diverse incidents lies a single force. A great teacher and his generation warned of and suppressed it, but it has sprouted once more since the 1980s. After 40 years, it has taken root in multiple facets of our lives, including thought, society, reality and power.
WSJ rage at ‘woke’ China foreshadows new redbaiting of social justice activists
The Wall Street Journal editorial board has accused a major Chinese newspaper, and by extension the People’s Republic of China, of exploiting progressive rhetoric around racial justice to create division in the United States.
The watchdogs of imperialism and the Uyghur genocide slander
On February 26 the Canadian Parliament passed a motion, by a vote of 226 to 0, expressing the opinion that “the People’s Republic of China has” implemented “measures intended to prevent” Uyghur and other Turkic Muslim births and that these measures are “consistent with” the United Nations Genocide Convention.
Race reductionism: Neocolonialism and the ruse of “Chinese privilege”
Since 2015, Singapore has seen the rise of a new discourse arguing the existence of Chinese racial supremacy. Influenced by U.S. cultural theories of race, critics of so-called “Chinese privilege” sought to formulate a theoretical framework for thinking about inequality in Singapore.
Top Pentagon commander requests astronomical sum of money to prepare for war with China
A new U.S. war with China would threaten the world with unthinkable destruction. The danger of such a war cannot be ignored, it must be resisted.
After years of propaganda, American views of Russia and China hit historic lows
Both pro- and anti-war voices have stated that the U.S. is on the cusp of entering a second Cold War, and a new Gallup poll suggests that the groundwork for such a conflict has already been laid.
Beyond the Sprouts of Capitalism
The contemporary political economy of the People’s Republic of China, the nature of the Chinese system, has been the subject of much discussion and debate in mainstream academic, media, and political circles, as well as on the left. Yet one can only make sense of contemporary China with a clear understanding of the country’s economic history.
Debt relief with Chinese characteristics
As China is poised to become the world’s largest creditor, concerns about debt sustainability have grown. Yet considerable confusion exists over what is likely to happen when a government runs into trouble repaying its Chinese loans.
Does the West repeating claims of China committing genocide in Xinjiang reify it?
The Jewish Virtual Library quotes Nazi propaganda minister Joseph Goebbels as having said: “If you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it.”
Partners: China and Cuba
In the 1960s, the main forms of the Chinese assistance offered to Cuba were preferential trade and interest-free loans. From 1961 to 1965, China gave Cuba an interest-free loan of 60 million U.S. dollars.