Don’t look to EPA to save us!
The 51-year-old agency has been losing both power and credibility over recent decades, and SCOTUS’s recent ruling undermines it even more.
COP-out 26
Marxist economist Michael Roberts shares his take on the Glasgow climate talks—what is on and what is not on the agenda.
Book Review: ‘A People’s Green New Deal’
In this book Ajl covers most of the big questions facing rational, ecosocialist design: nationalization vs localism, modernization vs degrowth, techno-scientific solutions vs indigenous knowledge.
Cryptocurrency: a new and dangerous climate disruptor
The get-rich-quick scheme, banned in China and elsewhere, is invading U.S. communities unchecked, posing as an “equalizing, democratizing” currency. It’s not.
The fires this time and their implications for ecosocialists
“Deindustrialization.” That’s a word you virtually never hear in the debate around global warming. Not surprising. It’s a word that’s loaded with negative implications: economic collapse, mass layoffs, falling living standards.