A Sino-Russian military alliance is gratuitous (as of now)
To apply a western analogy, while the Sino-Russian partnership has great potential to model itself after the European Union, neither Moscow nor Beijing desires an Eurasian NATO to create synergy for it.
Ten Marxist classics for Xmas
Lindsey German’s Marxist holiday reading list
Democratic Party betrayal, abortion, and the Supreme Court
“ What about the Supreme Court?” Those words are used to thwart any discussion which questions support for the Democratic Party.
Revisiting Marx on Alienation and Communism
A review of Karl Marx’s Writings on Alienation, edited and introduced by Marcello Musto.
The right is surging in the U.S., but there’s cause for hope
Emma Norton speaks to Sherry Wolf and Joel Geier, two long-time revolutionary socialists in the United States, about the turmoil, contradictions and possibilities of the U.S. political situation.
Ten contradictions that plague Biden’s ‘Democracy Summit’
Biden hopes to secure his place at the head of the “Free World” table by coming out as a champion for human rights and democratic practices worldwide.
Marxism and STS: From Marx and Engels to COVID-19 and COP26
At the recent conference of the Society for the Social Study of Science, I came to the conclusion that the history of Marxism in relation to science and technology studies is an increasingly forgotten story.
People centered human rights and the Black radical tradition
International Human Rights Day is December 10. On that day in 1948 the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR) was promulgated as the first in a series of covenants, treaties, and legal interpretations that would make up the post-war human rights framework.
GM ‘designer babies’: breakthrough or nightmare?
Only a global ban on human genetic engineering can prevent a new era of eugenics from emerging, writes Dave King.
Climate change: Adapt for the future, not the past
Funding for developing countries to address global warming is grossly inadequate. Very little finance is for adaptation to climate change, the urgent need of countries most adversely affected. Also, adaptation needs to be forward-looking rather than only addressing accumulated problems.
Cornel West on Frantz Fanon, one of the great revolutionary intellectuals of the 20th century
“Decolonization implies the urgent need to thoroughly challenge the colonial situation.”
Views on China
What is the experience and future for China and its Communist party rule? It seems appropriate to consider a number of new books on China that have been published that try to answer this question.
The ecosocialist imperative
Thirty years ago, climate modeling scientists predicted exactly the global events–massive wildfires, intensified tropical storms, flooding and droughts–that we’re seeing right now.
Omicron variant exposes danger of global vaccine apartheid
A new, heavily mutated Coronavirus variant, Omicron, is causing alarm around the world as scientists race to discover more about this new type of the virus and its potential resistance to vaccines.
Marxism, Ecology and the Climate Crisis—John Bellamy Foster
In the week before the COP26 international summit, John Bellamy Foster analyzed the climate emergency and how we can achieve climate justice.
The base-superstructure: a model for analysis and action
Although Marx himself only mentioned the “base” and “superstructure” in (by my count) two of his works, the base-superstructure “problem” remains a source of serious contention for Marxists, our sympathizers, and our critics.
Impending planetary disaster should unite us, yet we remain more divided than ever
Charles Bukowski has a quote: “We’re all going to die, all of us, what a circus! That alone should make us love each other but it doesn’t. We are terrorized and flattened by trivialities, we are eaten up by nothing.”
‘From what present are we historicizing the left?’ Arab Lefts: Histories and Silences — Alina Sajed
There has been renewed interest in the long 1960s over the last few years, not least spurred by the anniversary, in 2018, of the 1968 global uprisings.
Ernest Mandel – Selected Writings I
The IIRE has released the first volume of the Selected Writings by Ernest Mandel (1923-1995).
Leonard Peltier may finally get out of prison after more than 4 decades
Peltier has served about four-and-a-half decades in prison for a crime–the killing of two FBI agents in a 1975 gun battle at the Pine Ridge Reservation in South Dakota–that even his erstwhile prosecutor now admits that Peltier did not commit.