Burnt workers are the newest wave of climate casualty
The International Labor Organization (ILO) has just released a brief—but very important—report on the impact of heat stress on workers. What the ILO finds is that the areas of the world most threatened by heat deaths of workers are Southern Asia and Western Africa.
Tech privacy pioneer Ola Bini released after 70 days of extrajudicial detention in Ecuador
After 70 days in preventive detention without formal charges, Ola Bini’s request for habeas corpus was granted, and shortly after, he was released from prison.
The hybrid war against Iran
Trump might not have sent in a suite of missiles to hit Iran last week, but the United States has—of course—already opened up a certain kind of war against Iran.
Have you heard of the CIA’s Iran mission center?
In 2017, the U.S. Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) created a special unit—the Iran Mission Center—to focus attention on the U.S. plans against Iran. This predated the Trump administration.
Peace is a word that the West has taken from the Afghans
The war on Afghanistan has been ugly. Death is one consequence of war—2019 has been the deadliest year for civilians since the United States first began to bomb Afghanistan in 2001. Starvation is another—according to the UN, half of the population will need food assistance over the course of this year.
Does Iran’s economic fate depend on a lifeline from China?
China has increased its oil purchases from Saudi Arabia by 43 percent in April. There is every indication that China will continue to increase its buys from the kingdom during the course of this year—to substitute for Iranian oil and, perhaps, for U.S. oil.
How the U.S. is strangling Haiti as it attempts regime change in Venezuela
Last week, the people of Haiti erupted in protests over fuel price hikes. Behind the protests lie a story of corruption by the elite, blatantly insensitive IMF policies, predatory pricing by U.S. oil firms and the fallout of the economic war on Venezuela.
America has quit the human rights business
One more illustration of the decline of U.S. influence on the world stage.
Weighing the Options: The Next Path for Israel/Palestine
Given the recent political death of Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon, many in Israel and the Occupied Territories are wondering who will take the former premier’s spot. Likewise, Palestinians and Israelis are closely watching who will govern Palestinian society. The Palestinians engage in the political process first — with parliamentary elections on January 25. How […]
Wolfowitz at the World Bank: A New Leaf?
[The author has been a senior official in this field and must withhold his identity. — Ed.] I believe in redemption. Never give up on anyone. And besides, like many of us, I was told that Paul Wolfowitz might turn out to be another McNamara (well . . . ). On June 1, Mr. Wolfowitz […]