Climate injustice at Glasgow COP-out
Former Irish President Mary Robinson observed, “People will see this as a historically shameful dereliction of duty,… nowhere near enough to avoid climate disaster.”
Anti-communism, anti-Blackness, and imperialism
In this talk prepared for the Albuquerque Anti-War Coalition‘s Anti-Communism & Imperialism panel discussion, Dr. Charisse Burden Stelly discusses how anti-communism and anti-Blackness are intrinsically intertwined structures of white supremacist and capitalist control.
Helena Sheehan – ‘Science and Technology Studies: A Marxist Narrative’
The author of several books, including the definitive study ‘Marxism and the Philosophy of Science: A Critical History’, Professor Sheehan traces the historical entanglements of Science and Technology Studies with Marxist thought, as well as her own biography as a scholar and activist.
Sino-Russian collusion over Taiwan, Ukraine seems improbable but isn’t
U.S. has whipped up war hysteria over satellite image of Russian military camp in Yelnya, over 500 kms from Ukraine border, to allege Moscow’s invasion plans and to justify NATO involvement.
What role does the military play in climate change?
A gaping hole in the COP26 official agenda was the oversized role of the military industrial complex in environmental devastation. The US is a global leader on this front with the Pentagon being a bigger polluter than 140 countries combined.
Millions more want to quit
The “Great Resignation” refers to the millions of people who have quit their job over the past 20 months, “more than 4.4 million alone in September” which is about the same as the previous month.
African Feminisms–a decolonial history: an interview with Rama Salla Dieng
In her new book ‘African Feminisms – a decolonial history’, the Senegalese scholar-activist Rama Salla Dieng interviews feminist activists about their work, struggles and lives. Interviewed by Coumba Kane, Dieng speaks about what it means to be a feminist in Africa today.
‘Saddening, infuriating, and utterly unsurprising’: Rittenhouse acquitted
The verdict, said the Huber family, sends the “unacceptable message” that armed vigilantes can “use the danger they have created to justify shooting people in the street.”
UN Commission objects to OPCW report on Syria
The UN Commission on Syria does not consider as proven the alleged chemical weapons attack in April 2018.
New ‘Union-Busting Tracker’ debuts online
On Nov. 6, a group of volunteers launched a Web page called the ‘Union-Busting Tracker’ to post examples of union-busting. Eleven days later, they’d listed 180 separate cases, naming the employers and the union-busting outfits they’d hired.
Time to reset Canada-China relations on a path to peace
To date, the Canadian government has acted as a reliable ally in the U.S.’s New Cold War against China. The need for Canada to change course is dire, but prospects are grim. Canada needs to break with this dangerous path and set course for peace and cooperation with China.
COP26: greenwashing and Plutocratic misadventures
COP26 reaffirmed what has been obvious from the beginning: the Northern colonial and capitalist states most responsible for creating the climate crisis are unwilling to place people before profits in order to address the planet’s looming ecological collapse and humanitarian catastrophe.
Philosophers with no clothes: A Review of ‘The War Against Marxism’
Tony McKenna’s new book is an important defence of Marxism, against thinkers who have confused and obscured its revolutionary core, argues Chris Nineham
WTO finished without TRIPS waiver
The World Trade Organization (WTO) will soon decide on a conditional temporary waiver of Trade-Related Intellectual Property Rights (TRIPS).
‘Moderna is trying to turn this people’s vaccine into a rich people’s vaccine’
CounterSpin interview with Peter Maybarduk on NIH/Moderna patent
After a year of struggle by farmers, Indian government forced to withdraw farm laws
Movements across India celebrated the struggle by the farmers during which they faced great repression and vilification. Around 750 people are believed to have died during the agitation which saw thousands camp on the borders of Delhi
There is one place in Cuba where torture occurs
Chilling testimony of the torture and abuses committed against Majid Khan, at the illegal U.S. Naval Base in Guantanamo, was recently presented by the prisoner.
Latin America: modest advice for a confused Left
The Foreign Agents Registration Act (FARA) is a U.S. law passed in 1938 that requires individuals representing the interests of foreign governments, in “political or quasi-political capacity,” to disclose their relationship to said foreign government and provide detailed information on its finances and activities to the U.S. authorities.
Kenosha, I do mind dying
On August 25, 2020, Kyle Rittenhouse killed Joseph Rosenbaum and Anthony Huber, and wounded Gaige Grosskreutz. He is not the subject of this essay. The center of this story is all those who took part in the George Floyd Rebellion, an uprising composed of thousands of demonstrations and hundreds of riots across the U.S.
Media’s anti-‘woke’ mania moves social justice to the fringe
“Woke” is the label the aggrieved conservative suburbanite puts on the indignity of having to call their Starbucks barista “they” and finding Ibram X. Kendi on their child’s school reading list.