People centered human rights and the Black radical tradition
International Human Rights Day is December 10. On that day in 1948 the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR) was promulgated as the first in a series of covenants, treaties, and legal interpretations that would make up the post-war human rights framework.
COP26: greenwashing and Plutocratic misadventures
COP26 reaffirmed what has been obvious from the beginning: the Northern colonial and capitalist states most responsible for creating the climate crisis are unwilling to place people before profits in order to address the planet’s looming ecological collapse and humanitarian catastrophe.
Class warfare and socialist resistance: Nicaragua, Cuba, Venezuela as existential threats to the U.S.
Why do Nicaragua, Cuba and Venezuela pose such an existential threat to the U.S.? The promise of socialism and their resistance to U.S. class warfare.
The Western left’s collaboration with the Western bourgeoisie
Changes in historical conditions can elevate a secondary contradiction to a primary, and antagonistic contradiction, in an instant.
From Palestine to Colombia: The end of the White world colonial/capitalist project?
Despite the quickening decline of the “West,” the U.S. and its junior partners in imperialism are determined to hold humanity hostage to terminal capitalist greed and violence.
Murder of Daunte Wright ruined Derek Chauvin show trial
The Black-murder-by-cop next door to Minneapolis shows the world the dehumanization that is built into the white supremacist DNA of settler-colonialism will continue to produce crimes against our collective humanity.
The U.S. has long led the assault on human rights
The historical record on U.S. human rights policies, both domestic and international, is one of hypocrisy, deceit, and denigration.
No to the New Cold war with China
The African radical, anti-imperialist, internationalist movement, sees the Chinese state and the Chinese people much differently than the U.S. state and its ruling class.
Coronavirus and the crisis of African American human rights
With the overwhelming evidence that the capitalist system is fundamentally antithetical to the realization of human rights, including what should be an elementary right—access to healthcare—the presidency of Donald J. Trump has been a godsend for the capitalist rulers.
As Biden racks up delegates the crisis among Black folks and Democrat Party deepens
Slick operatives among the Black Misleadership Class have made an electoral pact with big capitalists that is totally against the interests of the Black working class.