On the Global Waterfront: Race, Class, and the New Economy
Join us for a discussion of race, class, and the new economy with E. Paul Durrenberger, coauthor with Suzan Erem of On the Global Waterfront: The Fight to Free the Charleston 5. On the Global Waterfront, new from Monthly Review Press, tells the present-day story of longshoremen in Charleston, South Carolina, who successfully confronted […]
South Africa: A Drive through a Xenophobic Landscape
19 May 2008: Friends, this is simply an account of what I saw and experienced in a twenty four period. It might be incomplete. It is not an analytical piece as such, but I hope a small step towards trying to understand what had taken place in this city, in this country that I […]
Say No to Xenophobia
As everybody in our country knows, the Congress of South African Trade Unions has been at the forefront of the campaign to create jobs and eradicate poverty. For years we have fought to ensure that this struggle is taken seriously and remains at the centre of the national agenda. COSATU has done everything in […]
Predominantly Mexican Neighborhood to Host Dyke March [“Marcha por la diversidad sexual” en vecindario mexicano]
Chicago, IL (14 de mayo, 2008) — La “Marcha por la diversidad sexual” tomara lugar por primera vez en su historia de 12 años en el vecindario de Pilsen, el cual es predominantemente mexicano. Esta marcha, conocida en ingles como “Dyke* March Chicago” ocurre cada año en el vecindario de Andersonville, al norte de la […]
Climate Crisis — Urgent Action Needed Now!
The following statement was started by the participants in the Climate Change|Social Change conference. Anyone who agrees with it is welcome to add their signature, and an updated list of signatories will be issued on a regular basis (contact: <[email protected]>.). It is being distributed to environmental, trade union, Indigenous, migrant, religious and community organisations […]
Pledge of Commitment: People of Faith with Palestine in Struggle
Pledge of Commitment: People of Faith with Palestine in Struggle Our world is in crisis. We face a growing, more aggressive empire with an insatiable appetite for consuming the resources of our world, subverting justice and humanity by its desire to strengthen its global hegemony; destroying the environment; feeding racist ideologies and practices of […]
Iranian Ethnic Minorities Clash on Capitol Hill
Washington DC — A March 13 event on Capitol Hill intended to expose Iran’s human rights violations was overcome with political rivalry and infighting. The event, a one-hour briefing on Iran’s human rights record, was eventually broken up by Capitol Hill police officers. The briefing piggybacked on a recent rise in concern over Iran’s […]
Climate Change | Social Change. A Conference to Strengthen Radical Social Action to Stop Climate Change
The world is teetering on the brink of unstoppable climate change. Many now recognise the need for serious change in the way we produce and use energy, our transport systems, food production, urban design and forestry practices. Yet politicians are still mouthing platitudes while allowing corporations to continue to profit from polluting our atmosphere and […]
Antioch Confidential
Antioch Confidential examines several documents that were until now Antioch University attorney-client privileged communications. What role has this confidentiality played in the health of a College that has functioned through a decades-old shared governance system, a governance system that has been integrated as a major component of its educational curriculum and that has historically […]
Autoworker Activists Gathering
“From the Ashes of the Old . . . ” The Center for Labor Renewal & the Solidarity Education Center in conjunction with Soldiers of Solidarity, Future of the Union, FactoryRat, Labor Notes, and numerous rank-and-file committees of resistance, . . . will sponsor a one-day meeting for all autoworker activists on the recent concessionary […]
World Against War Conference
“O there are times, we must confess To harboring a whim — we Like to picture old Karl Marx Sliding down our chimney” — Susie Day“Help fund the good fight. By contributing to MR, you help reinforce the left and reclaim the future.” — Richard D. Vogel “To do my part, I just […]
Celebrate and Defend the Legacy of the Black Panther Party
NYC, Friday, November 30, 7 pm Martin Luther King Jr. Labor Center 310 W. 43rd Street (between 8th & 9th Ave.), NYC Speakers Include: Gil Noble, respected producer and host of ABC-TV’s Like It Is SF-8 defendants Francisco Torres, Harold Taylor, Ray Boudreaux and Hank Jones Soffiyah Elijah, Esq., lawyer on the SF-8 case Special […]
Twenty Reasons against Sanctions and Military Intervention in Iran
INTRODUCTION Five years into the US-UK illegal invasion of Iraq and its consequent catastrophe for Iraqi people, peace loving people throughout the world are appalled by the current Iran-US standoff and its resemblance to the run-up to the invasion of Iraq. The hawks, headed by Dick Cheney in Washington, are now shamelessly calling for […]
Discuss the Politics of Immigration
Have you heard an anti-immigrant argument that you feel is wrong, but need the facts to contest? (For example: “Immigrants are a drain on social services.”) Do you have your own fear or concern about the issue? (For example: “Are the lowest-paid US-born workers really hurt by immigration?”) Bring your concerns to one of […]
Interview: Teófilo Stevenson, Ex-World Boxing Champion: “What They Did Is Not Treason — It’s Ignorance” [Entrevista: Teófilo Stevenson Ex campeón mundial de boxeo “Lo que han hecho no es una traición, es incultura”]
“Yo no diría que lo que han hecho es una traición, es incultura. Y le digo esto porque al que traiciona no se le perdona”, dice el revolucionario Teófilo Stevenson, el boxeador aficionado más grande de todos los tiempos, acerca de la deserción de Guillermo Rigondeaux y Erislandy Lara por un contrato de medio millón […]
Free Ahmad Sa’adat
Ahmad Sa’adat, General Secretary of the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine and member of the Palestinian Legislative Council, is one of over 11,000 Palestinian political prisoners held in Israeli jails. These political prisoners, men, women and children, are activists, organizers, and political leaders of the Palestinian people. Sa’adat’s trial is scheduled to […]
Raul Castro: Open to Dialogue with Next American President [Raul Castro se dit ouvert au dialogue avec le futur président américain]
Le chef de l’Etat cubain par intérim, Raul Castro, s’est dit ouvert au dialogue avec le futur président des Etats-Unis, afin de pacifier les relations entre les deux pays, lors d’un discours à Camagüey, à l’occasion de la fête nationale cubaine, jeudi 26 juillet. La future administration américaine “devra décider si elle maintient la politique […]
The Prophecy of Bolívar: US Interventions in Latin America [La Profecía de Bolívar: Intervenciones de EEUU en Latinoamérica]
“Estados Unidos parece destinado a plagar la América de miserias en nombre de la libertad”. Con esta profética frase de Simón Bolívar en 1826, el Libertador hizo la crónica anunciada de una historia de intervenciones, militares y políticas, disfrazadas unas y en forma abierta otras, con las cuales el gigante del norte impuso su dominio […]
For Revolutionary Dignity: President Chávez Announces World Bank Debt Has Been Paid Off [Por la dignidad revolucionaria Presidente Chávez anunció pago de deuda con el Banco Mundial]
“Con este último pago (al Banco Mundial), esa deuda que era en 1998 de casi 3 mil millones de dólares, les puedo decir hoy que no tenemos ni un centavo de deuda ni con el Fondo Monetario Internacional, ni con el Banco Mundial”, exclamó. Declaraciones del Presidente Chávez (MP3 3m) Haga click para escuchar el […]
Confront the Economic Program of Sanioura [Faire face au programme économique de Sanioura]
Le Bureau politique du Parti Communiste libanais a tenu une réunion extraordinaire afin de débattre de la situation économique qui prévaut dans le pays et des mesures prises dernièrement par ce qui reste du gouvernement de Fouad Sanioura en préparation à la troisième conférence qui se tiendra, le 25 janvier, à Paris. Il a publié […]