Archive | Commentary

  • Sussex University Occupation, 8-9 February 2010

      “We recognise that an attack on education workers is an attack on us. . . . They’re occupying everywhere in waves across California, New York, Greece, Croatia, Germany and Austria and elsewhere — and not only in the universities.  We send greetings of solidarity and cheerful grins to all those occupation movements and everyone […]

  • Humanitarian Crusade

    “My basic equipment for Haiti is an M16 assault rifle with a laser sight, phosphorus grenades, a Kevlar bulletproof vest, a Glock pistol with a silencer, and a portable GPS. . . .” “We are following the US humanitarian crusade in Haiti, step by step.” Sergio Langer is an Argentinean cartoonist.  This cartoon was first […]

  • Back to Normal

    We are here so Haiti can get back to normal, that is to say, to miserable poverty as always. Alfredo Martirena Hernández was born in 1965 in Santa Clara, Cuba.  This cartoon was published by Rebelión on 9 February 2010.   Translation by Yoshie Furuhashi (@yoshiefuruhashi | yoshie.furuhashi [at] | | Print

  • Just Which Country Is “Playing for Time” in Nuclear Diplomacy with Iran?

    Until today, the Obama Administration and much of the foreign policy punditocracy in Washington have been overflowing with observations that recent statements by Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad and Foreign Minister Manouchehr Mottaki reiterating the Islamic Republic’s interest in a deal to refuel the Tehran Research Reactor (TRR) were just another example of Iranian efforts to […]

  • Vote Here for the Dynamite Prize in Economics

    The Dynamite Prize in Economics, to be awarded to the three economists who contributed most to enabling the Global Financial Collapse (GFC), or more figuratively, to the three economists who contributed most to blowing up the global economy. Vote for three.  The candidates’ dossiers are below the ballot. View This Pollpolling Short List of Nominees […]

  • Iran’s Green Movement: “We Are Countless!”

    ما بیشماریم! “We Are Countless!” Destabilization Programs: 13 Aban (4 November, Anniversary of the US Embassy Occupation), 16 Azar (7 December, Student Day), 6 Dey (27 December, Ashura)?! Minus H نمودار هواداران موج سبز به مرور زمان Chart: Green Wave Supporters Over Time From Election Day, 25 Khordad (15 June) Rally, Quds Day (18 September), […]

  • Violent Student Groups in Venezuela Coordinate Actions with the “Democratic Unity” Opposition Coalition

      Many of the students involved belong to the youth divisions of the different political parties from the opposition.  Since 2005, US government funding has gone towards training and advising youth leaders and student movements enabling them to enter the political arena. Many question whether the recent student protests against the Chavez Administration in Venezuela […]

  • Mr. President, Help Lift Gaza Closure Now!

    February 4, 2010 President Barack Obama The White House Washington, DC Dear Mr. President, We are seven organizations that strongly support your commitment to a two-state peace between Israel and Palestine that will ensure Israel’s security, win Palestinian self-determination, and protect U.S. national security. As your administration works to launch a political process to achieve […]

  • Could the Obama Administration Perhaps Be Exaggerating Russian Enthusiasm for Expanded Sanctions on Iran?

    In recent weeks, the Obama Administration has been enthusiastically spinning its progress in winning Russian support for prospective new sanctions on Iran.  We have cautioned that, while Russia may, in the end, support a new UNSC sanctions resolution, it will not support broad-based sanctions against major sectors of Iran’s economy or measures that would get […]

  • Restaurant Workers Launch Multi-City Campaign to Transform Low-Wage Industry

    The restaurant industry is one of the largest and fastest growing private employers in the country.  But just as swinging doors often separate patrons from the kitchen, the working lives of 13.5 million restaurant workers — a largely non-union workforce — remain out of sight. In four cities, cooks, dishwashers, servers, hosts, and busers are […]

  • The Mote and the Beam

    What’s in there is not a mote.  It’s a terrorist beam. Tomás Rafael Rodríguez Zayas (Tomy) is a Cuban cartoonist.  This cartoon was first published by Rebelión on 4 February 2010.  Translation by Yoshie Furuhashi (@yoshiefuruhashi | yoshie.furuhashi [at] | | Print

  • Iran, China, and the Shanghai Cooperation Organization

    The new secretary general of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO), Muratbek Sansyzbayevich Imanaliev, said at a news conference in Beijing earlier this week that the conflict in Afghanistan and expanding the SCO’s members to include Iran and Pakistan were the top issues on the SCO’s agenda in 2010.  Certainly, these issues are likely to dominate […]

  • Rising Income Inequality in the US: Divisive, Depressing, and Dangerous

    The gap between annual incomes of the top 10 per cent of US citizens and what the other 90 per cent gets has been widening sharply for the last 30 years.  The nation’s economic development has been increasingly divisive.  Professor Emmanuel Saez of the University of California at Berkeley, a leading expert, summarizes the facts […]

  • Can the Euro Survive?

    Among the many unfortunate features of capitalist history that tend to repeat themselves with depressing regularity is the conversion of crises of private activity in financial markets into fiscal crises of the state.  This is already happening once again, as the very expansion of public expenditure that was necessitated by the financial crisis (which itself […]

  • Germany’s Unilateral Sanction against Itself and the Unspoken Moral of the Story

    German Chancellor Angela Merkel recently claimed at a joint news conference with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu that Germany has always called for transparency and cooperation with Iran, but unfortunately Iran has not responded.  Merkel also made it clear that her government will pursue unilateral economic sanctions in case China blocks an otherwise unanimous Security […]

  • amin070210.html

  • “Haitian Communities Need to Be Involved in the Distribution”

    The U.S.-led international operation to distribute food, water, and medical supplies in Port-au-Prince after earthquake of January 12 has drawn a good deal of criticism. In contrast, for the past 10 years the Ste. Claire parish in the Petite Place Cazeau (Ti Plas Kazo) neighborhood at the city’s northern edge has operated a very successful food program, started by the late Father Gérard Jean-Juste. This week I asked Margaret Trost, founder and director of the California-based What If? Foundation, to describe by email her experiences with this program in the past and in the current crisis. — DLW

  • Counterrevolutionary Students of Venezuela Send “Solidarity Message” to Iranian Students

    The following message, published on Rod’s Blog / El Blog de Roderick Navarro on 7 January 2010, has been posted on numerous Web sites (especially in Persian translation) supporting the Green Wave in Iran, such as , , , .  Are Green Wave supporters who have welcomed this message aware of the character of the […]

  • Colored Revolutions: A New Form of Regime Change, Made in USA

    In 1983, the strategy of overthrowing inconvenient governments and calling it “democracy promotion” was born. Through the creation of a series of quasi-private “foundations”, such as Albert Einstein Institute (AEI), National Endowment for Democracy (NED), International Republican Institute (IRI), National Democratic Institute (NDI), Freedom House and later the International Center for Non-Violent Conflict (ICNC), Washington […]

  • Spring Delegation to Bolivia

    Be part of history!  Celebrate Earth Day and attend the Peoples’ World Conference on Climate Change and Mother Earth’s Rights in Cochabamba, Bolivia.  World scientists, academics, lawyers, and representatives of governments that want to work with their citizens to save our planet will be in attendance.  (Conference is scheduled for April 20-22, 2010.) Before and […]