Graphika: The Deep State’s Beard for Controlling the Information Age
Semi-state actors play a very important role in today’s online landscape and in the 1970s, Graphika employees would likely have been working directly for the CIA.
National Report on the Teaching of Reconstruction
In his 1935 book, Black Reconstruction in America, W. E. B. Du Bois wrote, “One cannot study Reconstruction without first frankly facing the facts of universal lying.” He denounced the Dunning School, the dominant approach to Reconstruction at the time, which denied Black achievements and celebrated white supremacy.
Roe v. Wade 49th Anniversary—Much is at Stake
January 22 is the forty-ninth anniversary of the Roe v. Wade decision, in which the Supreme Court ruled that a women’s right to choose to have an abortion falls within the right to privacy protected by the 14th Amendment, making abortion legal nationally.
Amazon and the power of big digital platforms
Platform power is often traced to markets, implying anti-trust action. The source, and the solution, lie elsewhere.
Abolish long-term care
The COVID-19 pandemic shone a spotlight on the horrific conditions in long-term care facilities. The institutions are a perfect storm for outbreaks: poor ventilation, understaffing, insufficient personal protective equipment (PPE), a lack of regulation, and years of underfunding.
Celebrating 50 years of the Aboriginal Tent Embassy
The longest protest for Indigenous land rights, sovereignty and self-determination in the world, the Aboriginal Tent Embassy, located on Ngunnawal land in Canberra, will mark its 50th anniversary on 26 January. Established by Aboriginal activists to demand land rights, the Embassy has been a key site for the struggle for Indigenous rights ever since.
Venezuela doubles oil output despite U.S. bans thanks to Iran’s help
Venezuela has doubled its oil production over the past months thanks to Iran’s help in defiance of U.S. sanctions against Caracas, oil industry analysts say.
Maybe the story is more complex than Russia bad, Canada good
The saber rattling is becoming scary. But Canadian officials labelling Russia “aggressive” while stoking unnecessary conflict has a long history.
Climate inaction, injustice worsened by finance fiasco
KUALA LUMPUR: Many factors frustrate the international cooperation needed to address the looming global warming catastrophe. As most rich nations have largely abdicated responsibility, developing countries need to think and act innovatively and cooperatively to better advance the South.
Kerala scheme shows how to create work opportunities while caring for the environment
Environment and employment two fronts on which India has been besieged in recent years. Unemployment since 2011 has worsened in the aftermath of the COVID-19 lockdowns. About 100 million workers lost their jobs with women and the youth being more adversely impacted.
Chile’s president-elect Boric reiterates his contempt for besieged Nicaragua and Venezuela
Gabriel Boric, president-elect of Chile, considers that the leftist governments headed by President Nicolás Maduro in Venezuela and Daniel Ortega in Nicaragua “have failed.”
World Inequality Report: Class divide explains more than regional divisions
The report clearly shows how the class divide has become relatively more important than the regional divide in determining global inequality. This simply tells that in today’s world where one is born and brought up has relatively less impact than in which class the person belongs to in explaining relative earnings and wealth status.
At doom’s doorstep: It is 100 seconds to midnight
2022 Doomsday Clock Statement
Damn hard work
Clyde Bellecourt, Neegawnwaywidung (1936–2022)
China launches Global South Economic Alliance to challenge U.S. ‘unilateralism’ and ‘Cold-War mentality’
China is leading an international effort to develop alliances to counter U.S. hegemony.
On the Biden plantation
The idea that Joe Biden would provide harm reduction was created to help the unpopular candidate secure an electoral victory. The reality is a litany of lies and certain defeat for democrats at the polls. There is no harm reduction in a system dedicated to neo-liberalism and austerity.
NATO’s tentacles from Europe to Latin America
International analysts are often, and understandably, asked whether there will be a change in U.S. foreign policy depending on whether a Republican or Democratic president rules the White House.
How to overthrow a life-threatening capitalism?
Capitalism jeopardizes the survival of humanity on earth. It reduces the price of the labour of reproducing labour power when it cannot make women do it for free within the family. How can we overcome it while putting the defence of life at the centre of our concerns?
Social sciences and the colonised mind
A CRUCIAL component of the imperialist system is the colonisation of third world minds that helps to sustain it. This colonisation is pervasive, but here we shall discuss only academic colonisation and that too relating to the social sciences.
Hormonal wars: A brief regulatory history of puberty blockers
The use of political and military metaphors in medicine is a tradition dating back at least to the turn of the 20th century when immunologists regularly distinguished between “Self” versus “Other,” and the “body’s own” defenses armed against external (and internal) enemies such as bacteria, viruses, or even tumors.