Rebuilding collective intelligence
Human capital theory cannot solve our economic woes. David Ridley says we need a socialist alternative.
Why workers’ wages will always be too low
Do you ever feel undervalued at work—like you contribute much more than your pay packet suggests?
Why progressives need to abandon means-testing and embrace universality
Universality must be at the core of any progressive electoral platform.
Europe: caught in a trap
The major economies are moving closer to recession, if they are not already there; and yet inflation rates continue to rise (for now).
“Neither liberal nor social democratic policies have a structured approach to understanding imperialism, including its ecological history”
Alejandro Pedregal – in conversation with Max Ajl
Inflation and starvation
Capitalism is a system that has an innate tendency to get into a cul-de-sac of crisis, and the only way it knows for coming out of crisis is by further exploitation of the working class.
Is China headed for a crash?
So, is this the moment of collapse in the Chinese model of development and the end of all that talk about ‘moving towards socialism’ etc? Many Western experts think so.
Wages, prices and the minimum wage
Today the federal minimum wage is $7.25! Let that sad fact sink in. Right now you can barely buy a gallon of gas in some parts of the country with that little cash.
Structuring the economy to give money to the rich is inflationary
I just read this NYT column by Bryan Stryker, on how Democrats can win back the working class. I have no idea how its proposals poll, but as an economic matter, they will do little to help the working class.
Purchasing power of workers’ wages take biggest tumble in 40 years
Over the last year, real average weekly earnings fell 3.9% as inflation outpaced pay raises and average weekly hours fell by almost an hour.
Scandinavia and imperialism
There are many misconceptions about Scandinavian capitalism. A very common one is the belief that since the Scandinavian countries developed vigorous capitalist economies, without ever having acquired any colonies of their own, they constitute a clear refutation of the claim that capitalist development necessarily requires imperialism.
Heat waves tied to Big Energy capitalism
The population of the world is enduring crises from climate change that, until recently, climatologists thought may only happen decades from now.
M.I. Asma – ‘On Necrocapitalism: A Plague Journal’
It is a testament to the power of On Necrocapitalism: A Plague Journal that a set of interventions written across the first year of the COVID-19 pandemic should remain so potent and resonant as we approach its fourth year.
The capitalist solution to ‘save’ the planet: make it an asset class & sell it
John Bellamy Foster explains the capitalist ‘solution’ master-minded by global finance to resolve the imminent environmental crisis: create a multi-quadrillion dollars worth of assets on the back of everything nature does and expropriate it from the global commons to make a profit. Worse still: it is already happening.
India to boost Sakhalin-1 oil output
After Sakhalin-2, Moscow also plans to nationalise Sakhalin-1 oil and gas development project by ousting U.S. and Japanese shareholders. But Moscow will make an exception for India so that OVL which holds 20% stake will remain & continue to work.
National champion or National chump-Oleg Deripaska and Vladimir Potanin try the Rusal-Norilsk nickel merger
In wars like the present one, politics on the home front cannot be permitted to give aid and comfort to the enemy. In the U.S. and NATO campaign, the Russian oligarchs and their businesses are targets and also weapons of the plan for regime change in the Kremlin.
Capitalism Is the Real Information War
Under capitalism, corporate dishonesty has become so commonplace that most of us take it for granted.
The Fed’s austerity program to reduce wages
To Wall Street and its backers, the solution to any price inflation is to reduce wages and public social spending. The orthodox way to do this is to push the economy into recession in order to reduce hiring. Rising unemployment will oblige labor to compete for jobs that pay less and less as the economy slows.
‘Stuck Nation’
Robert Hennelly’s ‘Stuck Nation’ is a vigorous and well-researched analysis of the exploitative and racist nature of US capitalism, but falls short of a convincing way to be rid of it, argues John Clarke
Jacobinism and the labour theory of value
The U.S. social democratic journal Jacobin recently published an article by Ben Burgis that was a half hearted defence of Marx’s theory of exploitation.