Subjects Archives: Culture

  • Women march for equality.

    Where does women’s oppression come from?

    The liberation of women must be at the heart of the struggle for socialism, argues the MARX MEMORIAL LIBRARY

  • Black feminist views of justice

    Is equality enough?

    Race/isms Book Forum is a new series aimed at bringing established and emerging voices together in conversation around recent work that critically engages our world’s racial scripts, past and present. The structure of the forum is straightforward. We invite three to four thinkers to grapple with a book, highlighting a section of it, and then provide the author(s) an opportunity to respond however they see fit.

  • School shootings have become and epidemic

    School shooting: a U.S. epidemic

    How does the rate of school shootings in the U.S. compare with countries where is more difficult to obtain guns?

  • Detail from Jean-François Millet, Des glaneuses, 1857. via Wikimedia Commons.

    Mapping social reproduction theory

    Let us slightly modify the question “who teaches the teacher?” and ask this of Marxism: If workers’ labor produces all the wealth in society, who then produces the worker? Put another way: What kinds of processes enable the worker to arrive at the doors of her place of work every day so that she can produce the wealth of society?

  • North Korea is more rational than you think: An interview with Bruce Cumings There is more to the hermit kingdom than is seen in the media

    North Korea is more rational than you think: An interview with Bruce Cumings

    With the Olympic Winter Games right around the corner, tension on the Korean Peninsula is again the focal point of international affairs. After months of increasing provocation between North Korean leader Kim Jong-un and U.S. President Donald Trump — highlighted by missile tests and sabre-rattling on both sides — signs of a rapprochement are emerging.

  • Tiki Torch March

    DC school board member: ‘Feminists need rape’

    The Washington, DC Public Charter School Board oversees some 120 public charter schools in the nation’s capitol, serving more than 43,000 students. And one member of that school board, John Goldman, is an MRA with clear white supremacist leanings. He has admitted to having an alter ego, “Jack Murphy,” under which he posted to websites and participated in debates.

  • Submissions to the We Are the 99 Percent Tumblr, 2011–2013

    The kids aren’t alright

    When we talk about generations, we tend to talk as if history has always been divided up into them. But the idea of distinct eras of cohorts each defined by some unique spirit is not timeless. The notion of a generation was borne of a conception of history as a machine of progress—a claim central to Enlightenment ideology

  • Safe spaces for colonial apologists

    The recent controversies about Oxford Professor Nigel Biggar’s “Ethics and Empire” project and UK Universities Minister Jo Johnson’s attack on “safe space culture” have both been defended on freedom of speech grounds. However, they are better understood as retrenching colonial thinking in universities.

  • The gender divide: tracking women’s state prison growth

    The story of women’s prison growth has been obscured by overly broad discussions of the “total” prison population for too long. This report sheds more light on women in the era of mass incarceration by tracking prison population trends since 1978 for all 50 states.

  • Last Jedi

    The Last Jedi is centrist slop masquerading as radical sci-fi

    The Last Jedi, the eighth episode of the legendary Star Wars series, has been out for less than 10 days but already boasts well over $650 million in revenue from the box office.

  • Amsterdam's Red Light District

    The new Mafia capitalism

    MISHA GLENNY’S new series McMafia was launched on BBC TV on New Year’s Day. It is an appropriate if depressing opener for the new year.

  • Social leaders of the Bajo Atrato Choacano and Urabá of Antioquia denounced the persecutions, threats and selective murders they are exposed to in a press conference in Bogotá last December 14.

    “Social leaders are murdered because of fights over women”, said Colombia’s Defense Minister

    Just a week ago, Colombian social leaders denouncing the murder of another one showed up to the press conference with masks covering their faces in order to avoid risking to lose their own lives—such is the danger of defending human rights in Colombia.

  • Utopia © NottsExMiner | Flickr

    Concrete utopia

    Where is Utopia today? Is this question relevant? One might argue that the term utopia is incongruous with the politics of our time, to say the least. Not only does the term ‘utopia’ indicate no place, when it found a place, it was mistreated and mutilated. What would be the place for utopian thinking in a world that is desperate to solve the accrued problems that it has created for itself? Would utopian thinking distract us from the real tribulations besetting the world?

  • Protesters in St. Petersburg, Russia, on Sunday. The nationwide demonstrations were the most extensive show of defiance in years.

    Poll finds growing demand for reform in Russia

    According to a survey by the Russian Academy of Sciences, 51% of Russians believe the country needs “significant reform” over “stability.” Though a small majority, that’s the first time “reform” has won out since before 2003, perhaps indicative of a changing political mood locally. Per the polling, the younger generation is the most pro-reform, with 62% in favor.

  • Car shopping

    The mall in the car

    “Marketplace is not meant to be an in-vehicle digital billboard,” Santiago Chamorro, GM vice president of global connected customer experience [ROFL!], says to Automotive News.

  • The American savings crisis, explained

    The American savings crisis, explained

    When you lay all that out, Americans’ terrible saving rate stops looking like such a mystery. In fact, it looks downright rational.

  • Berkeley 'Free Speech' week

    Limits on free speech

    Judith Butler asks what happens when free speech clashes with other basic values.

  • Clerkenwell Marx Memorial Library

    Can we be alienated when we love shops

    This week the MARX MEMORIAL LIBRARY explains how we are all objectified by our capitalist economic system.

  • Labor market conundrum

    Nary a day goes by that President Trump and/or the talking heads on CNBC fail to mention the following unemployment chart as evidence that “everything is awesome” with the U.S. economy…

  • W. E. B. Du Bois and others with hands linked and raised at the Afro-Asian Writers Conference in Tashkent in October 1958. W. E. B. Du Bois Papers (MS 312). Special Collections and University Archives, University of Massachusetts Amherst Libraries.

    The Afro-Asian Writers Association and Soviet engagement with Africa

    This post is part of our online forum, “Black October,” on the Russian Revolution and the African Diaspora