Socialist planning could reverse sobering findings in new UN climate report
The latest UN Climate Report on impacts, adaptation and vulnerability released Feb. 28 once again urges immediate action and outlines the catastrophic effects that humanity faces with the continued lack of meaningful action. Compiled by 270 researchers from 67 countries, it outlines the impacts that are already unfolding and how these disasters will increase even […]
2022 begins with the environment crying for help
Heat waves, floods and prolonged droughts show how climate change is already present; Check the interview with Marcio Astrini, Executive Secretary of the Climate Observatory.
Impacts of warming faster and more severe than expected says IPCC
Ecosystems everywhere are altered by climate change. For some of them, the limits of adaptation are exceeded (especially in polar and equatorial regions) – they will not be able to regenerate naturally.
China cools on biodegradable plastic
With the official stance shifting from all-in to wait-and-see, the future of biodegradable plastic in China is uncertain.
Scientists issue ‘dire warning’ on climate
‘A brief and rapidly closing window to secure a livable future’
MANN OVERBOARD – Review of Michael Mann’s ‘The New Climate War: The Fight to Take Back Our Planet’
Michael Mann is one of the world’s leading climate scientists, who has played a pivotal role in establishing what is happening to our climate and the forces driving that change.
To eradicate global poverty and cut global carbon emissions, rich nations must change their consumption patterns
Sometimes the aching injustice of human-caused climate change hits you square between the eyes. A new fact rears up that is potent, emotive and incontrovertible.
ASEAN nations using Laos-China Railway for ‘green’, low-carbon freight
In early December 2021, Laos inaugurated the Boten-Vientiane railway, a 414-kilometer (km) electrified high-speed railway that runs between the capital Vientiane and the town of Boten on the Laos-China border.
Malaysian officials dampen prospects for giant, secret carbon deal in Sabah
An agreement for the rights to the natural capital covering 2 million hectares (4.9 million acres) in Malaysian Borneo for the next 100 years “in its present form is legally impotent,” according to Nor Asiah Mohd Yusof, the attorney general for the state of Sabah.
‘Look up’, Australia: How capitalism and climate change are turning our food bowl to dust
Quentin Beresford’s book Wounded Country: The Murray-Darling Basin—a contested history, published in September 2021, is a warning. State officials, politicians and agribusinesses risk turning Australia’s premier food bowl—the Murray-Darling Basin, which covers 14 percent of the Australian mainland—into desert.
Radical Land Reform in Venezuela: A Conversation with Juan Carlos Loyo (Part I)
Chávez’s agriculture minister talks about the revolutionary changes in land tenure that took place under the former president.
Ecocide or Socialism?
Ecocide–the destruction of the entire ecosystem–is a real prospect. Its possibility has been well known to scientists since the 1980s, if not earlier. Every projection of its pace has under estimated the actual rate of breakdown.
Geothermal green heating part of China’s decarbonization plans
The city of Xian’s geothermal district heating in Shaanxi Province China serves as an example of the country’s decarbonization plans.
Climate inaction, injustice worsened by finance fiasco
KUALA LUMPUR: Many factors frustrate the international cooperation needed to address the looming global warming catastrophe. As most rich nations have largely abdicated responsibility, developing countries need to think and act innovatively and cooperatively to better advance the South.
Kerala scheme shows how to create work opportunities while caring for the environment
Environment and employment two fronts on which India has been besieged in recent years. Unemployment since 2011 has worsened in the aftermath of the COVID-19 lockdowns. About 100 million workers lost their jobs with women and the youth being more adversely impacted.
Earth’s Greatest Enemy – A New Film by Abby Martin [OFFICIAL TEASER]
Abby Martin’s second feature film is an anti-imperialist environmental documentary.
At doom’s doorstep: It is 100 seconds to midnight
2022 Doomsday Clock Statement
Latin America will continue to distance itself from the United States
At a time when Washington and its Western allies are attempting to maintain a resolutely unilateralist approach, the Latin American countries that the United States has too long regarded as its backyard continue to deepen their strategic ties with the main pro-multipolar forces.
In major move, Global Coalition pushes for moratorium on solar geoengineering
An international “coalition” of scientists and governance scholars launched an initiative on January 17 that calls for a moratorium on the study and development of a controversial climate-change mitigation strategy known as solar geoengineering.
Who Funds Overseas Coal Plants?
The Need for Transparency and Accountability