My revolutionary inspiration, Barbara Ehrenreich
Remembrances of the late author have focused on her best-selling Nickel and Dimed with only rare acknowledgement of the major roles she played in women’s liberation and U.S. socialism.
We need socialist feminism. Join Bread and Roses to fight for It
Join “Bread and Roses”—part of an international grouping of socialist feminists in Argentina, Brazil, Bolivia, Mexico, France, and more who have been on the frontlines of struggles against exploitation and oppression across the world—to build the fight in our workplaces, schools, and in the streets here in the U.S. to defend our rights and fight for a future that’s ours.
Abortion foes target their next Supreme Court fight
The right is now trying to use a Rhode Island case to get the high court to create a federal abortion ban.
What is Socialist Feminism?
In remembrance of Barbara Ehrenreich (1941–2022), we are reposting this article, which first appeared in WIN magazine on June 3, 1976, and then published in Monthly Review in 2005 (Volume 57, Issue 03).
Breaking the law does not always have to be scary
There is a benefit into channeling people to get involved in mutual aid and to help people get abortions in states where it is illegal and to get ready to help trans kids get access to healthcare where it becomes illegal.
Unleashing the fight for reproductive justice
In an outrageous act of judicial activism that disregarded both judicial precedent and popular opinion, the Supreme Court overturned Roe v. Wade and ended the constitutional protection of abortion as a national right.
It’s a necessity: Necessity defense in abortion access contexts
In recent years, climate activists charged with crimes for trying to avert our impending global death via climate change have increasingly turned to the “necessity defense” in court to defend against their charges.
Clinic defense in the era of Operation Rescue
In the early ’90s, anarchists and other feminists defended clinics with our bodies and taught each other how to do abortion techniques such as menstrual extraction safely.
Will we learn the lessons from the defeat of Roe?
When Sydney Harper, producer of the New York Times’ podcast the Daily, went to the Supreme Court of the United States in the wake of the overturning of Roe vs. Wade, she talked to a bystander who was “shocked” to see a large celebration of anti-abortion activists outside the courthouse.
Marxist, nationalist, feminist: the art and politics of Frida Kahlo
Marxist, Nationalist, Feminist – these are the words that describe not only the political convictions but also the artwork of Frida Kahlo. Although born as Magdalena Carmen Frida Kahlo y Calderón outside of Mexico City in 1907, Kahlo eventually shortened her name and frequently told people that she was born in 1910. This was the year that widespread political unrest finally culminated in the outbreak of the Mexican Revolution.
The making of the Evangelical anti-abortion movement
In 1971, the Southern Baptist Convention, the largest Protestant denomination in the United States, adopted a resolution calling on fellow Southern Baptists to work to make abortion legal under certain conditions, namely, ‘rape, incest, clear evidence of severe fetal deformity, and carefully ascertained evidence of the likelihood of damage to the emotional, mental, and physical health of the mother’.
The Supreme Court, rights, and judicial abdication
The Supreme Court Justices have left town for the summer. Their sense of justice departed a few months ago, along with their fidelity to the history and text of the Constitution.
Nation’s largest union of nurses condemns Supreme Court overturn of constitutional right to abortion
Registered nurses understand that abortion is a basic health care service, and as a union of health care providers dedicated to advocating for the best interests of our patients, National Nurses United opposes any efforts to restrict our patients’ control and choices over their own health care and their own bodies.
Pañuelos Verdes, Acompañamiento, Solidaridad
The Global South has much to teach the Global North about fighting for reproductive justice, providing abortions to whoever needs them, regardless of the law–and about building a mass, international, feminist movement.
Connecting the dots between Roe v. Wade, sex workers and bodily autonomy
The same people who criminalize sex work, criminalize other “serious offences” against sexual norms such as medical treatment for trans people and access to abortion.
Oklahoma legislature takes anti-abortion offensive to new depths with ban from moment of fertilization!
The Oklahoma state legislature has passed perhaps the most extreme anti-abortion law in the United States. This law, known as HB 4327, takes the right-wing offensive against reproductive rights to an outrageous new height by banning all abortions in the state starting from the moment of fertilization.
Beyond abortion, a struggle to win our future
“When you have touched a woman you have struck a rock,” says a South African proverb. It continues, you have dislodged a boulder, you will be crushed. The U.S. Supreme Court justices who penned the recently leaked draft majority opinion abolishing voluntary legal pregnancy termination, should take heed.
Obama and Liberals killed abortion rights
On May 2, 2022, a memo written by Supreme Court Justice Samuel Alito was leaked to Politico.com. Alito made clear that the court with a 6 to 3 conservative majority intends to overturn the 1973 Roe v. Wade decision which made abortion legal in the United States.
Democratic Party offers nothing to the struggle to save abortion rights
Last week’s shocking leak exposing the Supreme Court’s draft plan to overturn Roe v. Wade has brought tens of thousands of people into the streets in struggle.
Bodily control and the color line
The Supreme Court’s draft abortion opinion is poised to revive some of the worst traditions of white patriarchy.