Subjects Archives: Imperialism

  • French Leftists for the Libya War

    What with the bruising pension battle antagonizing the whole of the French working class last year, and a spate of scandals, including one exposing financial ties between his short-lived foreign minister (since sacked) and the deposed president of Tunisia, French President Nicolas Sarkozy‘s popularity was at an all-time low, and his party was battered in […]

  • Nobel Peace Prize Winner’s War

    Carlos Latuff is a Brazilian cartoonist.  | Print

  • Japan’s Government Takes Break from Nuclear Class War against Its Own People and Issues Nonsensical Statement on Libya

    The Japanese government, taking a break from its nuclear class war against its own people, issued a nonsensical statement on Libya,1 supporting the Western war against Libya . . . and at the same time claiming to support the African Union, which is opposed to the war, and the Arab League, which is now trying […]

  • Partnership of Equals

    Saturday evening, the 19th, after a sumptuous banquet, NATO leaders ordered the attack on Libya. Of course, nothing could occur without the United States claiming its irrefutable role as supreme leader. From its command post of that institution in Europe, a senior official declared that “Odyssey Dawn” was about to begin.

  • China Expresses Regret for Military Strike against Libya

      China’s Foreign Ministry on Sunday expressed regret over the multinational military strike against Libya, saying that it did not agree with resorting to force in international relations. “China has noticed the latest development in Libya and regrets the military strike against Libya,” Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Jiang Yu said. China, as it always, does not […]

  • Iran on Libya War: Libyans Must Prevent Foreign Powers from Controlling Their Country

    Iran has called on the Libyan nation to prevent foreign countries from taking control of their country.  Foreign ministry spokesman Ramin Mehmanparast said a review of what some domineering foreign countries have done in the past reveals the true intentions for attacking Libya.  He said those countries seemingly advocate human rights but are in fact […]

  • No More War!

      Iván Lira is a Venezuelan artist.  Cf. “Presidente Morales reiteró su rechazo a intervención militar en Libia” (RNV, 19 March 2011); “Presidente Chávez ratificó llamado al cese al fuego en Libia” (RNV, 19 March 2011); Fidel Castro Ruz, “Certificado de buena conducta” (CubaDebate, 19 March 2011). | Print  

  • Good Conduct Certificate

    In these bitter days we have seen pictures of an earthquake that reached 9 on the Richter Scale with hundreds of strong after-shocks, and a tsunami 10 metres high whose waves of dark waters dragged tens of thousands of people between cars and trucks over homes and 3 and 4 storey buildings. Sophisticated mass media […]

  • Two Earthquakes

    A strong 8.9 on the scale earthquake shook Japan today. The most worrying is that early news reports were talking about thousands dead and missing, figures really unheard of in a developed country where all constructions are quake-proof. They were even talking about a nuclear reactor that was out of control. Hours later, it was […]

  • The Libyan Opposition on Foreign Intervention

      Is the “Provisional Transitional National Council of Libya” the kind of leadership for whom self-respecting Libyans would want to carry assault rifles, machine guns, rocket-propelled grenades, Manpads, and so on?  IMHO, a resounding NO, but, dear reader, draw your own conclusion. — Ed. * * * Excerpt from Eric Ruder, “No U.S. intervention in […]

  • NATO, War, Lies and Business

    As some may be aware, in September of 1969, Muammar al-Gaddafi, an Arab Bedouin soldier of a peculiar character and inspired by the ideas of the Egyptian leader Gamal Abdel Nasser, promoted in the heart of the armed forces a movement overthrowing King Idris I of Libya, a country almost completely covered by desert and […]

  • NATO’s inevitable war (Part II)

    When Gaddafi, aged just 28 and a colonel in the Libyan army, inspired by his Egyptian colleague Abdel Nasser, overthrew King Idris I in 1969, he implemented important revolutionary measures such as agrarian reform and the nationalization of oil. The growing income was dedicated to economic and social development, particularly educational and health services for […]

  • Venezuela’s Position on Libya

      Venezuela’s proposal to “set up a Goodwill International Commission for the search for peace in Libya” mentioned in the statement below has been accepted by the government of Libya but rejected by the opposition Libyan National Council, France, and the United States. — Ed. This statement records Venezuela’s position on United Nations General Assembly […]

  • NATO’s Inevitable War (Part I)

    In contrast with what is happening in Egypt and Tunisia, Libya occupies the first spot on the Human Development Index for Africa and it has the highest life expectancy on the continent. Education and health receive special attention from the State. The cultural level of its population is without a doubt the highest. Its problems […]

  • “We’ve Been Reaching Out to Many Different Libyans Who Are Attempting to Organize in the East”

      Here’s another clue about the real balance of forces in Libya, which has been obscured by the concerted corporate media propaganda.  Washington has decided that the Libyan rebels don’t have what it takes to take Tripoli, where about half of Libya’s population live, on their own (as the rebels admit themselves) and that the […]

  • The Cynical Dance Macabre

    The policy of plunder imposed by the United States and their NATO allies in the Middle East has gone into a crisis. It has inevitably unraveled with the high cost of grain, the effects of which can be felt more forcefully in the Arab countries where, in spite of their huge resources of oil, the […]

  • Hezbollah Statement on the “Crimes Committed by the Gaddafi Regime” in Libya

    Hezbollah lashed out Monday at the “crimes committed by the Gaddafi regime” in Libya.

  • Ohio Is at War

    Statehouse Mobilization against SB 5 and Kasich’s Anti-Worker Agenda Date: Tuesday, February 22, 2011 Time: 1 PM Location: Ohio Statehouse, 1 Capitol Square, Columbus, OHClick here for more info. From the vantage point of the pancaked fields of Illinois, it is easy to wax nostalgic about Ohio’s rolling hills.  I spent four years there as […]

  • US Military Aid to Bahrain

      Patty Culhane: Now that shots have been fired in the name of Bahrain’s government, a key ally to the US and home to the strategically critical US Navy base, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton seems to be showing some support for the Bahraini government’s position. . . . Danielle Pletka, American Enterprise Institute: Not […]

  • Egypt’s Military Junta to Deploy More Troops to Sinai

    This just in from AFP: “Israel has agreed to let Egypt deploy hundreds more troops in Sinai in order to protect gas pipelines as the country undergoes sweeping political unrest.”  Israel’s agreement to more Egyptian troop deployment exceeding the terms of the 1979 Egypt-Israel peace treaty came just as the youth representatives of the tribes […]