The U.S. rebellion for black lives
As protests rage across America against police brutality and systemic racism, Akunna Eneh, an activist from Boston, argues that the movement sparked by the murder of George Floyd has exposed the true face of American society.
The police murder of George Floyd sparks mass protests throughout the world
This weekend, hundreds of thousands of workers and youth will protest the police murder of George Floyd, not only in the United States, but in Australia, Canada, Britain, Germany, France, Belgium, Spain, Hungary, Brazil, South Korea and many other countries.
Marx, ecology and industrial agriculture
British climate activist and socialist Martin Empson writes on why the fight against climate change must be a fight for system change and for socialism.
Black deaths at the hands of law enforcement are linked to historical lynchings
U.S. counties where lynchings were more prevalent from 1877 to 1950 have more officer-involved killings
‘Fight The Power’ by Public Enemy
The opening quotation, “Yet our best trained, best educated, best equipped, best prepared troops refuse to fight! Matter of fact, it’s safe to say that they would rather switch than fight!,” was taken from Chicago attorney and civil rights activist, Thomas “TNT” Todd.
Royalty “Letter To Your Flag” | 2018 Youth Speaks Teen Poetry Slam
Unapologetically honest, attendees witnessed some of the Bay’s most outspoken youth poets.
We crunched the numbers: Police — not protesters — are overwhelmingly responsible for attacking journalists
WE ARE WITNESSING a truly unprecedented attack on press freedom in the United States, with journalists are being systematically targeted while covering the nationwide protests over the killing of George Floyd by Minneapolis police.
From George Floyd back to the structural violence of capitalism
Across the country—in city after city—the people have erupted in righteous indignation to George Floyd’s recorded lynching. His extrajudicial murder set off a rebellion that had been primed by the highly publicized white-vigilante murder of Ahmaud Arbery and the botched, “no-knock” police raid that killed Breonna Taylor in her bed.
The Movement gets BIG–and its enemies reveal themselves
When things seem like they’re coming apart, we need to ask: for whom? it may be that things are finally coming together.
White House forced to retract claim viral videos prove Antifa is plotting violence
THE WHITE HOUSE engaged in an extraordinary act of rumor-mongering on Wednesday, releasing a compilation of viral video clips posted on social media recently by people who believed, wrongly, that the piles of bricks they came across had been planted there by anti-fascist activists, known as Antifa, to inspire violence at protests.
Goliath is not invincible
Last year, I walked with Mariela Machado in her housing complex known as Kaikachi in the neighbourhood of La Vega (Caracas, Venezuela). After Hugo Chávez was inaugurated president in 1999, a group of working-class residents of the city saw an empty piece of land and occupied it. Mariela and others went to the government and said, ‘We built this city.
Agent provocateurs: Police at protests all over the country caught destroying property
Police all over the world commonly use plants and undercover cops to undermine protests.
Demands for Trump removal grow as ‘fascist’ speech condemned as declaration of war against U.S. public
“Trump needs to be removed now, because after the massacre it will be too late.”
Trump administration deploys military to the capital as nationwide protests continue
On Monday evening, President Donald Trump delivered a fascistic speech from the Rose Garden in which he announced the deployment of military forces in the capital and an escalation of police repression to end nationwide protests over the police murder of George Floyd one week ago.
Capitalism, Climate Change, and Pandemic: Rob Wallace, Mike Davis, and Sabrina Fernandes
Join us and Fórum Popular da Natureza on Friday, June 5, at 6 pm ET/5 pm CT, for a conversation with Monthly Review author Rob Wallace, Mike Davis, and Sabrina Fernandes about capitalism, climate catastrophe, and pandemics. The event will be in English with simultaneous translation in Portuguese. To find out more, check out the Facebook […]
Louisville Police left the body of David McAtee on the street for 12 hours
To lose your job when someone has died at your hands is a small price to pay.
U.S. campaign against Cuba’s medical brigades targets healthcare, not ‘forced labor’
For decades, Cuba has sent tens of thousands of its medical professionals abroad to work in countries where natural disasters or poverty have left people without healthcare. In the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic, and the catastrophic U.S. response to it, the absurdity of a propaganda war against Cuban medical missions has become more obvious than ever. But you can’t rely on corporate media to explain why.
CoronaShock and the Hybrid War against Venezuela
CoronaShock is a term that refers to how a virus struck the world with such gripping force; it refers to how the social order in the bourgeois state crumbled, while the social order in the socialist parts of the world appeared more resilient.
The murder of George Floyd is normal in an abnormal society
There is no need to wonder why George Floyd (age 46) was murdered in broad daylight in Minneapolis, Minnesota, on May 25, 2020. The script of his death is written deep in the ugly drama of U.S. history.
NATO returns to Libya to challenge Russia
The great game in Libya has begun surging with the United States shedding its strategic ambivalence and resorting to a proactive role. At the end of May, the Pentagon marked a dramatic escalation by accusing Moscow of bolstering “Kremlin-linked mercenaries” who are allegedly helping Khalifa Haftar, the eastern warlord in Libya.